There's a better way. Know in advance the power settings and configurations that provide the performance you need.
John Eckalbar, who preaches precise flying in his book Flying the Beech Bonanza (see "Pilot Briefing," April Pilot), suggests taking the power/configuration settings one step further by memorizing the pitch angle on the attitude indicator. For example, a Beech A36 Bonanza will fly 110 knots at 16 to 17 inches of manifold pressure with approach flaps down and a pitch angle on the attitude indicator of plus three degrees. (Much the same approach is described in Positive Flying by Robert L. Taylor and William M. Guinther.)
Determine configurations for takeoff (that's easy--full power and a pitch angle that gives best rate of climb), cruise climb, cruise, maneuvering, approach, descent, and short final. Determine power and configuration for unusual situations as well, such as when the controller asks you to keep the speed up on final. At some point on final, though, switch back to the normal power, speed, and configuration to avoid excessive floating. Helping the controllers has its limits.
Airline and corporate pilots generally avoid nonprecision approaches if possible. A corporate pilot who flies for a large food company in California says that he has not done an NDB approach in nearly five years. He admits that they were required more frequently in a previous job, flying a Learjet in Colorado.
His current business jet has a flight management system (FMS) that would literally fly a nonprecision approach for him, but he prefers not to use it.
"FMS has everything in the box, but we do so few NDB and nonprecision approaches that we don't trust the box," he said. Instead, the autopilot and heading bug are used for nonprecision approaches and descents.
His company recently considered prohibiting night circling approaches but realized that might eliminate full use of Teterboro Airport in New Jersey. An alternative under consideration was to increase the company's minimums for all nonprecision approaches, such as increasing visibility requirements by one-half mile.
Are nonprecision approaches all that dangerous? It would seem so, to hear corporate pilots talk. They can hardly be blamed; after all, your reward for a properly flown nonprecision approach at weather minimums is a scud run to the airport, followed by a rapid descent to a wet runway. It is commonly accepted that scud running is a dangerous business. The pressure on the pilot to cheat just a little and go below the minimum descent altitude, is enormous. That may be why some recent nonprecision approaches have ended up in the trees, as happened on a foggy night in Texas recently.
Airlines have very specific procedures for nonprecision approaches. Here is some advice from an airline pilot who happens to be working part-time at AOPA headquarters.
Experienced instrument flight instructors have suggested over the years that the descent to minimum descent altitude (MDA) be completed a half-mile to a mile before reaching the airport. That allows adequate time to search for the airport but minimizes exposure to low-altitude flight.
That's a great idea, but can you perform the mental calculations needed to determine the proper descent rate? If you fly nonprecision approaches on a daily basis, perhaps such mental dexterity is no challenge. Use the distance from the final approach fix to the airport (remember to subtract a half-mile to a mile) and the speed to make that calculation.
If that is too distracting, standardize on one descent rate that will get you down early enough on most approaches to search for the airport, yet limit your exposure to low-altitude flight.
An informal survey of instructors around the country shows that the descent rate taught most often falls between 700 to 800 feet per minute. Instructors interviewed are unanimous in recommending that pilots never exceed 1,000 fpm during the descent; it is too easy to descend below the MDA when using such a high rate. Memorize in advance the power and configuration settings needed for such a descent.
GPS offers the possibility that someday pilots may be led step-by-step through the twists and turns of a nonprecision approach, both laterally and vertically, with little to do but fly the airplane. Today's reality is that GPS nonprecision approaches are not that simple; in most cases, the problem stems from those GPS approaches that overlay existing VOR or NDB procedures.
Consider this example, one required by one of the more user-friendly GPS-capable panel units on the market. A pilot wants to make a GPS overlay approach to an airport that has the VOR on the field. Before reaching the VOR, the GPS must be placed in Hold mode; but the Hold button is actually labeled OBS. Once outbound, the pilot remains in Hold mode while tracking along a specific radial, and must remember to return to Approach mode when established inbound. Want to try calculating a descent rate while the GPS demands attention to its flashing Message light?
Here are some GPS tips to help you cope with the future. First, you must exert the same learning effort as when you bought the new home computer. Remember how it took hours to set it up properly and to read the 500-page manual? Think of your new GPS, either handheld or panel-mounted, as another home computer.
Obviously, you'll need dual instruction in VFR conditions before GPS approaches become second nature, the same as when you learned other types of approaches. One pilot finds that he forgets how to use the GPS if approaches are not made routinely, and he takes monthly dual instruction to relearn the box.
MDA--The lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering when executing a nonprecision approach.
Nonprecision approach--A standard instrument approach procedure in which no electronic glideslope is provided.
Art Holland, a flight instructor in the Chicago area, has not only an ATP certificate, but a Ph.D. in education. Here are his tips for VFR and IFR pilots alike, based on common student errors.