During the course of the video, Collins demonstrates how advance planning can make the approach go smoothly and help keep you ahead of the airplane. In addition, Collins discusses techniques for different flap, gear, and power settings; how to reach decision height safely; and how to handle a missed approach.
Other videos in the 21-volume Air Facts series cover topics such as mountain flying, multiengine flying, icing, emergencies, thunderstorms, turbulence, and night flying. The ILS Approaches video sells for $24.95. For more information or to order contact Sporty's Pilot Shop, Clermont County Airport, Batavia, Ohio 45103-9747; telephone 800/LIFT-OFF; fax 513/735-9200.
Elizabeth A. Tennyson
Monroy Aerospace of Coral Springs, Florida, has introduced the ATD-200, a new portable traffic-avoidance device. The automotive radar-detector-size unit can be placed on the glare shield for temporary installations or mounted in or under the instrument panel with a remote antenna for a more permanent installation. Monroy claims a three- to six-mile detection range depending on the strength of the target's transponder. A female voice says "traffic" into your headset to alert pilots when traffic is within three miles. When the intruder gets closer than one mile, a "traffic nearby" message is given. The ATD-200 lists for $895 and works on 11 to 28 volts. There is a 30-day, money-back guarantee and a three-year warranty provided with purchase. For more information, contact Monroy Aerospace at 954/344-4936.
Peter A. Bedell
For those who want the thrill of touring Alaska from above, but haven't yet made the journey, the new coffee table book Alaska from the Air provides a taste of the state's scenic wonders.
In the book, photographer Fred Hirschman provides glorious views of all parts of the state from its fishing ports, to glacial ponds, volcanoes, cities, and humpback whales. The 144-page book includes an introduction that gives readers the opportunity to meet some of the pilots who are inspired by their work. The book, which is available from Graphic Arts Center Publishing, retails for $39.95. For more information or to order e-mail the publisher at [email protected] or telephone 800/452-3032.
E. Tennyson
Flight Time Publishing has produced two new pocket-sized handbooks for pilots.
The Pilot's Rules of Thumb includes formulas, tips, conversions, and rules of thumb for topics such as temperature, altitude, airspeed, time, distance, fuel burn, takeoff, climb, maneuvers, flight planning, navigation, approach, and landing.
What the authors call "rules of thumb" are scattered throughout each section. They include tidbits of wisdom such as, "A decrease in airspeed by one-half decreases the effects of turbulence to one-quarter and the radius of turn to one-quarter," and, "When leveling from a descent, begin to level at 10 percent of the descent rate or 50 feet, whichever is greater."
In addition, a "quick tips" section at the back of the book offers short lists of information and actions to take regarding thunderstorms, mountain flying, VOR navigation, ILS approaches, and other conditions and procedures.
Pilot's Pocket Handbook focuses on flight calculations, weather decoding, aviation acronyms, checklists, and memory aids. The 77-page book is divided into a dozen sections and indexed to make information easy to find. Among the topics covered are navigation, performance, weight and balance, communications, weather briefings, and emergencies. The book also includes a section on memory aids such as "high to low, look out below;" "east is least, west is best;" and the four Cs of a missed approach-climb, clean, cowl flaps, communicate.
The books, which measure approximately three and a half inches by five and a half inches are available from Flight Time Publishing. The Pilot's Rules of Thumb sells for $6.95 while the Pilot's Pocket Handbook sells for $7.95. Bulk discounts are available. For more information or to order, contact Flight Time Publishing at 20740 Arminta Street, Canoga Park, California 91306; telephone 818/349-6830; or visit the Web site ( www.flight-time.com ).
E. Tennyson
Simulator For Garmin 430 GPS
Want to try before you fly? You've heard glowing reports on the Garmin 430 color moving-map GPS, but maybe you would like to see it for yourself. Garmin International offers an interactive training CD that is also packed with the unit. For $49, you can set up a Garmin 430 Simulator on your home computer and follow instructions in your own copy of the pilot's guide. It is available directly from Garmin or through your local avionics shop. To order, telephone 800/800-1020 or 913/397-8200; or visit the Web site ( www.garmin.com ).