Early 2017 start date for international flight plan form |
The FAA says it’s now planning for an early 2017 start date for the mandatory use of the international flight plan form for domestic VFR and IFR flight plans, and is working to update official guidance information for pilots. Information on how to use the form is available on the Flight Service website, and updated guidance will be published later in the Aeronautical Information Manual. READ MORE › |
AOPA names 2017 regional fly-in locations |
AOPA has announced the locations for regional fly-ins to be held in 2017. They are Camarillo Airport (CMA), Camarillo, California, April 28 and 29; Max Westheimer Airport (OUN), Norman, Oklahoma, September 8 and 9; Groton-New London Airport (GON), Groton, Connecticut, October 6 and 7; and Peter O. Knight Airport (TPF), Tampa, Florida, October 27 and 28. In 2017 the fly-ins will expand to two-day events with workshops and clinics planned for Fridays. READ MORE › |
Cessna selects 2017 Top Hawk schools |
Cessna Aircraft Co. has chosen five new schools to participate in the Top Hawk program, which supplies each university with a custom-branded Cessna Skyhawk and internship opportunities for students. The company chose Auburn University, Eastern Kentucky University, Louisiana Tech University, The Ohio State University, and Southern Illinois University as Top Hawk partners for 2017. Cessna launched the program in 2015. READ MORE › |
Aaron Tippin’s son solos three 1940s classics on sixteenth birthday |
Country music singer/songwriter Aaron Tippin is also an active general aviation pilot and certificated flight instructor, and it looks like son Tom is following the same path. Under the watchful eye of his CFI dad, the younger Tippin soloed a Piper J-3 Cub, a Stearman, and a T-6 on his sixteenth birthday. Tom’s older brother Ted studies aeronautical engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. READ MORE › |
Look for the ‘Best of 2016’ edition on Dec. 27 |
AOPA Flight School Business will publish a compilation edition on Dec. 27, featuring the stories that drew the highest number of reader clicks throughout 2016. From airline pilot training to marketing to women or the things you should know before opening a flight school, these are the stories that caught your eye and drew you in. Flight School Business returns to its regular format with the Jan. 10, 2017, edition. |