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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot--Vol. 2, Issue 40


Inside AOPA

On Capitol Hill

Airport Support Network

Quiz Me!

The Road to Expo

ePilot Calendar

Weekend Weather

Sandel to demo improved TAWS
Boeing completes Jeppesen purchase
FAA intends to increase safety belt use
AOPA's Boyer experiences Euro aviation
Volume 2, Issue 40
October 6, 2000
GA News
The FAA issued on Wednesday its official approval of an alternative method of compliance (AMOC) for a recently issued emergency airworthiness directive affecting certain Lycoming engines. AD 2000-18-53 originally mandated the replacement of faulty oil filter adapter plate gaskets every 50 hours to prevent oil loss and possible in-flight fire. The AMOC allows the one-time installation of a new part number gasket to serve as terminating action for the AD. Sources at Lycoming said that 4,300 of the gaskets have been shipped to distributors. To alleviate industry concerns over possible parts shortages or parts hoarding, Lycoming officials have arranged for an additional 8,000 replacement gaskets to be sent to distributors in the coming weeks. For more information, see AOPA Online.

Schweizer Aircraft announced on Wednesday that it has received FAA type certification for its model 333 turbine-powered helicopter. The 333 features a unique rotor system, designed and developed by Schweizer, which is an upgrade to the system found on the 330SP helicopter. The 333 provides more useful load, speed, and hover performance compared to its predecessor. At an hourly operating cost of $133 an hour, the 333 also costs less to operate than the 330SP. The first commercial 333 was delivered to Dick Wales of Waco, Texas. The second delivery will occur later this month. The base price is $595,000. Schweizer is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. For more information, see the Schweizer Web site.

Sandel Avionics will demonstrate new technology next week that allows terrain avoidance and warning systems (TAWS) to be more compact, lighter, less expensive, easier to use, and faster to install. Sandel will provide the demonstration at the National Business Aviation Association convention in New Orleans. The FAA recently mandated that TAWS systems be installed in most turbine aircraft by 2005. Many commercial operators expressed concern about the cost of the units and aircraft downtime required for TAWS installations. Sandel already claims 90 percent of the market in the general aviation electronic flight instrument systems (EFIS) category with its popular 3-inch ColorMap horizontal situation indicator. More information will be posted to AOPA Online next week.

Acting on a recommendation from the General Aviation Coalition, the FAA has promised that first-time flight instructor candidates will be able to schedule a checkride within two weeks of the request. The GA Coalition, chaired by AOPA President Phil Boyer, met with FAA Administrator Jane Garvey in early September about improving the process. "With the increasing shortage of flight instructors, we're pleased that the FAA has reacted so quickly to resolve this problem," said Boyer. "The coalition told Administrator Garvey that some new flight instructors had to wait months to schedule a practical test with an FAA inspector. That was hurting general aviation." For more, see AOPA Online.

Jeppesen Sanderson Inc. and Boeing announced Wednesday the completion of Jeppesen's sale to Boeing. Jeppesen is now part of the Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group (BCAG) under the leadership of Alan Mulally. Horst Bergmann, Jeppesen's president and CEO, will report to John Hayhurst, vice president and general manager of business development, and former manager of the Boeing 737 product line. Boeing expects to keep the Jeppesen name and all of the company's present business units intact. Jeppesen officials said last week that they expect to retain the Jeppesen name, perhaps tagged with, "A Boeing company." Downplaying the Boeing name is most likely an important step in helping Jeppesen maintain good international customer relations with companies such as Airbus that compete directly with Boeing. For more information, see the Web site.

The FAA recently issued a policy statement with the intent of increasing aviation safety by encouraging the installation of shoulder harnesses in aircraft that were not originally equipped with such devices. The statement clarifies that in certain instances shoulder harness installation may be considered, in FAA terminology, a minor change. Minor changes may be signed off in the aircraft logbook by an A&P mechanic who conducts the installation. In such cases, a field approval or supplemental type certificate would not be necessary before returning the aircraft to service. The FAA said that the installation of shoulder harnesses in the front seats of aircraft manufactured before July 19, 1978, and in the rear seats of aircraft manufactured before December 13, 1986–and that do not require drilling or welding–may be considered minor changes. For a copy of the new policy, see AOPA Online.

The FAA has approved micro-thin prescription inserts called Intacs to correct nearsightedness for pilots. KeraVision Inc., maker of Intacs, said the procedure is approved for all aviation medical classes. Intacs mark the first nonlaser option for correcting nearsightedness or myopia to be approved by the FAA. The product was approved by the Food and Drug Administration last year for correcting 1 to 3 diopters of myopia. The maintenance-free plastic inserts can be removed and changed as patients age and their vision changes. For more, see the Web site.

For daily news updates, see AOPA Online.

Inside AOPA
During his participation last week in the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations' (IAOPA) twentieth World Assembly, AOPA President Phil Boyer traveled to Fife, Scotland, to better understand the conditions faced by many European pilots for aircraft rental and instruction. Cessna 150s rent for almost $155 an hour for primary training. Boyer also had the rare opportunity to fly G-ANRF, a 1941 Tiger Moth. For more, see AOPA Online.

On Capitol Hill
House and Senate conferees have reached agreement on a transportation appropriations bill that includes aviation funding for fiscal year 2001. The agreement will provide some $12 billion for the FAA, a $2 billion increase. The agreement provides more funds for the FAA's facilities and equipment budget (for modernizing air traffic control and flight service equipment) and the Airport Improvement Program (AIP), as required in the AIR-21 legislation that passed earlier this year. Furthermore, the agreement provides for a dramatic increase in the FAA's operations budget. Despite early reports that the bill would be "piggy-backed" with other legislation, it now appears that the bill will move to the floor of the House and Senate for approval as a standalone bill. President Clinton has indicated that he would sign the legislation into law. For more, see AOPA Online.

Airport Support Network
ASN Volunteer Ron Porterfield of Eastern West Virginia Regional/Shepherd Airport (MRB), in Martinsburg, West Virginia, reported to AOPA a proposed school project within a mile of the end of the main runway. Porterfield worked with the airport administration to educate the Faith Christian Academy on the potential safety implications of building so close to the airport. AOPA also weighed in with a letter to the school. Recently, Porterfield informed AOPA that a change in school administration had apparently created a gap in communication regarding the building site. Porterfield met with the new school officials and they were receptive to the safety concerns. Porterfield plans take several school officials on a flight over the proposed school site to educate them further.

Click here to learn more about the Airport Support Network.

Quiz Me!
Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge.

Question: May an IFR-rated pilot who is not IFR-current file an IFR flight plan in totally guaranteed VFR weather? (Note, he will fly solo and not be under the hood.)
Answer: 14 CFR 61.57 is pretty clear on the requirements for a pilot to act as pilot in command under IFR (not to be confused with instrument meteorological conditions). The flight as you have proposed would be made under IFR, regardless of the prevailing meteorological conditions. To act as pilot in command, you have to meet the IFR currency requirements. To see the specific clause, visit AOPA Online.

Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].

On The Road To Expo
A collection of more than 500 exhibits is only the beginning of what makes AOPA Expo 2000 the biggest and best ever. It will take place in Long Beach, California, October 20 through 22. There will be wall-to-wall products and services, including everything for general aviation imaginable in the combination showroom and demonstration area. The exhibit hall alone is worth the $30 daily admission fee. Plus, you can see more than 80 aircraft on static display and 70 product demonstrations. And for only $45 per day, you gain access to the entire seminar program featuring 82 topics. For more, see AOPA Online or call 888/GO2-EXPO.

ePilot Calendar
In response to member requests, destinations will be posted one week in advance.
Mesa, Arizona. The Copperstate Regional EAA Fly-In takes place October 12 through 15. More than 150 exhibitors are featured. Falcon Field (FFZ), 602/644-2444, is the host airport. Call 520/400-8887 for event information.

El Paso, Texas. The Amigo Airsho takes place October 14 and 15. It features a reenactment of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The event takes place at Holloman Air Force Base. El Paso International (ELP), 915/772-4271, and West Texas Airport (TX04), 915/852-3554, serve the area. Call 915/545-2864 for event information.

Melbourne, Florida. The Airport Extravaganza Airshow takes place October 13 and 14 at Melbourne International Airport (MLB), 407/723-6227. Call 407/724-5400 for event information.

Cambridge, New York. The Cambridge Valley Flying Club hosts its annual Aviation Day and Fly-In October 14 at Chapin Field (1B8), 518/677-8082. Call 518/677-3107 for event information.

For more airport details, see AOPA’s Airport Directory Online. For more events, see the Aviation Calendar of Events.

(All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.)
The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic is scheduled in Ontario, California, October 14 and 15. Clinics are scheduled in Columbia, South Carolina, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 21 and 22. For complete details, visit the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule.

The next AOPA ASF Safety Seminars are scheduled in Daytona Beach, Florida, October 9; Ocala, Florida, and Hampton, Virginia, October 10; Richmond, Virginia, and St. Petersburg, Florida, October 11; Fort Myers, Florida, October 12; Cincinnati, Ohio, Melbourne, Florida, and Springfield, Virginia, October 16; and in Charlottesville, Virginia, Dayton, Ohio, and Vero Beach, Florida, October 17. For topic information see Web site.

(Pinch Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.)
The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place October 7 in San Jose, California. For details and a complete schedule, see the Pinch Hitter Ground School Schedule.

Featuring AOPA President Phil Boyer
(7:30 p.m.; admission is free)
The next Pilot Town Meetings are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12; Baltimore, November 13, and Las Vegas, November 28. Click for more information on Pilot Town Meetings.

Contacting ePilot
Got news tips? Contact ePilot editor Nathan A. Ferguson at [email protected].
Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected].

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