Ever since AOPA introduced its Rusty Pilots program to get lapsed pilots back into the left seat, we've told you that hosting a Rusty Pilots seminar can bring you some extra business. And sure, you'll get immediate payback when that Rusty Pilot wants a flight review. But here’s an example of the ripple effect that lapsed pilots returning to the air can create. READ MORE ›
Aviation groups displeased with FAA's viewpoint on warbird case
AOPA and 10 other aviation groups warned the FAA June 8 that its initial perspective on the recent Warbird Adventures decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has serious, negative implications on the broader flight training community. The groups asked the FAA to revisit this initial view, and to issue a statement that it will not take legal enforcement action related to any proposed new policies until a satisfactory resolution has been reached.
California flight school launches merit-based financing program
Coast Flight Training in San Diego announced a partnership with Meritize to offer merit-based financing for flight instruction. The program is meant to reward individual borrowers for their past educational and military experience, according to PRNewswire. "Unlike traditional lenders that rely solely on FICO scores and other financial records to determine whether to lend to an individual, Meritize considers the full breadth and depth of an individual’s academic or military achievements to enhance credit evaluation and improve loan options," Meritize said.
Advocacy improved pilot records database rule
The rule regarding the FAA's new electronic database that many aviation organizations will be required to use to report employment information about their pilots or screen records about potential new hires takes effect August 9 in a multi-year transition from an existing reporting system that dates to 1996. The rule requires air carriers and other operators to report their pilots' employment history, training, and qualifications in the new database, and mandates that operators seeking to hire pilots review applicants’ records in the database.
ERAU Prescott Eagles win NIFA safety competition
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Prescott, Arizona, Golden Eagles brought home the team’s thirteenth championship in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference (Safecon) during virtual competition among 28 colleges and universities. The coronavirus pandemic prevented in-person competition this year, and message drops, power-off spot landings, and short-field approach and landing events were not on the agenda.
Frontier Airlines, Embry-Riddle announce hiring program
Frontier Airlines and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are teaming up to provide career opportunities for students at ERAU’s Daytona Beach, Florida, campus. Qualified applicants must be seniors in the aeronautical science program, maintain a specific grade point average, be flight instructors for ERAU, and obtain the Restricted-Airline Transport Pilot certificate.
Night rentals
Do you have additional training policies for night rentals by newly certificated pilots? Tell us in this week's poll.
In the June 8, 2021, poll we wanted to know what most designated pilot examiners in your region are charging for the private pilot practical exam. Here are the results:
Flight Training Experience Survey closes July 15
There's still time to get your clients to send their valuable feedback on your operations to AOPA's You Can Fly Flight Training Experience Survey. We took a break in 2020 to give flight schools a break, but we're back in 2021 with great prizes for survey participants as well as award-winning CFIs. READ MORE >
Keep a record or database of everyone with whom you have had business contact. Aviation in particular is a small industry, and you never know when you might need to get in touch with them again.
'Avoiding Prop Strikes'
Propeller strikes can happen for various reasons. One classic cause: propellers striking the runway after a bounced landing as the pilot tries to continue to land by forcing the nose down. The bad news? Prop strikes are expensive since in most cases they require a complete engine teardown. The good news? Propeller strikes are avoidable if you’re on target speed, use the proper technique during flare and touchdown, and are vigilant during ground operations. Share this video from the AOPA Air Safety Institute with your CFIs and customers, and help them to understand how to avoid prop strikes.