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Market with podcasts

There is no more powerful advertisement for your business than the enthusiastic recommendation of a satisfied customer. Your customers know people you do not know. They interact with people you do not interact with. Which suggests that it is in the best interest of your business to find ways to reach out and make your existing customers feel as if they’re getting the best deal, and the highest level of service they can possibly get.

Hosting your own podcast is one way to accomplish that exact goal. It allows you to provide your customers with a level of service they never expected by making available a podcast that motivates them, inspires them, allows them to review and reinforce what they’ve learned, and maybe even help promote your business to others in the process.

Podcasts can be incredibly simple and inexpensive to produce, or tremendously complex and quite costly. There are plenty of options. Simply pick a method that works well for you and pursue it. Generally, it’s best to start simply and build up to becoming more complex if you feel the need or the desire.

In its simplest form a podcast is akin to a radio show that's targeted to a specific audience. Most flight school businesses can benefit from targeting their existing customers, although you can just as easily make it available to anyone who wants to listen. All you need to get started is a digital recording device, an Internet connection, and a site to host the podcast. That's it. Your existing company website can host the program, your existing Internet connection is fast enough to upload the content, and an inexpensive microphone connected to your existing computer provides the last piece of the puzzle. There is a wide assortment of software available that you can record and edit the podcast with.

The program can be as short or as long as you want it to be. Early on, shorter is better. As you and your staff learn how to do it you’ll be able to add more content and keep the podcast entertaining.

Remember, people will not listen to a boring radio show. They won’t listen to a boring podcast, either. But if you produce a product that’s interesting, worthwhile, and easy to use—well then you are on the road to success. Content might include tips from your instructors that apply to all students, news of special block rate pricing for rentals, a discussion about a change to the regulations, or a review of tough material—like understanding weather briefings or weight and balance issues.

By using existing technology to your advantage you can expand the audience your message is getting out to, and make your existing customers feel better taken care of and better supported than they ever imagined possible. That’s got real value to any flight school business.

Jamie Beckett
AOPA Foundation High School Aero Club Liaison.
Jamie Beckett is the AOPA Foundation High School Aero Club Liaison. A dedicated aviation advocate, he can be reached at [email protected]

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