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VOL. 7-ISSUE 21-10/17/2017
GA airfield plays crucial role in Puerto Rico
As Puerto Rico slowly recovers from Hurricane Maria, one flight school has been a witness to relief missions flown to and from the island. Carlos Reyes, the owner of Isla Grande Flying School at Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport, said the general aviation airfield has been threatened in the past by commercial real estate interests. READ MORE ›
AOPA announces 2018 fly-in locations
Alabama, Illinois, Montana, and New Mexico: These are the locations for the 2018 AOPA Fly-Ins. Are you close enough to plan a junket? AOPA Fly-Ins offer exceptional learning opportunities for pilots of all skill levels. READ MORE ›
Mandatory ICAO flight plan filing on hold
The FAA has postponed a plan to require, starting this fall, that pilots use the international flight plan format for all civil flight plans filed with flight service for flights within the National Airspace System and to Canada. READ MORE ›
New contract to expand Colo. flight school’s workforce
Doss Aviation, Colorado Springs, Colorado, has obtained a new contract that will require it to expand its operations at its Pueblo location. Doss Aviation is the sole provider of initial flight training for the U.S. Air Force. The agreement covers ground and flight training for combat systems officers, unmanned aerial systems pilots, and international military students, according to The company expects to add 192 full-time jobs at the Pueblo facility by April 2020, and has an immediate need for certificated flight instructors.
S.D. flight school unveils renovated terminal
Dakota Flight Center recently completed a $50,000 renovation project at a terminal at Mitchell Municipal Airport (MHE), Mitchell, South Dakota. The flight school’s new home has classroom space, an imagery equipment room, and 24-hour pilot access with lounge and restrooms. The goal is to create a little community for students and flight instructors, Chief Instructor Scott Forwart told The Daily Republic.
New building houses Mass. flight school
A new administration building at Fitchburg Municipal Airport (FIT), Fitchburg, Massachusetts, includes space for the resident flight school. Charley Valera, owner of FCA Flight Center, said the building provides a professional environment for his students. “It’s a new, clean facility,” Valera told the Sentinel & Enterprise News. “The students love it.” The Statewide Airport System Plan, a partnership between the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the FAA, funded 95 percent of the $4 million project. A city-issued bond covered the remainder.
Evacuation plans
Hurricanes have prompted many flight schools to relocate their fleets this year. Does your flight school have an evacuation plan for any type of natural disaster? Tell us in this week’s poll.
In the Oct. 3, 2017, issue, we asked whether you would consider adding an electric aircraft to your flight school fleet. Here are the results:

<em>Flight School Business</em>
Get on the carousel
William Woodbury offers five more tips on how to get started with Facebook marketing, including using a new “carousel” form of advertisement that is said to produce big results. READ MORE ›
When is it time to ask for help with your accountancy and finance management? According to, some examples include: You’ve lost control of your figures; you are facing an audit; you are losing too much time to account management; you keep making mistakes; you’re simply out of your depth; and you are experiencing rapid growth. Don’t let your business sink because your money isn’t being managed properly.
Fly by evening
Pilots learn myriad details in preparation for knowledge tests and checkrides, and this knowledge grows fuzzy over time. A few free hours of refresher training will likely pull in not only former customers but people you’ve never seen before. READ MORE ›
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Flight School Business Editor:
Jill W. Tallman
Production Specialist:
Sylvia Horne
Advertising Production Coordinator:
Donna Stoner

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