What is AOPA Flight Training Advantage (AFTA) and how can it help you in your flight school operations? AFTA will help you and your flight instructors deliver an efficient, high-quality flight training experience that keeps students coming back for more. Not to mention the business insights you’ll gain from knowing what happens in each lesson. READ MORE ›
Continued aviation job growth predicted
A hiring trends survey conducted by online aviation jobs website JSfirm.com indicates that many companies predict at least moderate growth in 2021 as the economy continues to rebound from the coronavirus pandemic. Pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians, and avionics specialists remain in the highest demand, the company said.
ATP expecting 25 low-wing trainers for delivery
The first of the 25 Piper Archer TX aircraft to be delivered in 2021 to ATP Flight School was recently displayed at the Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo in Lakeland, Florida. An ATP representative said the new aircraft will primarily be placed at locations along the East Coast and will support training centers that are opening this year in Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Birmingham, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee; and Lakeland.
May Flight School Connector webinar to focus on AOPA Flight Training Advantage
AOPA Flight Training Advantage (AFTA) is a web portal and iPad-based training program designed to help make the process of flight training more effective for the student, the CFI, and the flight school. Join the next session of AOPA's Flight School Connector on May 5 to find out all the details. The program will be held 12 noon to 1 p.m. Eastern time. Flight School Connector is a gathering of flight school owners and managers to share, learn, and problem solve on the specific challenges of running a flight school. Sign up at the link to reserve your space.
Aviation groups seek clarification on flight training rules
In the wake of a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on April 2, AOPA and other general aviation organizations sent a letter to the FAA, asking that the agency address "significant confusion and concern in the aviation community regarding the impact of the decision on compensated flight training." AOPA President Mark Baker said, "There are many flight schools and CFIs that have been left confused, as well as owners of limited category aircraft who may be unable to obtain flight instruction in their own airplanes unless they have an exemption, or if the instructor is not compensated."
King Schools announces new free video course on aircraft marshalling
King Schools unveiled a free video course on aircraft marshalling during the Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo in Lakeland, Florida. Understanding Aircraft Marshalling is designed to help pilots quickly learn the signals used by individuals marshalling aircraft on a busy airport ramp. The 20-minute video can be accessed on the King Schools website.
Oklahoma aeromedical consultant accused of bilking clients
An Oklahoma woman has been charged with 10 felonies for allegedly taking money from pilots to help resolve medical certification issues without rendering services, according to court documents filed by the state's attorney general. The defendant said she is confident she will be exonerated.
Taildragger training
Does your flight school offer taildragger training? Tell us in this week’s poll. It’s a two-part question, so please answer both parts if applicable. Tell us in this week's poll.
In the April 13, 2021, poll we wanted to know whether your flight school offers seaplane training. Here are the results:
Targeting 'elder' pilots
When you think of older pilots, are you picturing somebody in their 60s or 70s? Many prospects believe that they're too old to become pilots at 35 or 40. So it's time to broaden your thinking on marketing to mature audiences. READ MORE >
Make your flight school competitive by choosing not only a great name, but also a great domain name—the Internet address where users will find your website. Use keywords that explain your business, keep the domain short and simple, and make sure it is easy to remember. See more tips from SeeMeMedia.
ASI presents video series on loss of control during ground ops
Every flight instructor has a student who is guilty of rudder neglect. Use this quick reminder from the AOPA Air Safety Institute to emphasize to your customers the importance of yaw recognition and coordinated flight.