B. review traffic control light signal procedures.
C. check the accuracy of the navigation equipment and the emergency locator transmitter (ELT).
A. Reduce cyclic back stick pressure during turns.
B. Lower the collective pitch control, as necessary, to maintain rotor rpm.
C. Open the throttle as the collective pitch is raised.
A. Do not allow the rate of descent to get too low at zero airspeed.
B. Normally, the airspeed is controlled with the collective pitch.
C. Normally, only the cyclic control is used to make turns.
A. The location of the center of gravity with respect to the center of lift.
B. The relationship of thrust and lift to weight and drag.
C. The effectiveness of the horizontal stabilizer, rudder, and rudder trim tab.
A. received ground and flight instruction from an authorized flight instructor who then endorses that person's logbook.
B. an endorsement in that person's logbook that he or she is competent to act as pilot in command.
C. passed a flight test in that airplane from an FAA inspector.
A. Safety belts during takeoff and landing; shoulder harnesses during takeoff and landing and while en route.
B. Safety belts during takeoff and landing and while en route; shoulder harnesses during takeoff and landing.
C. Safety belts during takeoff and landing; shoulder harnesses during takeoff and landing.
A. High temperature, high relative humidity, and high density altitude.
B. Low temperature, low relative humidity, and low density altitude.
C. High temperature, low relative humidity, and low density altitude.
A. VHF radio receiver tuned to an Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) frequency.
B. regularly scheduled weather broadcast on a VOR frequency.
C. Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWEB) on an ADF radio receiver.
A. Surface winds greater than 40 knots or thunderstorms equal to or greater than video integrator processor (VIP) level four.
B. Tornadoes, embedded thunderstorms, and hail three-quarters of an inch or greater in diameter.
C. Severe icing, severe turbulence, or widespread dust storms lowering visibility to less than three miles.
A. Turbulent or rough-air speed.
B. Never-exceed speed.
C. Maneuvering speed.
1. A. FAR 91.103(b)
2. B. AC 61-13B
3. C. AC 61-13B
4. A. AC 61-23C
5. A. FAR 61.31
6. B. FAR 91.105
7. A. AC 61-23
8. C. AC-00-45D
9. B. AC-00-45D
10. B. AC 61-23C