House Bill 2071, an omnibus transportation bill, is presently in conference committee in the Kansas legislature. This bill would establish, fund, and administer a grant program for the purpose of planning, constructing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating public-use general aviation airports in Kansas. House Bill 2071 includes $3 million for airport projects annually. AOPA strongly supports a version of House Bill 2071 that would retain the $3 million for general aviation airports annually.
The 150 general aviation airports in Kansas are in trouble. Due to neglect and inadequate state funds for airports to grow or make repairs, many of the airport’s physical facilities have not been adequately maintained. As a result, many airports across the state are experiencing a gradual and certain deterioration, damaging aircraft, turning airport users away, and, most importantly, affecting safety. In addition to personal property taxes collected from aircraft owners and operators, general aviation in Kansas also pays sales and use taxes on aviation fuels, sales, leases, parts, and labor. None of these user taxes are funneled back to aviation for maintenance of the state airport infrastructure.
Kansas is one of two states that does not fund its airport infrastructure with state funding sources. Needless to say, this underscores the need for Kansas to implement a permanent and dedicated aviation funding program. In 1994, the state legislature recognized the problem and created the Airport Development Fund. Unfortunately, the fund remains empty of money, having never received allocations since its creation. The $3 million per year for general aviation airports would help make this much-needed funding a reality.
Contact the conference committee members by phone, fax, or e-mail and let them know that you support legislation that would retain the $3 million for general aviation airports. If you fax or e-mail your views on this issue, please forward a copy to AOPA State Legislative Affairs, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701; fax 301/695-2214 .
Representative Clay Aurand Representative John Ballou Representative Troy Findley Representative Gary Hayzlett Representative Bruce Larkin | Senator Dave Kerr Senator Audrey Langworthy Senator Janis Lee Senator Marge Petty Senator Ben Vidricksen |
April 9, 1999