Flight School Spotlight: Leading Edge Flight Academy
Choosing a flight school is one of the most important decisions a student pilot can make. The people, equipment, finances, and schedule all must align to make it an effective partnership between the business and the customer. However, a flight school should also share the student's goals. And if those aviation goals include becoming a career pilot, Leading Edge Flight Academy aims to be the perfect fit. READ MORE ›
AOPA Flight Training Experience Survey now open
The AOPA Flight Training Experience Survey offers pilots of all experience levels a chance to provide feedback on different aspects of their flight training in the areas of educational quality, customer focus, community, and information sharing. To be eligible to submit a survey, individuals must be at least 14 years old and have received flight instruction in the past 12 calendar months. The 2023 survey, which has been streamlined to be easier to fill out, will be accepting submissions through October 31 at noon Eastern time.
FSANA to host Designated Pilot Examiners Symposium
The Flight School Association of North America will host the second annual Designated Pilot Examiners Symposium October 11 through 12 in Phoenix, Arizona. The symposium brings together DPEs, flight schools, government officials, and those interested in becoming examiners to share and exchange information that will lead to improvements in the airman practical testing segment. Registration includes entry to professional sessions and workshops; Tuesday and Wednesday sessions; opening reception and dinner; one luncheon; and beverage breaks. The complete program and registration form can be found at www.fsana.com.
FAA launches IFR self-briefing course
More pilots than ever continue to rely on their devices over calling flight service for preflight weather briefings, and so the FAA has released another video course, focused on instrument flight rules, to round out its pilot self-briefing curriculum. The video course uses real-world scenarios and covers everything a pilot needs to know about conducting a thorough preflight weather briefing, from weather and aeronautical elements to next-generation weather radar.
AOPA scholarship program ready for applicants
The 2023 AOPA Foundation scholarship program opened September 5, with scholarships available for flight training, aircraft maintenance, and other aviation-related pursuits. The foundation aims to relieve the financial burden of education and training—offering dozens of scholarship packages annually ranging from $2,500 to $14,000. Applications will be accepted through February 10, 2023.
Piedmont recruits ex-ExpressJet pilots
Regional carrier Piedmont Airlines announced expedited job offers for recently furloughed ExpressJet Airlines pilots under the airline's "distressed carrier" contract terms. ExpressJet filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and has since ceased all flight operations and furloughed approximately 1,300 pilots. Piedmont said the distressed carrier provision allows the company to offer pilots at carriers deemed distressed a safe haven for employment, including longevity-based pay and bonuses.
Help students, earn incentives with AFTA
For a limited time, AOPA is offering financial incentives to flight training providers who sign up to use the AOPA Flight Training Advantage.
In the August 30, 2022, issue we wanted to know whether your flight school requires students to carry rental insurance. Here are the responses:
Careful what you post
Videos are a great addition to your website. Videos that show dangerous or illegal behavior are not great for your flight school's reputation. What's more, just because you remove them doesn't mean they have vanished forever. READ MORE >
If you are giving or receiving flight training in an aircraft weighing under 12,500 pounds, whether you are a U.S. citizen or an alien, the Transportation Security Administration's alien flight training/citizenship validation rule affects you. AOPA has compiled easy-to-understand information on the parts of the rule that are relevant to flight training providers. Find information on applicability, step-by-step guidance to compliance, and answers to frequently asked questions online.
'Ask ATC' series helps pilots with controller communications
Do your customers struggle with talking to ATC? The AOPA Air Safety Institute's "Ask ATC" series tackles how to call up a busy controller, how to get a fast-talking controller to slow down, and several other topics in bite-size videos that any nervous pilot will appreciate. See the latest in the series online.