AOPA is pleased to announce that Part 91 (general aviation) VFR operations are now permitted at Martin State Airport (MTN) in Maryland. AOPA has been working closely with the FAA to restore GA access to Washington, D.C., and Baltimore-area airports. Martin State is the latest addition to a growing list of airports where VFR operations are now permitted. Similar procedures are already in place for Manassas Regional/Harry P. Davis Field (HEF) in Virginia. "The remaining issue for airports located outside of the 18-mile no-fly zone is opening nontowered facilities to VFR operations," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "I have challenged our staff to develop ideas that we can advance to the FAA."
The FAA authorization waives the provisions of FDC notams 1/0613, 1/0617, 1/0628, and 1/0989. But it is important to note that Part 91 VFR operations at MTN must comply with all other governing rules and security requirements. The following operations are permitted:
All Part 91 VFR aircraft shall:
As always check with flight service before flying.