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VOL. 8-ISSUE 10-5/15/2018
Listening tour strives for flight training success
What challenges do flight schools face, and how can the programs AOPA dedicates to building a thriving general aviation community help address them? AOPA’s You Can Fly team has launched a listening tour to gather your feedback about those big questions. READ MORE ›
Cessna discontinues turbo Skyhawk JT-A
Textron Aviation confirmed that Cessna has stopped selling diesel engine-equipped Skyhawk JT-As, certified in 2017. The supplemental type certificate for the Continental CD-155 diesel engine is now sold directly through Continental, a Textron spokesperson said. READ MORE ›
Leidos wants to hear your upgrade ideas
As pilots transition from DUATS to 1800WXbrief, Leidos, the government contractor providing telephone-based and online weather and flight planning services, is ready for your suggestions. DUATS users need to transition to to continue accessing online briefings and filing flight plans because the FAA has canceled the contracts for DUATS effective May 16. READ MORE ›
Shortage looms for other key aviation jobs
It’s no secret that the aviation industry is facing a shortage of airline pilots, but aircraft mechanics and flight simulator technicians are also in high demand. In the technical and IT realms, Alaska Airlines competes for labor with tech titans such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, according to NW News Network. Alaska and Boeing recently hosted 2,000 teenagers at an Aviation Day to inspire interest in flight-related careers.
PilotWorkshops releases IFR communications manual
PilotWorkshops announced the availability of IFR Communications, the latest in the company’s Pilot-Friendly Manuals series. The title’s combination of print and video offers insights on complex and lesser-used instrument procedures, organized by piloting task. READ MORE ›
Noise restrictions
Flight schools sometimes come under fire from nonpilots for producing aircraft noise, and we are wondering if your airport has noise restrictions in place. Take the survey.
In the May 1, 2018, issue, we wanted to know whether the FAA’s recent announcement on complex aircraft would affect your fleet.

<em>Flight School Business</em>
Money out, customers in
Are your marketing dollars doing their job? The only way to find out is to measure some critical variables and determine whether dollars spent in marketing affected those variables. William Woodbury shows you how to measure cost per lead, cost per customer, conversion rate, customer lifetime value, and return on investment for a specific campaign. READ MORE ›
Employee turnover is a fact of aviation, but too much turnover can dramatically affect your business. If employees are quitting too frequently, it’s time to ask why. Are you paying a competitive wage? Do you provide predictable schedules when possible? Perhaps most important, is your management style behind some of this turnover?
Planning a seminar? Get free ‘Safety to Go’ resources
Enhance your next flight school seminar with thought-provoking and exciting safety education materials. The AOPA Air Safety Institute’s award-winning seminar presentations and safety videos can be downloaded directly to your computer or portable storage device. Find them online.
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Flight School Business Editor:
Jill W. Tallman
Production Specialist:
Sylvia Horne
Advertising Production Coordinator:
Donna Stoner

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