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Final Exam

1. When the course deviation indicator (CDI) needle is centered during an omnireceiver check using a VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) and To/From indicator should read

A. 180 degrees From, only if the pilot is due north of the VOT.

B. 0 degrees To or 180 degrees From, regardless of the pilot's position from the VOT.

C. 0 degrees From or 180 degrees To, regardless of the pilot's position from the VOT.

2. The suffix nimbus used in naming clouds means

A. a cloud with extensive vertical development.

B. a rain cloud.

C. a middle cloud containing ice pellets.

3. If a certificated pilot changes permanent mailing address and fails to notify the FAA Airmen Certification Branch of the new address, the pilot is entitled to exercise the privileges of the pilot certificate for a period of only

A. 30 days after the date of the move.

B. 60 days after the date of the move.

C. 90 days after the date of the move.

4. What is an important airspeed limitation that is not color coded on airspeed indicators?

A. Never exceed speed.

B. Maximum structural cruising speed.

C. Maneuvering speed.

5. What cloud types would indicate convective turbulence?

A. Cirrus clouds.

B. Nimbostratus clouds.

C. Towering cumulus clouds.

6. Basic radar service in the terminal radar program is best described as

A. traffic advisories and limited vectoring to VFR aircraft.

B. mandatory radar service provided by the Automated Radar Terminal System program.

C. windshear warning at participating airports.

7. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 090 degrees: "Traffic three o'clock, two miles, westbound..." Where should the pilot look for this traffic?

A. West

B. South

C. East

8. Which is normally prohibited when operating a restricted category civil aircraft?

A. Flight under instrument flight rules.

B. Flight over a densely populated area.

C. Flight within Class D airspace.

9. When does P-factor cause the airplane to yaw to the left?

A. When at low angles of attack.

B. When at high angles of attack.

C. When at high airspeeds.

10. Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight-and-level flight?

A. Stalls.

B. Turns.

C. Climbs.

11. If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot to give way to other aircraft and continue circling, the light will be

A. alternating red and green.

B. flashing red.

C. steady red.

12. The uncontrolled firing of the fuel/air charge in advance of normal spark ignition is known as

A. combustion.

B. detonation.

C. pre-ignition.


1. C. AIM 1-1-4

2. B. AC 00-6A

3. A. FAR 61.60

4. C. AC 61-23C

5. C. AC 00-6A

6. A. A. AIM 4-1-17

7. B. AIM 4-1-14

8. B. FAR 91.13

9. B. AC 61-23C

10. B. AC 61-23C

11. C. FAR 91.125

12. C. AC 61-23C

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