What follows is a list of the abbreviations and acronyms that pilots will use most frequently throughout their flying experiences. When an asterisk (*) is used, it indicates a term that relates mostly to flight under IFR (instrument flight rules), but that is likely to be heard by all pilots.
The seemingly endless catalogue of military- and airline-specific terms has been omitted. Even so, pilots who land a career with the airlines, the military, or any other specialized area of aviation also will use the listed terms in their aviation operations. After all, seasoned Boeing 747 captains use the PTT (push-to-talk) button on the yoke to talk to the tower in the same way that student pilots flying Cessnas or Pipers do. Navy F-14 pilots are just as concerned with their ETE (estimated time en route) as pilots who are making their first solo cross-country flight.
AAF Army Airfield
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone
AFB Air Force Base
A/FD Airport/Facility Directory
AGL Above Ground Level
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual
Airmet Airmen's Meteorological Information
ATC Air Traffic Control
ALS* Approach Light System
AMEL Airplane Multiengine, Land
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
ASEL Airplane Single Engine, Land
ASOS Automated Surface Observation System
ASR* Airport Surveillance Radar
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATP Airline Transport Pilot
AWOS Automated Weather Observation System
CAS Calibrated Airspeed
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CFI Certificated Flight Instructor
CFII Certificated Flight Instructor, Instrument
CG Center of Gravity
CT Control Tower
CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CWA Center Weather Advisory
DF Direction Finder
DH* Decision Height
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DVFR Defense Visual Flight Rules
EAS Equivalent Airspeed
EFAS En Route Flight Advisory Service
EFC* Expect Further Clearance
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ESA Emergency Safe Altitude
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE Estimated Time En Route
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAF* Final Approach Fix
FBO Fixed-Base Operator
FDC Flight Data Center
FIR Flight Information Region
FL Flight Level
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
FSS Flight Service Station
GADO General Aviation District Office
GPS Global Positioning System
GS* Glideslope
HAA* Height Above Airport
HAT* Height Above Touchdown
HIRL High Intensity Runway Light
HIWAS Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
IAF* Initial Approach Fix
IAP* Instrument Approach Procedure
IAS Indicated Airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS* Instrument Landing System
IM* Inner Marker
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
KTAS Knots True Airspeed
LAA Local Airport Advisory
LAHSO Land And Hold Short Operations
LDA* Localizer Type Directional Aid
LMM* Locator Middle Marker
LOM* Locator Outer Marker
MAA* Maximum Authorized Altitude
MALS Medium-Intensity Approach Light System
MAP* Missed Approach Point
MC Magnetic Course
MCA* Minimum Crossing Altitude
MDA* Minimum Descent Altitude
MEA* Minimum En Route Altitude
MEF Maximum Elevation Figure
MEI Multiengine Instructor
MHA* Minimum Holding Altitude
MM* Middle Marker
MOA Military Operations Area
MOCA* Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
MSA* Minimum Safe Altitude
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTR Military Training Route
MVA* Minimum Vectoring Altitude
NAS National Airspace System or Naval Air Station
Navaid Navigation Aid
NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon
NDB-DME Nondirectional Beacon with Distance Measuring Equipment
NFDC National Flight Data Center
NORDO No Radio Aircraft
Notam Notice To Airmen
NSA National Security Area
ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System
OM Outer Marker
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR* Precision Approach Radar
Patwas Pilot's Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service
PIC Pilot In Command
Pirep Pilot Weather Report
POH Pilot's Operating Handbook
PT* Procedure Turn
PTS Practical Test Standards
PTT Push To Talk
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging
RAIL Runway Alignment Indicator Light
Rarep Radar Weather Report
RCLM Runway Centerline Marking
RCLS Runway Centerline Light System
RCO Remote Communications Outlet
REIL Runway End Identifier Lights
RMI* Radio Magnetic Indicator
RNAV Area Navigation
RVR* Runway Visual Range
RVV* Runway Visibility Value
SAR Search And Rescue
SDF* Simplified Directional Facility
SFC Surface
SIC Second In Command
SID* Standard Instrument Departure
Sigmet Significant Meteorological Information
STAR* Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
SVFR Special Visual Flight Rules
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TAS True Airspeed
TC True Course
TCH* Threshold Crossing Height
TDZE* Touchdown Zone Elevation
TDZL* Touchdown Zone Lights
TEC* Tower En Route Control
TIBS Telephone Information Briefing Service
TPA Traffic Pattern Altitude
TRSA Terminal Radar Service Area
TWEB Transcribed Weather Broadcast
Unicom Universal Communication
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VDP* Visual Descent Point
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VOR VHF Omni Range
VOR-DME VHF Omni Range with Distance Measuring Equipment
Vortac VHF Omni Range/Tactical Air Navigation
VTOL Vertical Takeoff and Landing
WCA Wind Correction Angle
Although they may seem mystifying at first, these terms, abbreviations, and acronyms make the communications between pilots and controllers, as well as between pilots themselves, faster, clearer, and safer.