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VOL. 8-ISSUE 25-12/11/2018
Flight School Spotlight:
Blue Skies Flying Services
What positive elements can Part 61 operators take from Part 141 regulations? Blue Skies Flying Services shows how quality self-regulation and standardized systems can work better than strict government oversight. READ MORE ›
FAA notes flight display ‘blanking’ concern
The FAA has issued a special airworthiness information bulletin to notify operators of aircraft equipped with certain Aspen Avionics primary flight displays and multifunction displays of the possible loss of all flight display information resulting from the units resetting in flight. The cause of the problem is being investigated. READ MORE ›
Networking opportunity for flight schools
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) invites you to its tenth annual Flight School Operators Conference, February 13 through 15, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. Learn how to increase profits, engage in growth strategies and new business opportunities, adapt to latest trends and technologies, and manage costs and efficiencies. See the website for more information or to register.
NAHA to honor John and Martha King
John and Martha King of King Schools will be inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame Class of 2019. The ceremony will take place Sept. 28 in Denver, Colorado. Other inductees include the late Gregory “Pappy” Boyington and Katherine Stinson. READ MORE ›
Graphical forecasts expanding to Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean
The National Weather Service is soliciting pilot comments by Dec. 31 on a graphical weather forecasting product to cover the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and western North Atlantic Ocean that would eventually replace text-based area forecasts for the Gulf and the Caribbean. The experimental graphical forecast is an expansion of the graphical forecasts that became operational early in 2017. READ MORE ›
Pilotworkshops introduces ‘VFR Mastery’ series
A new series from PilotWorkshops helps pilots to extract wisdom from a particularly challenging flight or advance their proficiency by comparing their decision making with their peers and the pros. VFR Mastery employs online, scenario-based workshops and is a follow-up to the company’s IFR Mastery series, which launched in 2010. READ MORE ›
Santa Clara business plan may call for airport closure
Santa Clara County in California is considering three options for a plan to potentially develop the site of Reid-Hillview of Santa Clara County Airport into housing for low-income residents. AOPA is urging the county to instead accept FAA Airport Improvement Program funds for airport maintenance and development. READ MORE ›
Goals for 2019
What are your business goals for 2019? Are you hoping to expand, or acquire more aircraft? Tell us in this week’s survey.
In the Nov. 27, 2018, issue, we asked where you get leads on customers for your flight school. Here are the results.

<em>Flight School Business</em>
Social media: Putting the networking back in social networking
Social media isn’t just for marketing. It offers new and innovative ways to network with other industry professionals. And, while social media will never replace face-to-face networking, it can be used to facilitate those face-to-face connections. READ MORE ›
Noise restrictions are part of standard operating procedures at many airports. Strive to be a good neighbor by making sure your customers and student pilots understand and abide by the noise restrictions that govern your airport. Post them at the front desk; ask flight instructors to emphasize them during pre- and post-flight briefings.
Whom do you review?
Every pilot needs a flight review—but is your flight school obligated to provide it? An award-winning flight instructor shares some troubling behavior she has witnessed, and discusses strategies on calculating risk when flying with unfamiliar pilots. READ MORE ›
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Flight School Business Editor:
Jill W. Tallman
Production Specialist:
Sylvia Horne
Advertising Production Coordinator:
Donna Stoner

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