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Pilot Products

Cencal Does Kneeboards

Cencal Aviation Products is known for making a wide variety of quality flight bags, but it also offers pilots two different kneeboards. The FlipPage Tri-fold Kneeboard offers the most utility. The left and right panels ride the pilot's leg like saddlebags. In addition to full-width pockets on both sides, the left panel has elastic strips to hold flight computers, and the right panel has pen slots and accessory pockets. Two large elastic loops on both sides hold small flashlights for better night vision.

The flip page in the kneeboard's name is a clear "pocket" with a Velcro tab closure made of heavy, flexible vinyl. It can hold approach plates, checklists, or other documents, and it attaches to either side of the kneeboard with a Velcro strip.

An aluminum panel with a spring-loaded clip slips into a heavy, clear vinyl pocket on the center panel. It provides a firm, stable writing surface, and includes VFR/IFR notes with new weather and airspace formats (courtesy of King Schools). Rather than using an elastic band that encircles the leg, the Cencal kneeboards use a two-inch nylon band with a quick disconnect clip. The female end of the clip is attached to the kneeboard with heavy elastic to provide the "give" necessary for comfort.

The FlipPage Tri-fold Kneeboard comes in two (folded) sizes. Both are 7.75 inches wide, and the heights are 9.5 inches or 10.75 inches. The list price of each is the same - $39.95

For pilots who don't need the Tri-fold's storage space, Cencal offers its FlipPage Bi-Fold Kneeboard. It has the same features as the Tri-fold model, except for the left panel. Its folded size is 7.75 inches wide and 9.5 inches high, and its list price is $34.95. All the kneeboards are made in the USA from 1000-denier Cordura and available in black, red, royal blue, hunter green, burgundy, navy blue, and pewter gray.

For more information, contact Cencal Aviation Products, 3400 Shasta Gateway Drive, Suite D, Shasta Lake, CA 96019; 800/423-6225 or 530/275-0667;

S.M. Spangler

Flightcom Actively Cancels Noise

With a goal of providing cost-effective and proven noise-canceling technology to general aviation pilots, Flightcom recently introduced its first active noise-canceling headset, the Model 6ANX. Weighing less than 18 ounces, the 6ANX dampens low frequency noise by an additional 21 dB above the passive noise attenuation provided by Flightcom's 5DX and 4DX headsets, according to the manufacturer.

A detachable battery box powers the 6ANX. It uses a nine-volt battery (included) and provides approximately 40 hours of continuous use. Two separate speakers in each ear cup give the headset fail-safe operation. One speaker is dedicated to the active noise-canceling circuitry and the other is for traditional headset communications. If the headset loses power, the second set of speakers continues to work.

The 6ANX comes with a newly designed microphone boom. Called "precision flex," the boom combines the wire boom's ability to stay in place and the quick, easy adjustment of the flexible boom. To improve comfort, the 6ANX has a thick, polar fleece head pad, which can be removed and washed. The headset also comes with two sets of ear seals, foam and silicone gel. It has dual volume controls and is stereo/mono selectable at no additional charge.

The headset comes with carrying case, a three-year warranty on the headset, and a one-year warranty on the ANX module. Suggested retail price is $425. For more information, contact Flightcom Corp., 7340 SW Durham Road, Portland, OR 97224; 800/432-4342, 503/684-8229.

S.M. Spangler

ASA's Eighth Private Pilot

ASA recently published the eighth edition of its The Complete Private Pilot and updated it to the current Part 61 of the federal aviation regulations and FAA private pilot practical test standards. Written by Bob Gardner, the book prepares students for their private pilot certificate by giving them a thorough understanding of flying's fundamentals.

With a forward by noted aviation author Richard Taylor, The Complete Private Pilot includes chapters on getting acquainted with the airplane, aerodynamics, aircraft engines, flight instruments, weight and balance, performance, navigation, radio communications, airport operations, airspace, weather, publications, human factors, regulations, and flight planning. Review questions follow each chapter.

The author's conversational approach to learning makes the book friendly and easy to read. It has 312 pages, is newly illustrated throughout, and has a comprehensive glossary and index. Suggested retail price is $18.95.

To accompany the revised book, ASA has also revised The Complete Private Pilot Syllabus. The new syllabus gives accurate details for current private pilot training standards. Each lesson component lists the new flight-time requirements and integrates ground and flight training into one comprehensive, easy-to-understand program.

The syllabus includes a private pilot application (FAA Form 8710-1), a pre-solo exam, a final exam, and enrollment and graduation certificates. It also has bound-in stage exams that prepare students for solo flight, cross-country flights, and a checkride overview. All are designed to let students and instructors understand what areas require more training and guidance.

The Complete Private Pilot Syllabus has a suggested retail price of $8.95. For more information on the book and syllabus, contact ASA, 7005 132nd Place SE, Newcastle, WA 98059-3153; 800/ASA-2-FLY, 206/235-1500.

S.M. Spangler

Sporty's Teaches Weather, Cuts Computer Cost

Sporty's Pilot Shop recently introduced its new WeatherCycler Study Kit, a self-study course to learn how to interpret and forecast weather. Using the slide chart and study guide, the kit gives pilots a step-by-step explanation of highs, lows, warm and cold fronts, and various other weather systems. The slide chart explains weather symbols and conditions associated with each symbol.

Made of durable, laminated cardboard, the chart measures 8.5 by 11 inches and is an easy way to decipher and read weather maps. The user slides the chart left or right until the desired symbol is in the window and then learns about the associated weather in the chart's other windows. At $9.95, it's a handy learning tool.

A flight computer is an essential pilot tool, and Sporty's has reduced the price of its electronic E6B computer by 14 percent to $59.95. Because more than half of the computer's parts are made in Japan by NEC, a favorable exchange rate between the dollar and yen is partly responsible for the reduction. The Sporty's E6B performs 19 aviation functions, 14 standard aviation conversions, and can solve any navigation; weight and balance; or time, distance, and fuel problem.

To order either product, call Sporty's Pilot Shop at 800/LIFTOFF or 513/735-9000.

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