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Test Pilot


  1. Francis _____ and Amos _____ worked for Sam Colt building revolvers, defined the industrial standard for the inch, and became household names in aviation.
  2. According to the FAA's Instrument Flying Handbook, "If the variation between field elevation and indicated altitude is on the order of plus or minus _____feet, the accuracy of the altimeter is questionable, and the problem should be referred to an instrument repair station."
  3. On an airport surface observation, "zero-zero" conditions were designated by the alphanumeric coding "W0X0F" (indefinite ceiling, zero; sky obscured; visibility, zero; fog). How are the same conditions designated in the new METAR report?
  4. The world's longest runway is __________ feet long and is located at _________ .
  5. On different occasions, a pilot keys his microphone three, five, and seven times to activate pilot-controlled airport lighting. The runway-edge lights will remain illuminated for_____, _____ and _____ minutes, respectively.
  6. Waco and Aeronca are famous names in aviation. They are also acronyms. What do the letters in these names represent?
  7. An airworthiness certificate is normally white. What is the significance of one that is pink?


  1. The world's tallest man-made obstruction (in feet above ground level and excluding tethered balloons) is in
    1. Florida.
    2. Illinois.
    3. New York.
    4. North Dakota.
  2. While landing at an airport with standard runway-edge lights, a pilot touches down abeam a runway light to his left and comes to a stop nine runway lights thereafter. The length of the landing roll is approximately
    1. 900 feet.
    2. 1,350 feet.
    3. 1,800 feet.
    4. cannot be determined
  3. Mountains on all sectional aeronautical charts are shaded on one side to depict how they might appear from the air. This shaded relief makes it appear as though the sun is positioned in the
    1. northeast.
    2. southeast.
    3. southwest.
    4. northwest.
  4. The longitudinal, lateral, and directional stabilities of an airplane refer, respectively, to stability about the
    1. longitudinal, lateral, and vertical axes.
    2. lateral, longitudinal, and vertical axes.
    3. vertical, longitudinal, and lateral axes.
    4. lateral, vertical, and longitudinal axes.


  1. Pratt (and) Whitney
  2. 75 feet. The Federal Aviation Regulations, however, apparently do not specify a maximum- allowable error other than at the time of a required static-system check.
  3. 0SM FG VV000 (visibility, zero statute miles; fog; vertical visibility, zero)
  4. 24,852 feet; Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California — which is an occasional landing site for the space shuttle.
  5. 15, 15, and 15; varying the number of microphone clicks only adjusts lighting intensity when such a feature is available.
  6. Weaver Aircraft COmpany and AERONautical Corporation of America
  7. A pink airworthiness certificate is issued to aircraft that are either experimental or restricted. It is not to be confused with a pink registration certificate, which is an interim or temporary certificate to be used until a permanent one is issued.
  8. (d) The KVLY-TV transmitting tower, which rises to 2,063 feet agl, is between Fargo and Grand Forks (refer to the Twin Cities sectional chart).
  9. (c) Runway lights are typically and uniformly spaced at intervals of 200 feet, which makes them useful for estimating (poor) visibility and approximating landing and takeoff distances.
  10. (d) According to the National Ocean Service, "Studies have indicated that our visual perception has been conditioned to this view."
  11. (b) Longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability are terms synonymous with pitch, roll, and yaw stability, respectively.
Barry Schiff
Barry Schiff
Barry Schiff has been an aviation media consultant and technical advisor for motion pictures for more than 40 years. He is chairman of the AOPA Foundation Legacy Society.

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