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VOL. 8-ISSUE 23-11/13/2018
Flight School Spotlight:
Westwind School of Aeronautics
Are you experiencing a flight instructor shortage? If your average flight time for dual local flights is anything less than 1.8 hours, you have an opportunity to make some quick improvements. Read more to discover how a Phoenix, Arizona, flight school was able to keep CFIs on staff and help its clients reduce their training time overall by implementing longer training blocks. READ MORE ›
Rule revision would expand LSA trainer options
The FAA has proposed a rule revision to allow the use of Experimental light sport aircraft in flight training for compensation or hire and is accepting public comments on the plan until Nov. 23. Owners, operators, or training providers would apply for a letter of deviation authority to use an E-LSA for flight training. It would also allow a flight instructor to receive compensation for providing flight instruction in an E-LSA. READ MORE ›
What’s your ADS-B strategy?
How is your flight school approaching the upcoming January 2020 mandate for ADS-B Out in specified airspace? Do you have a fleetwide strategy, standardizing on hardware? Or are your aircraft primarily leasebacks, and you’re at the mercy of what their owners decide to install? Are you encouraging clients to take advantage of ADS-B In and why (or why not)? AOPA Pilot Technical Editor Mike Collins would like to hear your thoughts, some of which will be included in a future article.
Delaware State buys 10 Vulcanair trainers
Delaware State University announced plans to buy 10 new Vulcanair V1.0 single-engine airplanes for its flight training program. Deliveries are set to begin later in 2018. The university said it will add at least one more Vulcanair per year for 10 years as the pilot training program expands. READ MORE ›
N.Y. man charged with illegally giving flight instruction
A New York man who surrendered his flight instructor certificate in 2016 was charged in Brooklyn federal court with illegally continuing to give flight lessons out of Republic Airport in East Farmingdale. Prosecutors allege Nelson Gomez continued to fly with students in 2016 and 2017. He had surrendered his certificate after being involved in an airplane ditching in Setauket Harbor that resulted in the death of a passenger, according to Newsday. Gomez was released on bond. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.
Delta offers loans to employee trainees
Delta Air Lines is making it easier for its employees to transition to career pilot roles by introducing student loans. Qualified borrowers can get competitively priced loans from Wells Fargo through Delta’s Propel Pilot Career Path program. READ MORE ›
Va. aviation career day ‘changes lives’
A National Transportation Safety Board investigator and a third generation pilot who never gave up on her dream inspired more than 700 high school and college students at the thirteenth annual aviation career day in Leesburg, Virginia. More than $388,000 in scholarships were awarded. READ MORE ›
Who meets with prospective students?
Who meets with prospective students at your flight school? Tell us in this week’s poll.
In the Oct. 30, 2018, issue, we wanted to know who answers the phone at your flight school. Here are the results.

<em>Flight School Business</em>
Making introductory flights work—for everyone
Introductory flights are an important marketing tool. How can you get your flight instructors to treat them as the opportunities for income that they are? READ MORE ›
Is Small Business Saturday a marketing opportunity for you? It sure is. Take a page from Independent Helicopters in New Windsor, New York, which promoted discounted introductory flights as a way for customers to “shop small and shop local.” This year Small Business Saturday is on Nov. 24.
It happens
Even thousands of hours in a logbook don’t shield the seasoned flight instructor from the occasional mental lapse. Has the process of training new pilots become a little too routine? READ MORE ›
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Flight School Business Editor:
Jill W. Tallman
Production Specialist:
Sylvia Horne
Advertising Production Coordinator:
Donna Stoner

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