What happens when a 40-year private pilot decides to reinvigorate his interest in flying by getting his wife into flight training? He calls on AOPA Project Pilot.
Dick Abbott, AOPA 1101868, of Akron, Ohio, decided to ease off a little from work pressures, fly more, and encourage his wife, Mary Ann, to get into the left seat. He signed her up as his "student" in the AOPA Project Pilot Program.
As have more than 13,000 AOPA members, Dick encouraged and guided his new student as a mentor, not a flight instructor. That role fell to John Malene at Aero Fliers, Inc., the former Goodyear Flying Club.
Mary Ann took to the left seat with an enthusiasm that surprised Dick — and even Mary Ann herself. After all, she had been Dick's right-seat companion for years but had never even touched the controls.
"Flying gives me a marvelous feeling of personal achievement," said Mrs. Abbott. "I'll always be grateful to Dick for his support, and especially for his commitment as my Project Pilot mentor."
She also loved Project Pilot's student pilot materials, helpful in answering the questions and facing the roadblocks along the way to a private certificate. "At every step, I would receive just what I needed to help me along."
Typical of those taking advantage of Project Pilot's synergy with other industry programs, Mary Ann also attended meetings and seminars offered by the local chapter of The Ninety-Nines, the international association of women pilots.
And it all worked. Mary Ann Abbott earned her private pilot certificate last October. General aviation has won another new pilot to bolster our ranks. And one Ohio family now has more fun when they go flying.
It's now easier for more CFIs to get the latest tips and techniques on how to grab and keep today's flight training students.
For a limited time, any CFI who is enrolled in the AOPA Project Pilot Instructor program or who joins the program can get AOPA's Successful Strategies to Land and Retain New Students video right away.
Successful Strategies distills 30 years of aviation and marketing experience from Ralph Hood, renowned industry consultant and Project Pilot Instructor marketing mentor. New or previously enrolled instructors need only register just two new students to receive the video.
"Flight instructors are enthused about this video," said Karen Detert, head of AOPA's Project Pilot programs. "They've told us every CFI should have a copy. Now we're making it quick and easy for every instructor to get one."
Current AOPA Project Pilot instructors will receive news about getting the Successful Strategies video in their next PilotsPlus Rewards Statement or Project Pilot Instructor newsletter.
Instructors new to the program will find an opportunity to obtain the video in their Project Pilot Instructor sign-up kit.
CFIs may sign up for the Project Pilot Instructor program by calling 800/USA- AOPA or by writing AOPA Project Pilot Instructor, Post Office Box 4097, Frederick, Maryland 21705.
The program offers information and training aids for flight instructors, plus a frequent flier-type rewards program based on the number of students being taught. Enrolled CFIs register their students, who also receive helpful Project Pilot materials on starting and sticking with flight training.
As CFIs teach and register more students, their growing student count earns them PilotsPlus Rewards incentives ranging from a distinctive Project Pilot Instructor cap to Barry Schiff Proficient Flying videos and new GPS teaching guides.
AOPA's Project Pilot Instructor program is now the nation's largest program for CFIs, with nearly 5,000 instructors enrolled.