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Accident Analysis

Lessons Learned On Landing Long

Beyond The Numbers
It's often said that one of the most useless things to a pilot is the runway behind him, and it doesn't take much experience to understand why. If something goes awry on takeoff, it may be possible to save the day by stopping on the remaining runway. For this reason, pilots are taught to avoid intersection takeoffs when practical, and to make use of the entire runway length for takeoff.

The same holds true for landing. Since we can't stop on the runway behind us, student pilots learn to reject landings when they don't touch down on the first third of the runway-a good rule of thumb.

Even with visual approach slope indicators (VASIs), precision approach path indicators (PAPIs), instrument landing system (ILS) glideslopes, and other aids designed to guide pilots to the proper touchdown point, it's the approach to the runway that often foils a landing attempt. Flying a sloppy pattern greatly reduces the chances of touching down at the right place and speed (see "Stabilized Approaches,"). As the following accident report illustrates, pilots must exercise even more care to fly a proper approach when landing on a short runway-and initiate an early go-around if the approach goes awry.

Too Long And Too Late

It was a VFR day in July when the pilot of a Mooney M20 and his passenger departed Hanscom Field in Bedford, Massachusetts. About an hour later, the pilot was on a long final to Runway 29 at Hartford-Brainard Airport in Hartford, Connecticut.

About two miles out, the pilot realized that he was too fast and asked air traffic control for a 360-degree turn to slow the aircraft. After completing the turn and slowing to 75 to 80 knots, the pilot rejoined the final approach. As the aircraft crossed the 42-foot-high dike that protects the airport from the Connecticut River, the pilot "caught a strong updraft, floated, and with one-third of the runway used, attempted to [apply] full throttle for a go-around."

According to the pilot's report, the throttle would not go in, so he decided to land. After touching down more than halfway down the 2,315-foot runway, he steered the airplane toward an open corner of the field. The left wing struck a fence post, ground-looping the airplane into the fence.

While a mechanical malfunction may have contributed to the accident, the pilot's problems began much earlier. When planning a flight, pilots must evaluate the conditions at the destination airport. This includes considering terrain, obstructions, runway length, runway conditions, and forecast winds in terms of aircraft performance. Whenever the runway length is less than twice the airplane's landing distance over a 50-foot obstacle as stated in the pilot's operating handbook, pilots are advised to use short-field landing technique.

When approaching the airport, pilots must constantly reevaluate the conditions and determine whether or not a landing can be safely made. If landing is questionable, assess the options and select a safe alternative.

Undoubtedly, the 42-foot-high dike topped with trees reported to be 130 feet tall made the approach to Runway 29 particularly difficult. The airport's main runway, 02/20, is nearly twice as long as Runway 29. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report doesn't provide wind data for the time of the accident, so it's unclear whether the pilot should have used the longer runway. If Runway 02/20 was unsuitable, other nearby airports might have offered better alternatives.

More Than Numbers

Student pilots learn to use landing performance tables and charts to determine the distance required to land over a 50-foot obstacle, including the stopping distance or ground roll on the runway surface. Landing performance data typically considers the variables of aircraft weight, wind, density altitude, runway slope, and aircraft configuration.

Pilots often find that their aircraft requires more landing distance than the performance data suggests. One reason is because the actual temperatures, winds, and aircraft weights are different from what was planned. Faster approach speeds and imprecise technique also add to the landing distance. Even when conditions seem ideal for landing on a short runway, proper technique and decision making are essential ingredients in the safe landing equation.

It was about 2:30 p.m. on a VFR September afternoon when the pilot of a Beech F33A prepared for a landing at the Block Island State Airport in Rhode Island. Winds at the time were reported as 290 degrees at 9 kt-nearly straight down the 2,501-foot Runway 28.

According to the pilot, he had reduced speed to 80 mph on final for Runway 28. As he began his flare, ground effect caused the aircraft to rise. He eased back and descended again for a landing, but when he added back-pressure, the aircraft climbed again.

According to the FAA Operations Inspector, the aircraft finally touched down at high speed with only 268 feet of usable runway remaining. The aircraft sped off the end of the runway, and the pilot jammed on the right brake to avoid a fence. The nose gear collapsed, and the aircraft came to rest in rough terrain. Although the aircraft sustained substantial damage, the pilot and two passengers were not injured. A third passenger received minor injuries.

The NTSB report listed as probable cause "the pilot maintaining excessive airspeed during the landing, resulting in a touchdown on the runway with insufficient distance to stop." A causal factor was the pilot's failure to go around.

Performance Pitfalls

It isn't always clear why a pilot chooses to land when he knows that he will touch down beyond the touchdown zone, but stress, fatigue, the conditioned response to land, and the desire to get out of bad weather can cloud a pilot's judgment. These factors may have played a role in the following accident.

It was near 6 p.m. on a November evening when the commercial-rated pilot of a Cessna 310R and his passenger arrived at Hartford-Brainard Airport. It had been nearly three hours since the IFR flight departed Wilmington, North Carolina, where the pilot had made a fuel stop en route from Boca Raton, Florida. Local conditions included night instrument weather conditions with visibility of four miles, light rain and mist, a 400-foot ceiling, and winds from 10 degrees at 4 kt.

Approaching Hartford, the pilot was vectored to the LDA (localizer type directional aid) approach to Runway 02. The pilot missed the approach and was vectored for a second attempt. The control tower received a low-altitude alert and warned the pilot. Shortly thereafter, the pilot reported the field in sight.

The aircraft broke out of the clouds about midfield, and, thinking that the aircraft was too far down the runway to land on Runway 02, the tower controller asked the pilot if he would like to circle to Runway 20. The pilot continued his landing attempt.

The aircraft reportedly touched down with only 550 to 1,500 feet remaining of the 4,418-foot asphalt runway. According to witnesses, the aircraft floated. After landing long, the aircraft continued past the end of the runway and smashed into a concrete dike, causing substantial damage. Fortunately, neither the pilot nor his passenger was injured. In his report, the pilot said that he had landed slightly beyond the numbers and was unable to stop because of a wet runway.

One lesson highlighted by this report involves judging distances, which can be difficult in darkness or poor visibility. Touchdown zone and aim point markings and even runway centerline markings provide important cues, as do runway edge lights and centerline lights installed on many instrument runways.

Another important lesson involves the effect of runway conditions on landing performance. Landing distance charts supplied by Cessna for the 310R indicate a 610-foot ground roll for landing at maximum gross weight with a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit, calm winds, a dry runway, and a speed at 50 feet of 93 kt.

As the NTSB report notes, the landing performance charts for the 310R provide no information for wet runways. Variations in runway surfaces, including water, snow, ice, slush, and sand dramatically reduce tire friction and increase stopping distances.

Other factors, most of which are not in landing performance charts, can also alter performance. Haze, sloping terrain, and rain can create visual illusions and cause us to fly an improper approach. Obstacles and sloping runways can increase the required landing distance.

Landing an airplane safely in adverse conditions can be tricky, and if we don't look beyond the numbers in our planning, chances are that we'll land well beyond the numbers on the runway. Even when the calculations say there's room to spare, we must have the judgment to know when the picture outside the windscreen doesn't match the picture painted by the performance charts. When pilots land long, they learn the truth of the age-old saying-as with altitude above you and fuel on the ground, the runway behind you is of precious little use.

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