More maintenance tips to reduce costs, increase safety and efficiency
In the second part of a two-part series, Jason Blair shares tips flight schools can use to modify maintenance practices to maximize the amount of flight training that they can can provide. READ MORE ›
AOPA announces access to new flight planner
AOPA's new online flight planning tool launched April 22. The program, powered by iFlightplanner, replaces the legacy program, which will be discontinued at the end of April. The new program offers a customized version that includes many options free to AOPA members that are otherwise only included in paid versions of the product.
Marketing workshops offered for flight schools
AOPA is hosting a series of workshops designed to help flight school owners and managers learn how to effectively and efficiently increase business for their flight school. The workshops are taught by a former flight school owner and flight instructor with years of helping small businesses with their marketing goals. The next sessions will be held Monday, May 4, and Monday, May 11, at noon Eastern. Sign up online.
VFR charts to go on 56-day cycle in 2021
The FAA announced plans to put visual navigation and planning charts on a 56-day publication cycle early next year, streamlining the process of updating charted information and causing some charts now in use to become obsolete earlier than their published expiration dates.
Aviation job interest skyrocketing
Now is the time for aviators to freshen up their resumes, hone flying skills, and practice interview techniques so they are ready to jump in when aviation hits its stride again, an online aviation jobs career specialist predicted. "We might hit a rough couple of months, but aviation isn't going away," said Executive Director Abbey Hutter. "When it comes back, it’s going to come roaring back."
FAA issues first medicals to professional pilots with insulin-treated diabetes
The FAA has approved the first medical certificates for professional pilots who depend on insulin to control their diabetes. Private pilots with insulin-controlled diabetes have been able to fly with special issuance medical certificates since 1996.
Pros offer disinfecting tips
You want to keep your aircraft panels clean and disinfected, but the wrong cleaner can be harmful to avionics. Industry professionals explain the correct way to clean your avionics, instrument panels, and personal devices to keep them germ-free and functioning properly.
In the April 14, 2020, survey we wanted to know how long your flight school has been in business. Here are the results.
Adventure time
Pilots know flying is adventurous, but how well do flight schools communicate that to the general public? Greg Brown describes an adventure flying syllabus that adds fun to the training to keep clients motivated and enthused—and could bring you additional revenue. READ MORE >
If your clients aren’t able to fly, help them stay sharp. AOPA's You Can Fly team has launched a candid webinar series to entertain and inform pilots who are temporarily grounded because of coronavirus pandemic restrictions. Topics include using a home simulator to hone skills. The webinars will run through May. More information is online.
"There I Was…" Midair collision
Not many pilots have survived a midair. Gabrielle Palmas experienced one in 2012, while working on her instrument rating. She tells her story in the latest edition of "There I Was…" presented by the AOPA Air Safety Institute. Listen online.