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ASF 'boxes' popular collision avoidance and GPS seminars

Two of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's most popular live safety seminars, "Collision Avoidance" and "GPS for VFR Operations," are now available as pre-packaged Seminar-in-a-Box® programs for small groups of pilots.

ASF Seminar-in-a-Box® programs provide fast-paced, riveting safety information for pilots who are unable to attend ASF live safety seminars held regularly throughout the country. Each program includes the same information presented in the live seminars and features videos, safety pamphlets, and a presenter's guide. Evaluation forms and door prizes complete the package.

"Even though ASF presents 200 or more safety seminars throughout the United States every year, not all pilots are within convenient distance of the nearest one," said ASF Executive Director Bruce Landsberg. "We designed the ASF Seminar-in-a-Box® program to help those who wish to conduct their own quality safety seminars in their own community."

"Collision Avoidance" focuses on ways to avoid one of the most devastating causes of aviation accidents. The two-hour program uses fast-paced videos and guided discussion to reveal the secrets of:

  • Effective procedures for locating and tracking traffic;
  • Getting the most effective collision avoidance help from ATC;
  • Identifying the most common collision scenarios and how to avoid them;
  • Coping with aerial distractions, and
  • Cockpit resource management principles for effective collision avoidance.

ASF introduced the live "Collision Avoidance" seminar at AOPA Expo 2000 in Long Beach, California, last October. More than 15,000 pilots have attended that seminar since then, making it one of the most popular ASF live seminars ever created.

Also using videotape, appropriate safety pamphlets, and guidance for a discussion leader, the two-hour "GPS for VFR Operations" presents real-life advice on the joys and tribulations of GPS technology as used in general aviation flying.

Cautionary tales in the program include the story of a careless pilot who entered one wrong letter in his destination airport identifier and nearly ran out of fuel trying to reach the erroneous destination 2,000 miles away.

Among the topics covered in "GPS for VFR Operations" are:

  • Advantages and challenges of using GPS;
  • GPS capabilities;
  • How to navigate using GPS; and
  • Traps and tricks of GPS navigation.

The new Seminar-in-a-Box® programs join eight other titles, including "Airspace Refresher," "Never Again," "More Never Again," "Operations at Towered Airports," "Trigger Tape I," "Trigger Tape II," "Weather Strategies," and "Weather Tactics." Since 1997, more than 1,300 Seminar-in-a-Box® programs have been distributed.

Although all Seminar-in-a-Box® programs are free to aviation safety counselors, flying clubs, and other organized aviation groups, there is a modest charge of $24.95 for shipping and handling. When used under FAA auspices, these seminars satisfy the safety meeting requirements of the FAA "Wings" safety program.

To order any of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation Seminar-in-a-Box® programs, visit the Web site or call ASF at 301/695-2182.

The AOPA Air Safety Foundation was founded in 1950 and today is the world's largest aviation safety organization devoted to improving the general aviation safety record through research and education. It is supported largely through donations from companies and individual pilots interested in advancing the cause of general aviation safety.


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