By Brett Bonnville
When you sit down to launch posts on your business and social media channels, take a moment to make sure your content thinking is set in “business mode.” Like confirming trim before takeoff, having your thinking positioned correctly prior to rolling out a social media posting mission will help with effort performance and audience impact. There are two areas of benefit when you do this.
The first is that launching from a “business mode” will provide a more effective base for defining message purpose and wording. Unlike personal social postings, business social should contain some company or offering bounce back. “A beautiful day to fly!” works fine with family and friends, but on the business side, it holds little reason for your current and perspective customers to spend time or money with you. A better approach to that blue-sky photo would be, “Imagine this is that flight lesson or rental you’ve got on the schedule. Yeah, we can’t wait either. : ) “ No direct sales pitch, but the planting of the emotional imagery of a flight, a flight lesson and scheduling, followed with how your business is excited to see them, provides bounce back to your school, services, and social page.
The second reason to engage a business content perspective is to more meaningfully participate in a world where the amount of media available to consume your audience’s time is endless. While the enormity of this realization can make your posting efforts seem daunting, there is always an audience eager for fresh, original content that is of interest to them. Activating “business mode” narrows your focus, giving you and your messaging effort a more specified purpose and copy mission. This alone will enhance your posting relevance on the business social play8ing field, something “beautiful day to fly” could not deliver.
Now there are schools of thought that view posting anything keeps your business name out there. In my view, this is a losing effort. Often, with little return, the content and posting task follows a similar pattern: It becomes tiring, gets delegated to a younger staffer, becomes wildly inconsistent, and then just sputters out—though the business is still fully in positive operation. Lots of lost time, money, and potential business. Placing your content thinking in the right mode helps reframe “out thereitis” into more meaningful messaging and audience impact.
Adding “business mode” to your social media effort checklist is a way to strengthen your content and posting results, making them more valuable for both you and your audiences. The consistent delivery of better messaging will enhance business recognition and motivate audiences to participate with you online, and most importantly, through your doors.
Give it a try!
Brett Bonnville is a late-to-life pilot who spends his professional time as an authentic content and marketing support specialist. He has been crafting social media content and managing flight school business social channels since 2015.