To gain the necessary experience, the pilot may perform these maneuvers either in an aircraft or in an approved flight simulator or flight training device. If the currency requirements are met in an aircraft, the aircraft must be of the appropriate category, but not class. For example, if a pilot performs the required maneuvers in a single-engine land airplane, the pilot would also meet the requirement for all other classes of airplane, whether multiengine land or sea - provided, of course, that he or she has the necessary ratings and endorsements to fly those aircraft. However, the pilot would not meet the currency requirements for rotorcraft because this is a different category of aircraft. In addition, if the requirements are met in an aircraft under simulated instrument conditions, you will need a safety pilot. Remember to include the safety pilot's name and certificate number in your logbook. If the training is done in a flight simulator or flight training device, it must be one that is representative of the aircraft category for the aircraft to be flown.
A pilot may remain current to act as pilot in command of a flight under IFR if these maneuvers are performed within six months of the contemplated IFR flight. If that six-month period has passed, the pilot may regain currency any time during the next six months by performing and logging the required maneuvers.
However, if a pilot is not able to meet these instrument experience requirements within six months of the latest qualifying flight, or within six calendar months after that, then the pilot must pass an instrument proficiency check before acting as pilot in command on an IFR flight. That is, if a second six-month period has run out and the pilot still had not performed and logged the recent instrument experience, the pilot may only become instrument qualified by successfully completing an instrument proficiency check in an aircraft of the category in which the pilot will exercise the IFR privileges. The regulation specifies that this check must consist of a representative number of tasks required by the instrument rating practical test. The check must be administered by an instrument flight instructor or other authorized person.
There are other recent flight experience requirements that must be met before commencing a flight as pilot in command, regardless of weather conditions and flight rules. These requirements include having a current flight review and having performed three takeoffs and landings within the preceding 90 days if passengers are carried. Timely logging of your flight experience is important. It will make it easier for you to keep track of your currency, and you will avoid the problems sometimes caused by trying to accurately recall dates and times well after the flight has been completed.