Pilots from around the world will be able to electronically “attend” AOPA Expo ’98 in Palm Springs, California, Oct. 23-25 via “Virtual Expo ’98” on AOPA Online at www.aopa.org.
AOPA’s annual convention and trade show goes “live” on the Internet at 5 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Thursday, October 22, with the first pictures of AOPA’s exciting “Parade of Planes”—more than 70 aircraft taxiing from Palm Springs airport through the streets of the city to the convention center.
Throughout the course of the three-day convention and trade show, Virtual Expo ’98 will bring ongoing reports and pictures of Expo ’98 direct to computer desktops of pilots everywhere.
“Not everyone can attend Expo in person,” said AOPA President Phil Boyer, “but Virtual Expo ’98 gives everyone a chance to experience some of the excitement, information, and fun of Expo.”
AOPA Online reporters and photographers will be roaming Expo ’98 to find news of interest to pilots. Planned coverage includes regular updates from the giant exhibit hall as more than 430 aviation exhibitors unveil their latest products. There will also be a digital “photo gallery” of the newest in general aviation aircraft on display at Expo right at the convention center.
“With both FAA Administrator Jane Garvey and NASA Administrator Dan Goldin scheduled to speak, there will be major news coming out of the general sessions at AOPA Expo ’98,” said AOPA Online Managing Editor Seth Golbey. “Virtual Expo ’98 readers will know the news shortly after Expo attendees hear it.”
To see the latest news about AOPA Expo ’98, point your browser to www.aopa.org/expo/.
The 340,000-member Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is the world’s largest pilot organization, representing the interests of general aviation—the non-airline segment of flying that uses aircraft for personal and business transportation.
October 5, 1998