Customized advertising packages offer your brand the opportunity to catch the wave of exciting media that is hot among an active younger and more diverse group of pilots on the move. Watching Pilot Lounge or listening to pro-quality podcasts--Pilot, Briefing, Hangar Talk, Never Again, There I Was, and Ask the A&Ps--are some of the best ways for pilots to stay informed, entertained, and connected with great content and with your company. Talk to your AOPA Media rep today about short format video commercials (:06-:09 seconds) or the personal touch of short-form "Brought to you by…" sponsor audio openings or long-form hosted audio that integrate into these dynamic online entertainment segments seen/heard by up to 245,000 pilots across the library of podcasts each month. .
Email us: [email protected]
Call Us: 301-695-2368
Blu-ray, DVD, USB Drive, hard drive, or via ftp H.264 encoding.
Aspect Ratio 16:9 HD (4:3 content will be pillared). Video should conform to Rec. 709 standards.
The word “advertisement” will be placed above all advertisements that, in Publisher’s opinion, resemble editorial matter. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AOPA from any claim in law or equity that results from the content provided by Customer to AOPA