Departments Inside AOPA On Capitol Hill Airport Support Network ASF News Quiz Me! ePilot Calendar Weekend Weather | GA News | FAA DELAYS NEW GRAND CANYON FLIGHT RULES AOPA has learned that the FAA will delay implementing the new Grand Canyon Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) final rule and commercial air tour routes that were scheduled to go into effect December 1. The agency is reportedly re-examining "safety of flight" issues. The new rules would primarily affect commercial air tour operators. AOPA had successfully objected to parts of the rule that would have imposed greater restrictions on transient GA aircraft crossing the canyon. For more, see AOPA Online. IFR DA40 RECEIVES EUROPEAN CERTIFICATION Diamond Aircraft has received Joint Aviation Authorities certification for its IFR-equipped DA40 four-place, single-engine aircraft. Diamond officials expect FAA certification to be granted under international agreements by March 31, 2001. The company claims a cruise speed of 147 knots at 75-percent power. Economy cruise is 120 kt. Production of the $185,000 (IFR-equipped) aircraft has begun, and 100 deliveries are expected in 2001. In addition, Diamond received "Design Organization" status in Europe, meaning faster certification of future Diamond models. Diamond is one of only two companies in Europe with that status. To learn more about the JAA, visit the Web site. To learn more about Diamond Aircraft, see their Web site. AVIALL BUYS SUPERIOR AIR PARTS Global aviation parts distributor Aviall Inc. announced that its Aviall Services subsidiary has entered into a contract to acquire all outstanding shares of Superior Air Parts for $43 million. The deal is expected to be finalized in December, pending regulatory approval. Superior Air Parts, headquartered in Dallas, manufacturers and distributes FAA-approved parts for piston-powered general aviation aircraft. The company's 2000 sales were estimated at $50 million. Superior will remain a separate legal entity under the agreement and continue to focus on its core GA business. The company plans to take advantage of Aviall's enhanced distribution channels and provide an expanded selection of parts to its customers through the deal. CESSNA OFFERS PILOT TRAINING PROGRAMS Cessna Aircraft Company's acclaimed private pilot curriculum, "Cleared for Takeoff," helps students get from program start through finish. The computer-based instruction program is said to help many students who abandoned flight training because they became paralyzed by outdated programs that didn't flow in a logical sequence. Cessna's program tracks student progress by providing sequential training segments that cover a complete flight training syllabus. Students must correctly answer questions about a specific lesson segment before the program allows them to advance to the next topic. A new program called "Cleared for Approach" for advanced ratings also has been announced. It combines state-of-the-art graphics with advanced teaching techniques to deliver a challenging program. For more information, visit the Web site. EXTRA 400 RECEIVES CERTIFICATION The composite Extra 400 has received FAA certification in the Normal category for day and night IFR operations. Manufactured by Extra Flugzeugbau Gmbh of Dinslaken, Germany, the 230-knot, six-place pressurized airplane has been flying in Europe since 1998. The aircraft is powered by a Teledyne Continental 350-horsepower engine. "The Extra 400 is the most technologically advanced single-engine piston aircraft in the world. We have designed and built an aircraft utilizing carbon fiber structures, and the latest in design and production processes that far exceed current certification requirements," said Walter Extra, the company's founder and chief designer. Sales and support will be provided by Extra Aircraft USA of Orlando, Florida, through a nationwide dealer/service center network. For more information, call 888/962-9945 or send an e-mail [email protected]. For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. | Inside AOPA | FAA TAKES STEPS TO SAVE AIRPORT, THANKS TO AOPA Following years of prodding by AOPA and the Queen City Airport Action Committee, the FAA has taken action to ensure that the Allentown, Pennsylvania, airport remains a vibrant general aviation facility. Last Wednesday the FAA and the city entered into a settlement that transferred the airport from Allentown to the Lehigh Northampton Airport Authority. "The future of Queen City Airport is now secure," said Bill Dunn, AOPA vice president of regional affairs. "LNAA is dedicated to maintaining a regional system of quality general aviation facilities." For more, see the Web site. AOPA QUESTIONS PROPOSED AIRPORT RULE AOPA is asking for changes to proposed airport certification rules that could harm many smaller general aviation airports. The proposed changes to FAR Part 139 could require some 50 GA airports across the United States to obtain certification. That could lead to higher costs and increased security restrictions for general aviation pilots. The FAA is proposing to make Part 139 airport certification apply to all airports served by a scheduled air carrier using aircraft with 10 or more seats. Currently only airports served by 30-seat aircraft need to be certificated. For more, see AOPA Online. VFR WAYPOINTS TO BE ADDED TO SECTIONAL CHARTS VFR waypoints will soon be added to some sectional charts, thanks to an effort initiated by AOPA and the AOPA Air Safety Foundation. In addition, VFR waypoints may also be added to some charts in mountainous areas to identify the beginning and end of VFR routes through mountain passes. For more, see AOPA Online. | On Capitol Hill | MOST AOPA PAC RECIPIENTS WIN SEATS IN CONGRESS This week, 127 out of 141 candidates who received support from AOPA PAC were elected or reelected to Congress. Twenty-three of the 26 AOPA PAC-supported candidates were elected to the Senate and 104 of 115 were elected to the House. This outcome gives AOPA PAC a 90-percent success rate for the 2000 election cycle. Republicans lost several hotly contested seats, but were able to maintain control of House. This control was made possible on the strength of close victories by AOPA members in North Carolina and New Hampshire. Meanwhile, on the other side of Capitol Hill, the fight for control of the Senate was much closer. Despite the loss of seats in Missouri, Michigan, Delaware, and Florida, Republicans appeared, on the morning after Tuesday's election, to hold a 51 to 49 edge in that body of Congress. For additional information please visit the AOPA Web site.
| Airport Support Network | VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK–ROBERT TEFFT Robert Tefft, ASN volunteer at San Luis Obispo County-McChesney Field, California, recently forwarded to AOPA the latest draft of proposed changes to the airport land use plan for San Luis Obispo County. As a member of the technical advisory committee and a newly appointed member of the Airport Land Use Commission, Tefft has been actively involved with the changes to the plan. Tefft reports that previous proposed changes to the plan may have allowed opportunities for encroachment upon the airport. However, the most recent changes effectively would eliminate the threat of encroachment. Tefft continues to educate the surrounding pilot community, local homeowners, and surrounding businesses on airport-related issues. He also has been rallying support for the changes to the plan, which would ensure the future existence of the airport. Click here to learn more about the Airport Support Network.
| AOPA Air Safety Foundation News | Since many pilots, especially renters, have to navigate with different GPS receivers, the Air Safety Foundation is offering online access to GPS manuals and computer-based simulators. Now pilots can learn GPS without leaving the ground. See the Web site. | Quiz Me! | Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge. Question: I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Am I going to be able to get a medical and fly again? Answer: Although it's not one of the specifically disqualifying medical conditions referenced in FAA Part 67, a report of prostate cancer on the medical application will require additional documentation before the aviation medical examiner can issue a certificate. At the time of the FAA examination, you will need all medical records pertaining to the treatment of the malignancy. This includes admission history and physical reports, surgical reports, pathology reports, discharge summary, and a current, detailed status report from your physician. If the records show no evidence that the tumor is spreading to other organs, completion of all treatment with no adverse side effects, and a favorable prognosis, the aviation medical examiner (AME), with the approval of the regional flight surgeon or the FAA in Oklahoma City, may issue a medical certificate at the time of examination. For more, see AOPA Online. Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
| ePilot Calendar | WEEKEND FLYING DESTINATIONS In response to member requests, some destinations will be posted one week in advance. Houston, Texas. The annual "Hobbyfest 2000" airshow and static aircraft display takes place November 17 through 18 at William P. Hobby Airport (HOU), 713/640-3000. Call 281/992-4136 for event information. Naples, Florida. Aviation Day takes place at Naples Municipal Airport (APF), 941/643-0404, November 18. Call 941/261-1111 for event information. Yuma, Arizona. The Colorado River Crossing Balloon Festival takes place November 17 through 19. Yuma International Airport (YUM), 520/726-5882, serves the area. Call 520/539-2022 for event information. For more airport details, see AOPA’s Airport Directory Online. For more events, see the Aviation Calendar of Events. ASF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Albuquerque, Houston, and San Diego, November 11 and 12. Clinics are scheduled in Baltimore and Cincinnati, November 18 and 19. For complete details, visit the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule. ASF SAFETY SEMINARS The next AOPA ASF Safety Seminars are scheduled in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, November 13; Des Moines, Iowa, November 14; Omaha, November 15; Waco, Texas, November 27; West Houston, Texas, November 28; San Antonio, Texas, and St. Louis, November 29; and Austin, Texas, November 30. For more information see Web site. ASF PINCH HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place place December 17 in Orlando, Florida. For details and a complete schedule, see the Pinch Hitter Ground School Schedule. AOPA PILOT TOWN MEETINGS Featuring AOPA President Phil Boyer (7:30 p.m.; admission is free) The next Pilot Town Meetings are in Baltimore, November 13; Las Vegas, November 28; Prescott, Arizona, November 29; and Phoenix, November 30. Click for more information on Pilot Town Meetings. For comments on calendar items or to make submissions, contact Julie Walker at [email protected].
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