As of July 1, 2024, the Bahamas Customs & Excise Department has imposed substantial and egregious fees on pilots flying General Aviation aircraft on recreational flights. Pilots should be mindful of these new and additional fees before considering flying to the Bahamas. Read More
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Insurance Benefit Insurance Benefit


Benefits at rates pilots can afford

As an AOPA Member you have access to affordable group rates, which are typically lower than other pilots can get with individual plans. Plus, you're covered anywhere, 24/7. The benefits cover general aviation pilots at all levels of flying, even student pilots, during aviation-related activities and more.

You’re guaranteed this coverage without a physical. Rates may vary by state.

(AOPA Member Only Benefit)

L1120009207[exp1122][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI]


  • Pays up to a $300,000 benefit for aviation-related accidents 

Seat Belt Benefit

If an insured person is involved in an automobile accident in which he/she was properly wearing a seatbelt, and dies within 365 days as a result of that accident, the beneficiary can receive an additional amount which is the lesser of $25,000 or 10% of the Principal Sum payable. Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance for certain limitations and conditions on this benefit.

Common Disaster

If both the insured member and spouse die within one year of same or separate accidents that occurred within
the same 24-hour period, in addition to the benefit payable for loss of life for each, the insured spouse benefit amount for loss of life will be increased to 100% of the member's Principal Sum if the member and spouse are survived by one or more eligible children and the combined member and spouse Principal Sums do not exceed $300,000.

Air Bag Benefit

If the Seat Belt Benefit is payable, MetLife will pay an additional benefit if the insured person was positioned in a seat protected by properly functioning, original, factory-installed airbag system that inflates on impact when the accident occurred. The benefit amount is the lesser of the amount of the Principal Sum or $15,000. 

Safeguards your family

  • Pays in addition to any other insurance
  • Benefits for your family to use as needed—and get back on their feet

Guaranteed acceptance

The AOPA Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Plan is offered to you with no physical exam or health questions. You and your family are guaranteed coverage regardless of your health as long as you are an AOPA Member under the age of 75.

24-hour coverage with benefits up to $300,000 – You’re guaranteed $300,000 of benefits as an AOPA Member under age 70, and $50,000 of benefits as an AOPA Member between the ages of 70 and 74, with no physical exam or health questions. 


The Accidental Death & Dismemberment loss must occur within 365 days after the date of the accident and be a direct result of bodily injury sustained from that accident, independent of other causes.

Life 100% of Full Amount
Hand 50% of Full Amount
Foot 50% of Full Amount
Arm 75% of Full Amount
Leg 75% of Full Amount
Sight of One Eye 50% of Full Amount
Combination of a Hand, Foot, and/or Eye 100% of Full Amount
Thumb & Index Finger on the Same Hand 25% of Full Amount
Speech and Hearing 100% of Full Amount
Speech 50% of Full Amount
Hearing 25% of Full Amount
Paralysis of Both Arms and Both Legs 100% of Full Amount
Paralysis of Both Legs 75% of Full Amount
Paralysis of the Arm & Leg on Either Side of the Body 50% of Full Amount
Paralysis of One Arm or Leg 25% of Full Amount
Brain Damage 100% of Full Amount
Coma 1% monthly up to 60 months of Full Amount

NOTE: This is only a sample of the covered losses. See Certificate of Insurance for all benefits and conditions on coverage.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Exclusions

MetLife does not pay benefits for loss directly or indirectly caused by any of the following:

  • physical or mental illness or infirmity, or the diagnosis or treatment of such illness or infirmity;
  • infection, other than infection occurring in an external accidental wound; 
  • suicide or attempted suicide; (In Missouri, such exclusion only applies while the person is sane); 
  • intentionally self-inflicted injury;
  • service in the armed forces of any country or international authority. However, service in reserve forces does not constitute service in the armed forces, unless in connection with such reserve service an individual is on active military duty as determined by the applicable military authority other than weekend or summer training. For purposes of this provision reserve forces are defined as reserve forces of any branch of the military of the United States or of any other country or international authority, including but not limited to the National Guard of the United States or the national guard of any other country;
  • any incident related to: 1) travel in an aircraft for the purpose of parachuting or otherwise exiting from such aircraft while it is in flight; 2) parachuting or otherwise exiting from an aircraft while such aircraft is in flight except for self preservation; 3) travel in an aircraft or device used for testing or experimental purposes; by or for any military authority; or for travel or designed for travel beyond the earth’ atmosphere;
  • committing or attempting to commit a felony;
  • the voluntary intake or use by any means of: 1) any drug, medication or sedative, unless it is: taken or used as prescribed by a Physician, or an “over the counter” drug, medication or sedative, taken as directed; 2) alcohol in combination with any drug, medication, or sedative; or 3) poison, gas, or fumes;
  • war, whether declared or undeclared; or act of war, insurrection, rebellion, riot;
  • driving a vehicle or operating another device while intoxicated as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the vehicle
    or other device was being operated.

This is a summary of benefits only. A complete description of benefits, limitations, exclusions and termination of coverage will be provided in the certificate of coverage. All coverage is subject to the terms of the group policy. If there is any discrepancy between this document and the group policy documents, the policy documents will govern.

AD&D insurance coverage is provided under the terms of a group health insurance policy, Group Policy 229348 issued and delivered in the state of New Jersey, to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association as the policyholder and governed by the laws of New Jersey. The group health insurance policy is issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company New York, NY 10166. This is a paid endorsement. AOPA receives a fee from the insurance broker and/or the insurer for its endorsement of this plan. The policy is administered on behalf of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company by AMBA Administrators LLC, an insurance administrator licensed in the state of New Jersey. Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA) LLC. In CA d/b/a Association Member Benefits & Insurance Agency. CA Insurance License #0I96562 | AR Insurance License #100114462. Our Role and Compensation

If you elect family coverage, the benefits will be paid as follows for a covered person:

Dependent Family Situation Benefits Payable
Spouseand Children Spouse1 covered at 60% of the Member’s amount of AD&D Insurance, Child (each) covered at 25% of the Member’s amount of AD&D Insurance
Spouse1 Only Spouse1 covered at 60% of the Member’s amount of AD&D Insurance
Children Only Child (each) covered at 15% of the Member’s amount of AD&D Insurance

1Domestic Partner includes your registered Domestic Partner if you and your Domestic Partner are registered as domestic partners, civil union partners or reciprocal beneficiaries with a government agency or office where such registration is available. It also includes your non-registered Domestic Partner in whom you have an insurable interest. By enrolling such Domestic Partner for coverage and signing this enrollment form, you are attesting to your insurable interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I have AD&D coverage if I carry life insurance?

It makes sense to add extra coverage for accidental deaths or injuries. The AOPA Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance plan pays benefits to cover the unique costs associated with covered accidents—in addition to any coverage you already have. And AD&D coverage is affordable—you can add up to $300,000 of coverage for just pennies a day.

How much coverage should I get?

AD&D coverage is affordable, so many AOPA members, under age 70, get the maximum coverage available—$300,000.

Will I require a physical exam or blood test to get coverage?

No. You and your eligible family members are guaranteed coverage—regardless of your level of flying experience, professional, lifestyle or travel plans.

What is the Principal Sum?

The amount of insurance applicable to family members is expressed as a percentage of the amount the member selects for himself or herself (the “Full Amount”), on the following basis:

Spouse, Civil Union Partner or Domestic Partner and Eligible Child(ren):

  • Spouse: 50% of member amount
  • Each Child: 10% of member amount

Spouse, Civil Union Partner or Domestic Partner Only (No Dependent Children):

  • Spouse: 60% of member amount

Dependent Child(ren) Only (No Spouse, Civil Union or Domestic Partner):

  • Each Child: 15% of member amount

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For Residents of UT Only

For Residents of WA Only

*Not available in all states