The U.S. Senate approved legislation October 5 reauthorizing the FAA ( S.82). It is the companion version to AIR-21 ( H.R.1000) that contains provisions to unlock the aviation trust fund.
The House-Senate conference to write the final version of the bill is under way. Beginning the week of October 25, the conferees will begin formally discussing unlocking the aviation trust fund. It is vital AOPA members call or fax their senators today in support of AIR-21. Tell your senators the billions of dollars sitting in the trust fund unused were put there by pilots and airline passengers to modernize airports and the air traffic control system. Tell them supporting the provisions in AIR-21 to unlock the aviation trust fund will guarantee those funds are spent.
The Capitol Switchboard number is 202/224-3121.
See “On Capitol Hill” for the latest on the House senate conference on AIR-21.
October 21, 1999