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CFI to CFI Newsletter Past Issues

CFI to CFI: Teaching Collision Avoidance

Vol 14 | Issue 1 

Feature: In his first installment of four articles on Teaching Collision Avoidance, CFI William E. Dubois discusses scan techniques, regulations pertaining to “see and avoid” requirements, and assessing your students’ scan behavior.

Departments: ASI Safety Tip: Hot Starts | Beyond Proficient: New IFR Video Series | CFI Tips: Being Judgy—How to Teach your Students Prudence | CFI Tools: Focused Flight Reviews—Better Pilots | Chart Challenge: Solar Farms and Ocular Glare | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Training the Next Generation—Passing Along a Legacy | From the Editor: AOPA’s Free Trial Membership | New CFI: Give the Airlines a Pass? | Pilot Short Story: Ident the Detent | Safety Quiz: Collision Avoidance | You Can Fly: AOPA Flight Training Advantage (AFTA)—Your Top Questions Answered

Commentary: ASI Message: Confession—My Journey to More Communal Flying | Letters | News

Video/Audio: ASI Safety Tip: Hot Starts | Beyond Proficient: New IFR Video Series | CFI Tools: Focused Flight Reviews—Better Pilots | Pilot Short Story: Ident the Detent | Teaching Collision Avoidance: How to Scan


CFI to CFI: Crew Resource Management for CFIs

Vol 13 | Issue 4 

Feature: CFI and ASI’s Aviation Technical Writer Terrie Mead explores crew resource management (CRM) examples and how CRM applies to CFIs.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Hazardous Attitudes | ASI Safety Tip: Aiming Point | CFI Tips: We’re Only Human | CFI Tools: Be Winter Weather Wise | Chart Challenge: Varying Magnetic Variation | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Eating Humble Pie | From the Editor: Collision Avoidance Resource Center | New CFI: Things I wish I had Known as a New CFI | Pilot Short Story: The French Disconnection | Safety Quiz: Night Ops | You Can Fly: Flight Training’s Hidden Gold


Commentary: ASI Message: Inspiring Pilots | Letters | News

Video/Audio: Accident Case Study: Hazardous Attitudes | ASI Safety Tip: Aiming Point | CFI Tools—Early Analysis: N515GK | Pilot Short Story: The French Disconnection


CFI to CFI: Learning the Language of Aviation

Vol 13 | Issue 3

Feature: CFI Ed Helmick explains commonly used ATC phraseology that is basic to pilot-to-pilot and pilot-to-ATC communications.

Departments: ASI Safety Tip: The 4Ws of Communication | CFI Tips: Back to the Basics—Be Prepared When Technology Fails | CFI Tools: Early Analysis—Two Midair Collisions | Chart Challenge: Don’t Hit the Class Ceiling | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Having and Using a Game Plan—The Benefit of AFTA | From the ASI Archives: Takeoffs and Landings—The Ups and Downs of the GA Pilot | From the Editor: New ASI Programs—Training and Safety Tips, Companion Copilot Video Series | Safety Quiz: PIREPsSafety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinar: Mental Health—Insights and Guidelines for GA Pilots | There I Was…: Weight, Balance, and Density Altitude | You Can Fly: See Yourself Through the Eyes of Your Students

Commentary: ASI Message: Aviation’s Two-Minute Drill—It Requires Proficiency to Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate | Letters | News

Video/Audio: ASI Safety Tip: The 4Ws of Communication | CFI Tools: Early Analysis—Two Midair Collisions | From the ASI Archives: Takeoffs and Landings—The Ups and Downs of the GA Pilot | From the Editor: New ASI Programs—Companion Copilot Video Series | News: FAA Pilot Minute—How to Check the Status of Your Medical, “One I’ll Never Forget” | Safety Webinars: Mental Health—Insights and Guidelines for GA Pilots | There I Was…: Weight, Balance, and Density Altitude | You Can Fly: AOPA’s Flight Training Advantage (AFTA) Update

CFI to CFI: You Are Cleared For…

Vol 13 | Issue 2

Feature: CFI and DPE Jason Blair review various clearances and what they mean in the training environment.

Departments: ASI Safety Tip: Marshalling Signals | CFI’s Point of View: Caught In a Crosswind  | CFI Tips: Making a List—Checking It Twice | CFI Tools: VFR Into IMC—An Insidious Trap | Chart Challenge: Sectional vs TAC | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Graduations | From the ASI Archives: Stall/Spin—Classic Facts and Myths | From the Editor: Discover the Backcountry | Safety Quiz: Density AltitudeSafety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinar: NTSB Accident Investigation—Finding the Golden BB | There I Was…: Trouble During a Training Flight | You Can Fly: 4 Things You Didn’t Know About AOPA’s Flight Training Advantage

Commentary: ASI Message: Lessons Learned—It Works If We Change Our Behavior | Letters | News

Video/Audio: ASI Safety Tip: Marshalling Signals | From the ASI Archives: Stall/Spin—Classic Facts and Myths | News: FAA Standardizing Hot Spot Symbology, FAA SMS Voluntary Program for General Aviation | Safety Webinars: NTSB Accident Investigation—Finding the Golden BB | There I Was…: Trouble During a Training Flight

CFI to CFI: Getting Their Wings—Sign Those Student Up!

Vol 13 | Issue 1

Feature:  CFI and DPE Jason Blair reminds flight instructors and designated pilot examiners to ensure their clients and applicants receive FAA Wings credit for Wings accredited activities. He provides excellent guidance on how to access the website to immediately issue that credit during training events.

Departments: ASI Safety Tip: Taxi Controls | CFI’s Point of View: Briefing for Success |  CFI Tips: Coming Out of Hibernation | CFI Tools: My Unintentional Spin—Aerodynamics 101 | Chart Challenge: How Long Is The
| Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Special VFR and Class E Surface Area Operations | From the Editor: Webinars and Wings | Real Pilot Story: Lost Elevator | Safety Quiz: Aircraft Preflight Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinars: Flight Deck Technology—EFB | There I Was…: Chute Pull Over Dallas | You Can Fly: AOPA’s Flight Training Advantage

Commentary: ASI Message: Bail Out When You Said You Would | Letters | News

Video/Audio: ASI Safety Tip: Taxi Controls | News: Redbird Migration Returns From Hibernation, FAA Startle Response in 57 Seconds | Real Pilot Story: Lost Elevator | Safety Webinars: Flight Deck Technology—EFB

CFI to CFI: I Tested Positive for What?—False Positive Results

Vol 12 | Issue 4

Feature: The definition of a false positive laboratory value in drug screening is a drug level that is reported positive even if the patient is drug-free. In most cases, the false positive is caused by an interaction or cross sensitivity between the drug test assay used and a prescribed medication. CFI and pharmacist Larry Diamond explains why it’s important to understand that many commonly used prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications allowed by the FAA may cause a false positive urine test. Read the story for an in depth look at how you can protect your certificate and medical by understanding the consequences of taking OTC medications and how to receive an alternate testing method.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Into Thin Air | ASI Safety Tip: Runway Conditions | CFI Tips: Tower Talk | CFI Tools: Light Gun Signals—Why Worry? | Chart Challenge: High-Speed, Low-Altitude Military Training | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: Dealing with Learners’ Fears | From the Editor: Why Choose ASI’s eFIRC? | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps—Keep your Pocket Book Happy | Safety Quiz: Ice FlightSafety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinars: Learn to Turn | You Can Fly: Flight Training Experience Survey and Awards

Commentary: ASI Message: Expanding the Envelope | Letters | News

Video/Audio: Accident Case Study: Into Thin Air | ASI Safety Tip: Runway Conditions | From the Editor: Why Choose ASI’s eFIRC? | News: FAA’s Service Bulletins in 57 Seconds | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps: Keep your Pocket Book Happy—Avoiding Prop Strikes, Avoiding LOC-G, Avoiding Hard Landings, Avoiding Gear-Up Landings and Gear Collapses | Safety Webinars: Learn to Turn

CFI to CFI: You're Behind the Airplane—What Does This Mean?

Vol 12 | Issue 3

Feature: To the seasoned aviator it is "common sense" that a pilot needs to be "ahead" of the operation of the airplane and not "behind" it. But most student pilots have difficulty describing what the phrase, "You're behind the airplane," means. CFI Ed Helmick explains why student pilots benefit from having a basic understanding of the phrase's meaning during their flight training.

Departments: CFI's Point of View: Two vs One—Is a Two-Pilot Crew Safer than Single-Pilot Operations? | CFI Tips: Terrain Tips for Flatlanders | CFI Tools: Where Am I? Where Am I Going? | Chart Challenge: Pick the Right Height for Your Flight | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief's Corner: A Cool Job! | From the Editor: Collision Avoidance | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps—Keep your Pocket Book Happy | Safety Quiz: Radio Communication | Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | There I Was…: Miracle on Mount St. Helens | You Can Fly: AFTA—In Flight and On the Ground

Commentary: ASI Message: Analyzing Midairs | Letters | News

Video/Audio: Ask ATC: Can ATC Declare an Emergency for You? | News: FAA Animation: Runway Pilot Simulator 'Unable' | AOPA: Five Years of Success with BasicMed | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps: Keep your Pocket Book Happy—Avoiding Prop Strikes, Avoiding LOC-G, Avoiding Hard Landings | There I Was…: Miracle on Mount St. Helens

Navigating Basic Med—Follow These Simple Steps

Vol 12 | Issue 2

Feature: Third-class medical reform, also known as BasicMed, has reached its four-year anniversary with more than 61,000 pilots—including CFIs and their clients—taking advantage of BasicMed. The anniversary also means that pilots who began flying under BasicMed four years ago need to review some important dates and steps related to their 48-month renewal. CFI newsletter editor Machteld Smith explains what pilots need to do to legally fly under BasicMed.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Faulty Assumptions | CFI's Point of View: Nontowered Airport Ops—Safety and Good Manners | CFI Tips: The Longest Flight Review | CFI Tools: Thunder and Lightning—Can be Frightening | Chart Challenge: Rocket Science or Space Race? | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief's Corner: Conversations About This and That | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps—Keep your Pocket Book Happy | Safety Quiz: Collision Avoidance | Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinars: Freedom in Rules—Responsibly Transitioning from Paper to EFB | You Can Fly: AOPA's Flight Training Experience Survey Is Back!

Commentary: ASI Message: An Impossible Turn? Reality Check on Turnbacks | News

Video/Audio: Accident Case Study: Faulty Assumptions | Practical Advice: Avoid Mishaps—Keep your Pocket Book Happy | Reality Check: The Runway Behind You | Runway Safety: Over the Line | Safety Webinars: Freedom in Rules—Responsibly Transitioning from Paper to EFB

What Good Flight Training Looks Like—Effective Teaching Delivers Students More Learning, Fun, and Consistency

Vol 12 | Issue 1

Feature: Former middle- and high-school teacher Chris Moser was appalled during his instrument rating training when he asked his instructor for a written curriculum. “My instructor wrote down the basic requisites on a napkin—attitude instrument flying, holds, and approaches—then handed it to me and said, ‘OK that’s your syllabus.’ That was a vivid memory of how not to do it.” Moser shares his experience in our lead story.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Trapped in Ice | CFI's Point of View: CFIs, Students, and Safety—Mitigating Risks | CFI Tips: Getting Back in the Game | CFI Tools: Ease Your Students’ Mic Fright—Have Them Say It Right! | Chart Challenge: Where the Wildlife Lives | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: A Knock on the Head—Almost Didn't See It Coming | From the Editor: What's Your One-Stop Safety Source? Safety Spotlights, Of Course| Safety Quiz: In-Flight IcingSafety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Safety Webinars: Proficiency 101—Create Your Personalized Plan for Safe Flight | There I Was…: Power Loss After Takeoff | You Can Fly: AFTA to Enhance Your Flight Instructing Experience—A Dynamic Training Tool

Commentary: ASI Message: See Something? Say Something? | News

Video/Audio: Accident Case Study: Trapped in Ice | CFI Tools: Ease Your Students’ Mic Fright—Have Them Say It Right! | News: FAA Video: From the Flight Deck—Hold Short | Runway Safety: Allentown, PA—No Room for a Mistake | Safety Webinars: Proficiency 101—Create Your Personalized Plan for Safe Flight | There I Was…: Power Loss After Takeoff

CFI to CFI: Lessons Learned from 2020—And How to Look on the Bright Side

Vol 11 | Issue 4

Feature: As challenging as 2020 has been, we can also learn from our experiences this past year. In our lead story, CFI Kathleen Vasconcelos shares how we can apply that knowledge to aviation.

Departments: CFI's Point of View: Like Students, CFIs Also Feel Frustration | CFI Tips: 5 Common Paperwork Hiccups for FAA Practical Tests | CFI Tools: How to Avoid Winter Weather Woes | Chart Challenge: Radar at Your Service | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chief’s Corner: New Year, New Ratings Resolutions | From the ASI Archives: Single Pilot IFR | From the Editor: Your New ASI Transcript—Check It Out! | Safety Quiz: VFR Fond Du Lac to Festus | Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | There I Was…: Bird Strike at Night | You Can Fly: Flight School Connector—Learn from Each Other

Commentary: ASI Message: Embrace new Technologies and Ideas—It’s Key in Helping Advance GA Safety | News

Video/Audio: CFI Tools: How to Avoid Winter Weather Woes—Flying the Weather: Airframe Icing | From the ASI Archives: Single Pilot IFR | News: FAA Video—Drugs and Pilots | Pilot Safety Announcement: It’s a Drag | There I Was…: Bird Strike at Night You Can Fly: Flight School Connector—Learn from Each Other

CFI to CFI: Checkride coming up?

Vol 11 | Issue 3

Feature: Checkride Day—5 Things CFIs Should Make Sure Students Have with Them.

DPE Jason Blair explains how you can help your clients by making sure they bring along all the requisite materials. “An FAA practical test is something for which an applicant, a student, is certainly nervous. Being nervous makes us forget things—and this is no different on test day. This means taking a little charge as the CFI and making sure that you ‘mother hen’ them a bit the day before or even on the day of the test.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Lake Renegade | Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs | Chart Challenge: Are TFRs Charted? | CFI's Point of View: Professionalism—From Day One| CFI Tips: A Dream Come True, Safely | CFI Tools: Runway Safety | Chief’s Corner: The Lazy Hazy Days of Summer | From the Editor: When Will I Fly Again? Taking a Focused Flight Review | Reality Check: Costliest Insurance Claims? | Safety Quiz: Aircraft Performance | Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | You Can Fly: Introducing the Champions

Commentary: ASI Message: Check Your Fuel Caps One Last Time | Letters | News

Video/Audio: Accident Case Study: Lake Renegade | ASI Safety Tip: The Rudder: It Gets No Respect! | CFI Tools: Runway Safety | From the Editor: When Will I Fly Again? Taking a Focused Flight Review | Reality Check: Costliest Insurance Claims? | You Can Fly: Introducing the Champions

CFI vol 11 issue 1-v4.pdfCFI to CFI: Teach rejected takeoffs before solo?

Vol 11 | Issue 2

Feature: Rejected Takeoffs—Lessons Learned from a First Solo. Go/no-go decision making on the takeoff roll is not a regularly visited topic early in flight training. But if we train our students to go-around if something does not look right on approach, why not apply the same principal when taking off? In Rejected Takeoffs: Lessons Learned from a First Solo, airline pilot and flight instructor Michael Pochettino shares why practicing this maneuver can pay off.

Departments: Beyond Proficient: Teach Your Students Well | CFI Notes: In the Spotlight—COVID-19 and How to Prepare to Fly Again | CFI's Point of View: No Airspeed Indicator! Can You Fly the Airplane? | CFI Tips: Share the Joy | CFI Tools: Public Benefit Flying—Feed Your Passion | Chief’s Corner: Adding Checklists—The Sanity of Sanitizing | Lessons Learned: Onboard Weather Display—What You See May Not Be What You Get | Safety Quiz: Thunderstorms | Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed | Teaching Technique: Simplifying Airspace with Rocket Science| There I was…: Midair | You Can Fly: Flight Training Experience Project—Lights, Camera, Action!

Commentary: ASI Message: Fly with Focus—Help Lower Insurance Rates | Letters | News

Video/Audio: Beyond Proficient: STOL Goal | Pilot Safety Announcement: Phone Home | Takeoffs and Landings: Determining an Abort Point | There I was…: Midair | You Can Fly: Flight Training Experience Project—Lights, Camera, Action!

CFI vol 11 issue 1-v4.pdfCFI to CFI: CFI Applicants—Teaching the Teacher

Vol 11 | Issue 1

Feature: CFI Applicants—Teaching the Teacher “Just knowing how to be a 'right seat pilot' isn’t what it takes to be a good, or even better, a great CFI. It takes being a teacher. And those qualities are exemplified in a different way than just being a good commercial pilot.” DPE Jason Blair explains what it takes to be a great flight instructor. Find out how you can bring CFI training to the next level with his article.

Departments: Beyond Proficient: Landing at the Airport in the Sky | CFI Notes: In the Spotlight—SAFE CFI-PRO | CFI's Point of View: Learning to Fly at a Busy Airport—More Pros Than Cons | CFI Tips: Do You Have a Plan C? | CFI Tools: PIREPs Made Easy | Chief’s Corner: Finding Patter for Elementary Flight Maneuvers | Safety Quiz: Spring Weather | Safety Seminar: More Difficult Decisions—Choices and Consequences | Standards Dissected: ACS Concluded | There I was…: Stuck at Full Throttle | You Can Fly: Free Tool Coming to Your Flight School

Commentary: ASI Message: Be Flexible—Stay Safe | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Ask ATC: Am I Cleared for Class B? | Beyond Proficient: Landing at the Airport in the Sky | CFI News: Runway Safety Pilot Simulator—Heads Up, Eyes Out | Airman Certificate Testing Service (ACTS) Contract Briefing | There I was…: Stuck at Full Throttle

CFI to CFI: Energy Management Concepts—Building Good Habits

Vol 10 | Issue 4

Feature: Energy Management Concepts—Building Good Habits
Some pilots get into the habit of automatically adding 10 or 20 knots to the recommended approach speed, perhaps because of fear of stalling. Arbitrarily adding extra speed is not good energy management.” CFI and former airline pilot Mark Henshall explains why it’s important to balance your airplane’s energy—just right.

Departments: CFI Notes: In the Spotlight—ASI’s New eFIRC | CFI Tips: Leadership Skills for CFIs | CFI Tools: The Basics of BasicMed | Chief’s Corner: Giving Back | Reality Check: Takeoff and Landing Performance—Book vs Actual Values | Safety Quiz: Night Ops | Safety Seminar: More Difficult Decisions—Choices and Consequences | Standards Dissected: ACS In the Air | There I was…: CO Poisoning—Waking Up | Weather Wise: Cold Weather Ops Drill Down | You Can Fly: Customer Experience Workshop

Commentary: ASI Message: Critical Phase of Flight | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Ask ATC: Why Talk to ATC? | CFI News: 57 Seconds to Safer Flying—Pilots and Meds | CFI Notes: In the Spotlight—ASI’s New eFIRC | CFI Tools: The Basics of BasicMed—A Guide to Understanding BasicMed | Reality Check: Takeoff and Landing Performance—Book vs Actual Values

CFI to CFI: On Landings—Finding the Sweet Spot

Vol 10 | Issue 3

Feature: On Landings—Finding the Sweet Spot
“When pilots achieve enough flare that creates a picture that resembles looking over the hood of their car, they stop any further effort at continuing the flare. Now they simply wait to impact the runway.” CFI Ed Helmick reviews exercises to help your student perfect the landing.

Departments: CFI Notes: Did You Know? — ASI’s In-Person Flight Instructor Refresher Course: Then and Now | CFI Tips: Maintenance Minded—Get Your Hands Dirty! | CFI Tools: Air Masses and Fronts—What Will the Weather Do?| Chart Challenge: Follow Railroads | Chief’s Corner: Get Excited—Share the Excitement! | Real Pilot Story: Backcountry Flight—One Way In, No Way Out | Safety Quiz: Obstacle Departure Procedure | Safety Seminar: Difficult Decisions—What Would You Do? | Standards Dissected: ACS Tidbits and Beginnings | You Can Fly: The AOPA Flight Training Advantage

Commentary: ASI Message: We Need Mentors Like You | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: ASI Safety Tip: Hot Starts Demystified | CFI News: Runway Safety Simulator | CFI Notes: Did You Know? —Step by Step Guide to Completing Your Renewal in IACRA | Real Pilot Story: Backcountry Flight—One Way In, No Way Out

CFI to CFI: Thunderstorm Challenge—Choose Your Path, Decide Your Outcome

Vol 10 | Issue 2

Feature: Standards Dissected—ACS Basic
In the early days of the government’s involvement in the issuance of pilot’s licenses, the examiner stood on the ground and sent applicants up into the air to demonstrate a few simple maneuvers, with instructions to then land the airplane in one piece. Aviation writer William Dubois takes a closer look at how today’s checkrides are conducted.

Departments: CFI Notes: Did You Know? — “There I Was…” A Cirrus, a Cruise Ship, and the USCG | CFI Tips: Beyond Teaching “To the Test” | CFI Tools: Weather or Not—Thunderstorm Challenge | Chart Challenge: The Art of the IFR Chart | Chief’s Corner: Mentoring—A Different Perspective | Point/Counterpoint: E6B Rebuttals | Real Pilot Story: Powerless Over Paris | Safety Quiz: Density Altitude | Safety Seminar: Difficult Decisions—What Would You Do? | Safety Spotlight: Scalable Safety Framework | You Can Fly: 2019 AOPA Flight Training Experience Survey

Commentary: ASI Message: Moving Up, Down, or Sideways | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: ASI Safety Tip: Marshalling Signals | CFI News: Density Altitude—The Triple H Effect; NTSB Report of UPS Flight 1354 | CFI Tools: Weather or Not—Thunderstorm Challenge | Real Pilot Story: Powerless Over Paris

CFI to CFI: Whiz Wheel Your Time’s Up

Vol 10 | Issue 1

Feature: Don’t Forget to Log the Ground Training
"Are you tracking your students’ ground training lessons? Designated pilot examiner Jason Blair explains that just having an endorsement saying a candidate got the training is not good enough when it comes to qualifying for the practical test.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Blind Over Bakersfield | CFI Tips: Training from the Ground Up | CFI Tools: Whiz Wheel—Your Time’s Up | Chart Challenge: Don’t Tilt at Windmills | Chief’s Corner: Record Keeping | Safety Seminar: Peaks to Pavement—Applying Lessons from the Backcountry | Safety Quiz: Nontowered Operations | Safety Spotlight: Fatal Flight Training Accident Report | You Can Fly: Flight Training Service Excellence

Commentary: ASI Message: Willing to Listen and Learn? | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Accident Case Study: Blind Over Bakersfield | ASI General Aviation Safety Award: ForeFlight co-founders Jason Miller and Tyson Weihs | CFI News: FAA Introduction to Safety Risk Management; FAA Controlled Flight Into Terrain | Pilot Safety Announcement: School Daze

CFI vol 9 issue 4-v3.inddTop 10 Pilot Tips

Vol 9 | Issue 4

Feature: Slow and Low over the Runway
"Are your students getting the landing? CFI David Weber shares a technique for helping them get the big picture, early on.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Traffic Pattern Tragedy | CFI Tips: Customer Service—A Dying Art? | CFI Tools: Aircraft Flash Cards | Chart Challenge: Finding Sunken Treasures | Chief’s Corner: A Refreshing Option | Safety Seminar: Peaks to Pavement—Applying Lessons from the Backcountry | Safety Quiz: Don’t Let Frost Bite | Safety Spotlight: Solo Cross-Country—Ready or Not? | You Can Fly: Rusty Pilots Online Course—Back in the Air Again

Commentary: ASI Message: Top 10 Pilot Tips | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Accident Case Study: Traffic Pattern Tragedy | ASI Safety Tip: Runway Conditions—Get a Grip on Surface Codes | CFI News: FAA Safety Team: 57 Seconds to Safer Flying—Pilots and Medications; NTSB Safety Alert: Pilots—Ensure Your Fuel Selector Works | Safety Spotlight: Solo Cross-Country—Ready or Not?

CFI vol 9 issue 2-v6.inddA New Approach to Flight Reviews? Take a Look!

Vol 9 | Issue 3

Feature: Be the Best Pilot You Can Be—Fly the Focused Flight Review
"When the AOPA Air Safety Institute, in collaboration with industry leaders, flight instructors, pilot clubs, and government agencies, designed the focused flight review, I got super excited. Why? Because I’m a bit rusty.

Departments: Accident Case Study: Single Point Failure | ASI Safety Notice: Density Altitude—The Triple H Effect | CFI Tips: CFIs Get Rusty Too | CFI Tools: The Passenger Briefing—5 Tips for Taking a Professional Approach | Chart Challenge: Enlightening Symbols | Chief’s Corner: The Devil’s in the Details | Safety Seminar: ASI Investigates—Weather Accidents | Safety Quiz: Hamburger Hop at Night | You Can Fly: Rusty Pilots Program

Commentary: ASI Message: Pilot in Command | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News 

Video: Accident Case Study: Single Point Failure | ASI Safety Notice: Density Altitude—The Triple H Effect ASI Safety Tip: The Rudder—It Gets No Respect! | CFI News: FAA Runway Safety Wrong Surface Landings; NTSB Loss of Control Roundtable Highlights | CFI Tools: The Passenger Briefing | Feature: Focused Flight Review

CFI vol 9 issue 2-v6.inddCan I Fly?

Vol 9 | Issue 2

Feature: Can I Fly? MELs, KOLs, and the Regs
“It’s a common response I get from checkride applicants when I ask them if something is not working properly on their aircraft: Would they be allowed to fly themselves home without needing to fix it?”

Departments: CFI Tips: Training Plateaus | CFI Tools: What’s Up, Doc? | Chart Challenge: Dodging Bogeys | Chief’s Corner: The Flight Review in Focus | Real Pilot Story: Fire in the Cockpit | Safety Seminar: ASI Investigates—Weather Accidents | Safety Spotlight: Does ‘Trickier’ Mean Safer? | Safety Quiz: Aircraft Preflight | You Can Fly: Listening Tour

Commentary: ASI Message: Facing an 89 Ride | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? Traffic Pattern Tactics

Video: ASI Safety Tip: Greasing the Landing | CFI News: Taming the Twin; NTSB Safety Alert: Minding Weight, Maintaining Balance | CFI Tools: What’s Up, Doc? Guide to Understanding BasicMed | Real Pilot Story: Fire in the Cockpit

CFI vol 9 issue 1_v2.inddKnow Thyself

Vol 9 | Issue 1

Feature: Know Thyself—Why Being Honest with Ourselves is so Hard
“Every pilot has strong and weak points, good and bad days, and being able to assess those differences before, during, and after each flight is crucial to our ability to learn and improve.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Everyone’s Problem | Chart Challenge: Give Rockets Some Space | CFI Tips: Two Steps Ahead | CFI Tools: Ask ATC | Chief’s Corner: Spring Cleaning | Safety Seminar: Collision Course—Avoiding Airborne Traffic | Safety Spotlight: Statistics in a Snap | Safety Quiz: Airport Lighting VFR | You Can Fly: Ticket to Flight Training

Commentary: ASI Message: See and Avoid | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? Air Safety Institute General Aviation Safety Award

Video: Accident Case Study: Everyone’s Problem | ASI Message: Collision Avoidance—See Sense Separate | ASI Safety Tip: Taxi Controls | CFI News: NTSB Safety Alert: Intersection Takeoffs | CFI Tools: Ask ATC

Hack the Checkride

Vol 8 | Issue 4

Feature: Hack the Checkride
"The reality is that if you are counting on a trick to give you the upper edge on a test, you probably aren’t really ready. Don’t ‘game’ the test: Prepare for it, perform it well, and succeed!"

Departments: ASI Online: GA Security Course | Chart Challenge: Aerial Tramways and Ski Areas | CFI Tips: Make it Brief | CFI Tools: Safety To Go | Chief’s Corner: Count the Ways to Take a FIRC | Real Pilot Story: Ambushed by Ice | Safety Seminar: Collision Course—Avoiding Airborne Traffic | Safety Spotlight: Sixty Minutes and Counting | Safety Quiz: Cold Weather Ops

Commentary: ASI Message: Find One, Bring One—Help Reach the Unreachables | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? Runway Safety from Taxi to Tiedown

Video: ASI Safety Tip: Aiming Point | CFI News: NTSB Safety Alert | Fit to Fly | Flight Training Experience Award Winners | Real Pilot Story: Ambushed by Ice

CFI to CFIExercising the Command in PIC

Vol 8 | Issue 3

Feature: Exercising the Command in PIC
"Sometimes in an emergency, your brain must instantly switch from 'compliance mode' to 'command mode.' One of my students got a firsthand look at such a situation recently during an emergency landing at Gillespie Field Airport (KSEE) in San Diego."

Departments: Accident Case Study: In Too Deep | ASI Online: There I Was... | Chart Challenge: Cranberries and Pilgrims | CFI Tips: A Healthy Dose of Apprehension | CFI Tools: ASI Safety Advisors | Chief's Corner: What's on Your Bookshelf? | Safety Seminar: Fly By Night | Safety Spotlight: Unable to Outrun the Weather | Safety Quiz: Transitioning to Complex Aircraft

Commentary: ASI Message: Stall & Spin Analysis | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? Duty Limitations

Video: Engine Out! From Trouble to Touchdown | Accident Case Study: In Too Deep | ASI Message: Margins of Safety: Avoiding Power-On Stalls | ASI Safety Tip: Four Ws of Communication

CFI to CFICFI to CFI: Yes…Maybe…No? to the Touch & Go

Vol 8 | Issue 2

Feature: Yes…Maybe…No? to the Touch & Go—CFIs tackle a Touchy Topic
“Put several pilots in a hangar and raise a flying topic for discussion. The debate will likely be lively and opinions will vary based on pilot experience, proficiency levels, and plain seat-of-the-pants flying knowledge.”

Departments: ASI Online: Fuel Management Made Easy | Chart Challenge: What’s the Objective of an Objectionable Airport? | CFI Tips: Weather to Fly…or Not | CFI Tools: Doing the Right Thing | Chief’s Corner: How Can I Help You?| Real Pilot Story: Bird Strike | Safety Seminar: Fly By Night | Safety Spotlight: The Hornets’ Nest | Safety Quiz: FAR Part 91

Commentary: ASI Message: Pilot Judgment & Passenger Trust | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? AOPA’s 2017 Flight Training Experience Survey

Video: ASI Online: Fuel Management Made Easy | ASI Safety Tip: Box the Controls | Real Pilot Story: Bird Strike 

CFI to CFICFI to CFI: The Email Debriefing

 Volume 8 | Issue 1

Feature: The Email Debriefing—How will it affect your clients?
“The debrief invariably begins as you’re putting away the airplane—but this gets the discussion going while you’re both partially distracted.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Cross-Country Crisis | ASI Online: Know Before You Go | Chart Challenge: Checkpoints vs. Waypoints | CFI Tips: No Substitute for Experience | CFI Tools: Runway Safety Heads Up | Chief’s Corner: Weight and Balance| Safety Seminar: Nontowered Case Studies: What Went Wrong? | Safety Spotlight: Touch-and-Go…or No | Safety Quiz: Airport Signs and Markings

Commentary: ASI Message: Teaching Rusty Pilots | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? BasicMed: How will it affect your clients?

Video: Accident Case Study: Cross-Country Crisis | ASI Online: Know Before Your Go—Tips from NORAD | CFI Tools: Runway Safety: Quincy, IL | Pilot Safety Announcement: 178 Seconds

CFI to CFICFI to CFI: Entry-Level Flight Instructors

 Volume 7 | Issue 4

Feature: Entry-Level Flight Instructors—Challenges & Opportunities
“As a new instructor, recognize when you know your stuff. Know what you know—be honest if you don’t but stand your ground when you do.”

Departments: ASI Online: Margins of Safety: Avoiding Traffic Pattern Stalls | Chart Challenge: Saluting MTRs and SMARs | CFI Tips: Switching Fuel Tanks in the Pattern? Keep Checklists in Check | CFI Tools: Taming the Twin—Two Engines, Four Rules | Chief’s Corner: Getting and EDGE on Training | Real Pilot Story: Trapped on Top—Time to Reach for Help | Safety Seminar: Nontowered Case Studies: What Went Wrong? | Safety Spotlight: A Moment of Panic | Safety Quiz: Ice Flight

Commentary: ASI Message: Flying in the Red Zone—Beware of Low-Altitude Maneuvering | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News | Did You Know? 40-Year Anniversary ASI FIRC

Video: Accident Case Study: Communication Breakdown | Accident Case Study:  Delayed Reaction | ASI Online: Margins of Safety: Avoiding Traffic Pattern Stalls | CFI Tools: Taming the Twin—Two Engines, Four Rules | Pilot Safety Announcement: Fly the Airplane, Not the Panel! | Real Pilot Story: Trapped on Top

CFI to CFICFI to CFI: The Lingering Flight Review

 Volume 7 | Issue 3

Feature: The Lingering Flight Review—Explore Proficiency in a Way that Really Counts
“If we only see someone for an hour of ground and an hour of flight, what’s the most productive use of that time, and how can we simultaneously entice pilots to come back for additional training of their own volition?”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Unintended Consequences—Complacency’s Red Flags | ASI Online: Look Out! Don’t Get Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Chart Challenge: How Long is the Runway? |CFI Tips: The Next Two Things—Use the Finger Tap | CFI Tools: Bernoulli or Newton? Essential Aerodynamics: Stalls, Spins, and Safety | Chief’s Corner: Dancing With Drones | Safety Seminar: Trivia Night! | Safety Spotlight: You’re Not Teflon—Getting in Trouble When Not Teaching | Safety Quiz: A Tale of Two ILSs

Commentary: ASI Message: Knowledge & Experience | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Accident Case Study: Unintended Consequences—Complacency’s Red Flags | ASI Online: Look Out! Don’t Get Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place | CFI Tips: The Next Two Things—Use the Finger Tap | Pilot Safety Announcement: Greetings from the Flight Deck | Real Pilot Story: From Miscue to Rescue

cfi to cfi newsletterCFI to CFI: Tiptoeing Through TFRs—Prepare Wisely

 Volume 7 | Issue 2

Feature: Feature: Tiptoeing Through TFRs—Prepare Wisely “Remember that simply taking off to do pattern work at your home field does not keep you safe from a TFR violation.”

Departments:ASI Online: Engine Out?—Fly the Plane! | Chart Challenge: What, No Pilot in the Cockpit? |CFI Tips: Mnemonic Pyramid—Memorizing VFR Minimums | CFI Tools: Runway Signage and Markings | Chief’s Corner: Distractions, Distractions… | Real Pilot Story: Ditching in the Dark | Safety Seminar: Trivia Night! | Safety Spotlight: Emergency Procedures Training—A Delicate Situation | Safety Quiz: Spatial Disorientation

Commentary: ASI Message: Personal Minimums| Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Tiptoeing Through TFRs—Prepare Wisely | ASI Online: Engine Out?—Fly the Plane! | CFI Tips: Mnemonic Pyramid—Memorizing VFR Minimums | Pilot Safety Announcement: Vacation—Are You Ready? | Real Pilot Story: Ditching in the Dark

cfi to cfi newsletterCFI to CFI: Checkride—Be There for Your Students

 Volume 7 | Issue 1

Feature: Checkride—Be There for Your Students
“Practical test day is stressful for the student but it can be easier if a good flight instructor does his or her job well. Preparing the student for a practical test is a big part of a CFI’s job, but the finishing touches require that the instructor follows through right to the end.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Final Approach | ASI Online: Collision Avoidance—See, Sense, Separate | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | CFI Tools: SkySpotter—Pireps Made Easy | Chief’s Corner: CFIs and the New Student Pilot Certification Process | Safety Seminar: Emergency! Getting It Right When Things Go Wrong | Safety Spotlight: Indistractible | Safety Quiz: The Almost ILS

Commentary: ASI Message: Preventing Misfueling| Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: Accident Case Study: Final Approach | ASI Online: Collision Avoidance—See, Sense, Separate | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | Pilot Safety Announcement: Rundown Feeling

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Flying—For the Love of it

 Volume 6 | Issue 4

Feature: Flying—For the Love of it
“For those of us who have merely lost our focus for the briefest of moments, we have only to remember why we learned to fly.”

Departments: Accident Case Study:Delayed Reaction | ASI Online: Avoiding Power-On Stalls | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | CFI Tools: IFR Insights—A Practical Approach | Safety Seminar: Emergency! Getting It Right When Things Go Wrong | Safety Spotlight: Things that Go Bump in the Night | Safety Quiz: Winter Escape

Commentary: ASI Message: Type Clubs—Follow their Lead!| Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video:Accident Case Study: Delayed Reaction | ASI Online: Avoiding Power-On Stalls | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | Pilot Safety Announcement: Flying Blind

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Plunging into Unusual Attitudes

 Volume 6 | Issue 3

Feature: Plunging into Unusual Attitudes—Dynamic Flight at the Edge of the Envelope
“Whether enrolling in unusual attitude training or upset prevention and recognition training, having had the experience could someday be a lifesaver when something unexpected jolts our otherwise serene flight...”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Communication Breakdown | ASI Online: Use AOA to Keep Stalls at Bay | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | CFI Tools: Transitioning to Other Airplanes | Safety Seminar: Cross Country Challenge | Safety Spotlight: The Devil You Know | Safety Quiz: Flight Review

Commentary: ASI Message: A 90-Percent Solution| Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video:Accident Case Study: Communication Breakdown | ASI Online: Use AOA to Keep Stalls at Bay | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | Pilot Safety Announcement: Hybrid Power | Safety Spotlight: The Devil You Know

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Get Schooled

 Volume 6 | Issue 2

Feature: Get Schooled—Applying Nuts and Bolt in Flight Training
“Developing a greater understanding of the aircraft systems—not just from reading about them but by talking to mechanics and helping to work on the systems—gives us a broader knowledge base to work from when troubleshooting a potential emergency situation.”

Departments: ASI Online: Communication is Everything | Chief's Corner: Invest in Yourself | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | CFI Tools: ADS-B Spelled Out | Real Pilot Story: From Miscue to Rescue | Safety Seminar: Cross Country Challenge | Safety Spotlight: Done it a Million Times | Safety Quiz: IFR Charts: Into a Black Hole

Commentary: ASI Message: Back to Basics | Collected Wisdom: Tricks of the Trade | Letters | News

Video: ASI Online: Communication is Everything | CFI Tips: Lockheed Martin Flight Service | Real Pilot Story: From Miscue to Rescue | Pilot Safety Announcement: Real Aviation Heroes

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: My Toughest Student

Volume 6 | Issue 1

Feature: My Toughest Student—Flying with Mom
“She wanted to get started on her instrument rating, fly some approaches on our way home, and log as much time as possible under the hood. Already, this seemingly simple airplane checkout was getting complicated.”

Departments: Accident Case Study: Emergency Management |ASI Online: Could You Handle a Survival Situation? | Chief's Corner: Safe Strategies to Live By | CFI Tips: The Eastman Technique | CFI Tools: Get Ready to Taxi | Safety Seminar: After the Crash—Surviving an Aircraft Accident | Safety Spotlight: Blurred Lines | Safety Quiz: What You Can’t See, Can Hurt You

Commentary: True Confessions | Letters | News

Video: Accident Case Study: Emergency Management |ASI Online: Could You Handle a Survival Situation? | Pilot Safety Announcement: Living on the Edge | Safety Seminar: After the Crash—Mythbursters

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Deciding to Go Around

Volume 5 | Issue 4

Feature: Deciding to Go Around—Fundamentals of a Rejected Landing

“There are a number of links in this near-accident chain…most important, the student’s fundamental misunderstanding of what a go-around really is and when it should be used.”

Departments: ASI Online: Learn and Earn Safety Challenge | Chief's Corner: What’s On Your Mind? | CFI Tips: Who is Flying This Airplane? | CFI Tools: Help Your Students Learn | Real Pilot Story: Icing Encounter | Safety Seminar: After the Crash—Surviving an Aircraft Accident | Safety Spotlight: First Things First | Safety Quiz: Fly the Boardwalk Approach

Commentary:Controlled Flight Into Terrain | Letters | Touch and Goes—Have We Been Teaching it Wrong?

Video: Accident Case Study: CFI Tools: Help Your Students Learn—Ask ATC | Pilot Safety Announcement: It’s a Drag | Real Pilot Story:  Icing Encounter | RPS Sidebar: Flying the Weather—Picking Up Ice

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: The Safest Course?

Volume 5 | Issue 3

Feature: The Safest Course? Examining Accidents During Advanced Instruction

“CFIIs, remember that your first obligation isn’t as instructor but safety pilot—and that means sacrificing training objectives if it’s necessary to assure separation.”


Departments: Chief's corner: Letting Go | CFI Tips: Avoiding VFR into IMC—A strategy | CFI Tools: ASI Download Portal | Safety Spotlight: The Virtue of Adversity | Safety Quiz: Cross-Country Flight to Festus

Commentary: Flaps Lapse | Letters

Video: Accident Case Study: VFR into IMC—Equals Dead-End Proposition | ASI Message: Only Six Percent | ASI Online: Datalink Weather: from Concept to Cockpit | CFI Tips: Avoiding VFR into IMC—A strategy | Pilot Safety Announcement: 178 Seconds to Live

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Arrival and Approach Briefings

Volume 5 | Issue 2

Feature: Arrival and Approach Briefings—The Components of a Safe Arrival
“Single pilot operations in light aircraft can be safer if you teach pilots the value of thinking through what it’s going to take to get from en route to tie-down.”


Departments: Chief's corner: Flying is as Safe as You Make It | CFI Tips: Density Altitude—An Experiment | CFI Tools: Passenger Safety Briefing | Safety Spotlight: Into the Unknown | Safety Quiz: Non-Precision Approach at CEC

Commentary: Talking to ATC | Landing Attitude

Video: CFI Tips: Density Altitude—An Experiment | CFI Tools: Passenger Safety Briefing | Pilot Safety Announcement: School Daze | Real Pilot Story: Fire in the Cockpit

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: It’s My Aircraft

Volume 5 | Issue 1

Feature: It’s My Aircraft
“Are you and your students prepared for an in-flight emergency?”


Departments: CFI Tools: Need a Second Opinion? | CFI Tips: See & Avoid | Safety Spotlight: Don’t Scare the Children | Chief's corner: Teaching Soft Skills | Safety Quiz: Teach Your Students About ODPs

Commentary: Logging On For Online Refresher Course | Help Me—I’m Stalling...

Video: CFI Commentary: Everyone’s Problem | Accident Case Study: Communication Breakdown | Pilot Safety Announcement: iPanel | CFI Tools: Need a Second Opinion? | CFI Tips: See & Avoid—The Troxler Effect | Safety Spotlight: Don’t Scare the Children

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: The Journey to Becoming a CFI

Volume 4 | Issue 4

Feature: The Journey to Becoming a CFI
“From the first moment in flight instructor training, you never quite see aviation the same way again.”


CFI Tools: Flying the Weather | CFI Tips: Takeoffs & Landings | Safety Spotlight: Words to the Wise | Chief’s corner: What's the Weather Really Like? | Safety Quiz: Ice Flight

Commentary/Video: Something to Fear | Into the Ice

Video: ASI Note: eFIRC at Your Service | Accident Case Study: Delayed Reaction | Pilot Safety Announcement: It’s a Drag | CFI Tools: Flying the Weather | CFI Tips: Takeoffs & Landings

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: A Question of the Mind

Volume 4 | Issue 3

Feature: A Question of the Mind
“He explained that he had wanted to fly all his life—he had dreamed of being a pilot since early childhood—but the night before, his dream had been destroyed: He had been scared half out of his wits and was going to discontinue training.”


CFI Tools: Airspace “On the Go” with e-Flash Cards | CFI Tips: Stall Commandments | Safety Spotlight: Caveat Mentor | Chief’s corner: Focus on What’s Important | Safety Quiz: A Day in the Sun

Commentary/Video: To Your Health | It’s the Basics

Video: CFI Tips: Stall Recovery | ASI Note: eFIRC at Your Service | Accident Case Study: In Too Deep | Pilot Safety Announcement: V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N.

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: 5 Tips For Dynamite Demonstrations

Volume 4 | Issue 2

Feature: 5 Tips For Dynamite Demonstrations
Maneuver demonstrations are key events for aviation students. Although flight instructors are generally excellent observers and critics, they sometimes provide demonstrations that are not as helpful as they should be.


CFI Tools: Boost your business | CFI Tips: Measure with the right ruler | Safety Spotlight: See for yourself | Chief’s corner: eFIRC | Safety Quiz: Thunderstorm avoidance

Commentary/Video: Honing your craft | Stuff your CFII may not have told you

Video: Chief's corner: Accident case study featured in eFIRC | ASI Online: Accident Case Study—Time lapse | Real Pilot Story: Bird strike | Ask ATC: Practice approach

CFI to CFI NewsletterCFI to CFI: Professionalism

Volume 4 | Issue 1

Feature: Professionalism
A student taught by a flight instructor with a professional attitude will reflect that professional attitude, their competence as a pilot never in question.


CFI Tools: ASI at your service | Safety Spotlight: Four’s a crowd | Chief’s corner: Save a life | Safety Quiz: Are you ready to fly rogue?

Commentary/Video: Flip your classroom | Airline of one: Déjà vu, again?

Video: CFI Tips: The power of questions | ASI Online: Heads up! Improving runway safety | Real Pilot Story: Underwater escape | Ask ATC: Flight following & airspace

CFI to CFI: Behavioral modeling (Part 2)

Volume 3 | Issue 3

Feature: Behavioral modeling (Part 2)

Good teachers tend to use behavior-modeling skills naturally, regardless of whether or not they’ve had specific training in educational psychology…


CFI Tools: The CFI who makes a difference | Safety Spotlight: Know your enemy | Chief's corner: The journey’s journal

Commentary: Welcome to your new digital edition of CFI to CFI

Video: CFI Tips: Emergencies—Beyond the checklist | ASI Online: Critical Information—The passenger safety briefing | Real Pilot Story: Ambushed by ice | Ask ATC: Minimum fuel vs. fuel emergency

CFI to CFI: Behavioral modeling (Part 1)

Volume 3 | Issue 2

Feature: Behavioral modeling (Part 1)

Once you know the details of how any behavior or skill is assembled in your noggin…you can more easily repackage that knowledge and use it to guide and develop your students’ behavior…


CFI Tools: A tale of two students | Safety Spotlight: A life cut short | Chief's corner: Enjoy the ride

Commentary: GA safety is my responsibility

Video: Dancing with Sean Tucker | Ask ATC: Transponder operations | Storm Week

CFI to CFI: Scaring the runway

Volume 3 | Issue 1

Feature: Scaring the runway

...the student will touch down gently enough, not realizing we've landed..

Departments: CFI Tools: The runway-alignment reflex | Safety Spotlight: Whatever you say, sir. | Chief's corner: Are you listening?

Commentary: Breaking the cycle—Final thoughts

Video: Engine failure in IMC | Ask ATC: Progressive tax | Icing can drag you down!

CFI to CFI: I told you so!

Volume 2 | Issue 4

Feature: I told you so!

Bill entered the spin the way we had discussed. Then suddenly things went horribly wrong.

Departments: CFI Tools: Aviation katas | Safety Spotlight: Who's in charge? | Chief's corner: Teaching the teacher

Commentary: Breaking the cycle—No regrets

Video: Fire in the cockpit | Flight Training Initiative | Ask ATC: Flight Following | Real Aviation Heroes

CFI to CFI: The five-step teacher

Volume 2 | Issue 3

Feature: The five-step teacher

Unfortunately, there's often a big difference between how we teach a maneuver and what we really do ourselves.

Departments: CFI Tools: AOPA Aviation Summit—focus on safety | Safety Spotlight: See no evil  | Chief's corner: Never too late!

Commentary: Breaking the cycle

CFI to CFI: Chalk talk: 6 Tips to boost your board skills

Volume 2 | Issue 2

Feature: Chalk talk: 6 Tips to boost your board skills

Have the student take the board and explain what has just been taught. This additional opportunity for informal evaluation will help determine whether the student requires additional training.

Departments: CFI Tools: Even the masters have masters | Safety Spotlight: What can you do? | Chief's corner: Getting it

Commentary: Demystifying ATC: Who's behind the mask of radar scopes?

CFI to CFI: Hubert and the Spin

Volume 2 | Issue 1

Feature: Hubert and the Spin

"I never believed that flying could be so much fun," he said. "I never soloed before because my last instructor scared the pants off me."

Departments: CFI Tools: The art of professionalism | Safety Spotlight: That sinking feeling | Chief's corner: In their shoes

Commentary: What do student pilots value most in their CFI?

CFI to CFI: Mayday

  Volume 1 | Issue 3

Feature: Mayday

Most pilots are as reluctant to declare an emergency as they are to abort a landing and perform a go-around. Instructors must do all they can to erase this dangerous mindset.

Departments: CFI tools: ASI webinars | Safety Spotlight: A little learning | Chief's corner: Switching hats

Commentary: A new flight plan

CFI to CFI: Mars Teaching Venus

  Volume 1 | Issue 2

Feature: Mars teaching Venus

I had a flight instructor who would bark orders and scream at me when I couldn't do something right. I wanted to understand, and not understanding made me lose confidence.

Departments: CFI tools: ASI's Flight Risk Evaluator, Safety spotlight: Green on green, Chief's corner: Mother duck

CFI to CFI: Becoming a Flight Instructor

Volume 1 | Issue 1

Feature: Becoming a flight instructor

"You're my first student, you know," I volunteered. "Excellent," he smiled. "That means you'll be around for a while!"

Departments: CFI tools: Airspace flash cards, Safety spotlight: CFIs behaving badly, Chief's corner: Proactive safety education?