Departments Inside AOPA On Capitol Hill Airport Support Network Quiz Me! Picture of the day ePILOT Calendar Weekend Weather | GA News | BOB HOOVER CANCELS 2000 SEASON Consummate pilot and airshow performer Bob Hoover says he has cancelled airshow commitments for the year because he could not obtain as much liability insurance as he would like, according to the International Council of Air Shows (ICAS). An ICAS newsletter says that Hoover and his family are thinking of donating his famous Shrike Commander to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Hoover shuts off both engines of the Shrike before landing and taxiing back to his starting point on the airport at the end of his act. Hoover, 78, has a current medical certificate. The famous fighter pilot, test pilot, and airshow performer said in a statement that he is in excellent physical and mental health. He thanked AOPA, EAA, ICAS, and others who supported him throughout his career, especially during his battles with the FAA over the loss of his medical certificate in recent years. He continues to be interested in additional flying opportunities, including airshow acts in another type of airplane. In a telephone interview, Hoover said insurance companies have reduced coverage for all airshow performers. AOPA HOLD LINE By popular demand, ePilot is running a picture of the three-dimensional runway hold line that is currently painted on the ramp at AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Maryland. Some of you as far away as Switzerland have asked to see the completed line that was first reported in ePilot in mid-December. The effort is part of a Mitre Corporation test project. Using an artist's technique called anamorphic projection, the hold-short line appears to stand up like a wall, aiding in the reduction of runway incursions. Pilots taxiing onto AOPA's ramp are asked to complete a survey on the effectiveness of the 3-D hold-short line. DIAMOND DA40 CERTIFICATION DATES ANNOUNCED Diamond Aircraft says that its four-seat DA40-180 will receive FAA certification for VFR flight this summer, with IFR certification to come in the fall. VISIONAIRE EXPECTS CERTIFICATION IN THREE YEARS VisionAire CEO James O. Rice Jr. says he expects the company's $2.2 million Vantage single-engine business jet to be certified in three years, with deliveries set for late 2003. The company has restructured 75 percent of its $18 million debt through use of stock options and long-term notes, Rice said in an interview from his Chesterfield, Missouri, office. Most of the lawsuits pending against the firm from creditors have been settled. A wrongful discharge lawsuit brought by two employees who claimed that certification and delivery dates were misrepresented was dismissed in mid-March. The company has slimmed down to 25 employees, and many of them are working on final interior design changes. Rice said the present flying Vantage prototype will be rebuilt to incorporate the latest design changes. The factory in Ames, Iowa, has been leased temporarily to a company that makes livestock feed supplements, but will be reclaimed when production is ready to begin. For daily news updates, see AOPA's Pilot Briefing. | Inside AOPA | AOPA CONTINUES PUSH FOR VFR WAYPOINTS Terminal areas and special-use airspace are easy to see when viewed on a radar scope, but are a lot harder to spot when flying. To help pilots, AOPA is pushing for VFR waypoints that will appear on terminal-area charts, in GPS databases, and in the Airport/Facility Directory with latitude and longitude coordinates. Pilots flying over unfamiliar areas will be able to positively identify waypoints and avoid intrusions into special-use airspace. VFR waypoints are now being tested in California. Pilot comments in California have led to changing the "VV" identifier for VFR waypoints to "VP" to avoid making the waypoint identifier look like it starts with a "W." Soon, waypoints will be tested in additional areas of the country, and then used nationwide. A presentation on what they are and how to use them can be found on AOPA Online. AOPA DEMANDS DATA ON OASIS AOPA has asked for specific details on the FAA's plans to field and certify the Operational and Supportability Implementation System (OASIS)--equipment needed to modernize the flight service station (FSS) system. AOPA Vice President Dennis Roberts and Director of Air Traffic Melissa Bailey said that the FAA cannot continue to delay the certification of OASIS without jeopardizing congressional and industry support. When the FAA said it was delaying delivery of a certified OASIS system until at least 2002 and wouldn't complete the entire deployment until 2005, Roberts demanded a deployment schedule, including specific sites and costs. AOPA needs the information in order to fight for the modernization funding before Congress. The FAA has been given until this week to provide the information. If it is provided, AOPA stands ready to lobby for additional support, but must first be assured that the FAA is committed to meeting its obligations for an on-time and on-budget delivery. DICK DYER WINS AOPA CALIFORNIA AWARD AOPA has presented its annual Joe Crotti Award to Richard G. "Dick" Dyer for the greatest contribution to California aviation advocacy during 1999. Dyer is widely acknowledged in California and nationally for his expertise on airport noise issues. He helped develop California's first-in-the-nation airport noise regulations in 1970. Since then, Dyer has managed their application and educated both the aviation community and airport neighbors on noise compatibility issues to help soothe airport/neighbor relations. AOPA AIDS MEMPHIS AREA PILOTS Many of you in the Memphis area would never have learned of upcoming meetings to discuss the redesign of the Memphis Class B airspace had AOPA not intervened. When AOPA heard that there was no money in the FAA budget to send notices as required by regulations, AOPA offered to mail notices of its own as a favor to the FAA--but with a decidedly AOPA slant to the issues to be discussed. Suddenly, the money materialized from the FAA budget. The meetings will take place April 27 at the FedEx World Tech Center in Collierville, Tennessee, and on May 4 at the Memphis International Airport air traffic control tower. Both meetings are at 7 p.m. You can make comments on the airspace changes until June 5 by sending them in triplicate to: Manager, Air Traffic Division, ASO-500, FAA, 1701 Columbia Avenue Southwest, College Park, Georgia. | On Capitol Hill | BILL TO SAVE NEVADA AIRPORT PASSES HOUSE Despite heavy lobbying by environmental groups, a bill that will protect Jean Airport in Jean, Nevada, from possible closure has passed the House of Representatives by an overwhelming vote of 420-1. As part of the legislation, Clark County, Nevada, entered into an agreement with the secretary of transportation to retain ownership of the airport and to maintain it for general aviation purposes. In addition, the bill contains a provision to protect VFR flight in the Las Vegas basin from the construction and operation of a commercial or primary airport that may change the airspace characteristics of the area. The bill will be taken up by the Senate in the coming weeks. No serious opposition is expected. WAAS NEEDED, PANEL FINDS The GPS Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is needed and the FAA should continue developing the program. Following the summit meeting, AOPA President Phil Boyer briefed Washington defense, industry and government executives at the National Aviation Club (NAC). That was the consensus of the aviation industry March 15 at an intense WAAS summit meeting. For details, see AOPA Online. HAPPY WITH YOUR AVIONICS SHOP? Here's your chance to sound off about your avionics shop experiences, both good and bad. AOPA is cooperating with the Aircraft Electronics Association--which represents avionics shops--to help the shops learn how they are viewed by their customers. In addition, AEA is asking its members to share their comments about customer problems (or problem customers, as the case may be). We'll compile the responses for an upcoming article in AOPA Pilot. Please take a moment to answer these questions about your avionics shop. The survey will be online for a limited time!
| Airport Support Network | VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK -– BERNARD SCHMELZ Tiedown tenants at New York's Albany International Airport received a one-week notice that their tiedown spaces were going to be converted to automobile parking. The notice had been sent out by Signature Flight Support on behalf of the Albany County Airport Authority. The only option offered to the tiedown customers was to sign a lease with Signature and move their aircraft onto the Signature ramp. Airport Support Network (ASN) volunteer Bernard Schmelz worked with AOPA's ASN staff and the local aviation association to send letters opposing the move to the local airport authority. The airport authority has now agreed to delay converting existing tiedowns into a parking lot until a more acceptable alternative can be found. Click here to learn more about the Airport Support Network.
| Quiz me! | Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge. Question: "I have a private pilot certificate, but was curious as to the regulations on logging time in ultralights. I use the term 'ultralight' loosely because I know few actually qualify as such. I guess my question is, can ultralight flight time be logged and used toward certificate ratings such as commercial or instrument? If so, what are the requirements of the aircraft being used?" Answer: There is a paragraph in the "General Aviation Inspectors Handbook," FAA Order 8700.1, that says you cannot use ultralight time toward a certificate or rating. It is located in chapter 1, section 10, paragraph 9B, and reads as follows: "B. Logging Time. Unless the vehicle is type-certificated as an aircraft in a category listed in FAR 61.5(b)(1) or as an experimental aircraft, or otherwise holds an airworthiness certificate, flight time acquired in such a vehicle may not be used to meet requirements of FAR Part 61 for a certificate or rating or to meet recency of experience requirements." Got a technical question? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
| Picture of the day | Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. Visit the AOPA Online Gallery.
| ePILOT Calendar | FLY AWAY PICKS FOR UPCOMING WEEKENDS Asheville, North Carolina. A turn-of-the-century celebration of spring takes place at the Biltmore Estate--once owned by the Vanderbilts--from April 1 through 30. The Festival of Flowers includes Victorian floral arrangements and garden strolls. Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) serves the area, 828/684-2226. Call 800/543-2961 for festival information. Mangum, Oklahoma. The annual Rattlesnake Derby features competition for the most snakes captured and for the longest snake taken prisoner from March 28 through 30. Snakeskins and snake meat are offered for sale. Scott Field (OK11) serves the area, 580/782-2256. Call 580/782-2444 for festival information. Fortuna, California. California's largest Daffodil Show enters its 25th year March 25 through 26. International judges from England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, and the United States rate the horticulture entries and flower displays. Rohnerville Airport (FOT) serves the area, 707/839-5401. Call 707/725-9261 for event information. Frederick, Maryland. Join AOPA for the Mid-Atlantic's premier fly-In June 3 at Frederick Memorial Airport (FDK). The 10th Annual AOPA Fly-In and Open House features more than 90 exhibitors, static aircraft displays, free seminars, and good food. Visit the Web site for more information. Got Expo? AOPA Expo 2000 takes place in Long Beach, California, October 20 through 22. Visit AOPA Online for details. For details on individual airports, see AOPA’s Airport Directory Online. For more calendar events, see the AOPA Pilot magazine Aviation Calendar of Events. A SF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are in Minneapolis; Orlando, Florida; and Baltimore on March 25 and 26. Clinics are scheduled in San Diego, Denver, and Tampa on April 1 and 2. For complete details, visit the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule. ASF PINCH HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place place April 15 and 16 in Atlanta, Georgia. For details and a complete schedule, see the Pinch Hitter Ground School Schedule. AOPA PILOT TOWN MEETINGS Featuring AOPA President Phil Boyer (7:30 p.m.; admission is free) The next Pilot Town Meetings are in New Bedford, Massachusetts, on March 28; Burlington, Vermont, on March 29; and Poughkeepsie, New York, on March 30. Click for more information on Pilot Town Meetings.
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