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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot--Vol. 3, Issue 22


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2001 Bonanza

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FAA certifies Premier I for single-pilot ops
Sport pilot proposed rule is expected this year
Raytheon Aircraft names new CEO
AOPA responds to proposed V-tail Bonanza ADs
Volume 3, Issue 22
June 1, 2001
GA News
Astronaut Patricia Hilliard Robertson, 38, died last Thursday after a homebuilt aircraft in which she was a passenger crashed on takeoff at Wolfe Air Park in Manvel, Texas. The aircraft was owned and piloted by Roy Mack Adams, 46. Adams was in critical but stable condition in a hospital burn unit as of yesterday. A preliminary accident report said the aircraft was doing touch-and-go landings when it pitched to the right on the fourth takeoff. The aircraft then struck its left wing on the runway and cartwheeled down the runway, striking trees and catching fire. Robertson, a doctor at the NASA Flight Medicine Clinic at Johnson Space Center, was a support astronaut for International Space Station Expedition Two.

Bing Lantis, former president of Mooney Aircraft, has been named president of The Lancair Company (TLC), manufacturer of the Columbia 300 and 400. Lantis was president of Mooney in the mid-1990s. For the last two years he has been working for Lancair in a consulting role, helping it establish its dealer network. Lance Neibauer, founder of Lancair, will continue to act as CEO of the company and of Lancair International, the sister company that designs kitbuilt aircraft. In his role, Lantis will manage the day-to-day operations of TLC, freeing Neibauer to concentrate on development and designing. Lantis told ePilot that his first challenge will be continuing the staffing growth of the company and building the team that will move it into mass production. Lancair currently has about 140 orders, split about evenly between the two models. Lancair has delivered 12 Columbia 300s and is at a rate of about one delivery per week. The Columbia 400 is not yet certified, although Lantis sees that as one of his highest priorities. For more information, see the company Web site.

Raytheon's new entry-level business jet, the Premier I, has received FAA certification for single-pilot operation and flight into known icing. It marked the final two basic certification requirements for the $5.3 million aircraft that features a composite fuselage and aluminum wing. Raytheon plans to deliver 36 this year.

Sport airplane enthusiasts are hoping for the issuance this summer of proposed rules for a new Light Sport Aircraft category. The rules would govern two-place aircraft weighing 1,232 pounds or less, with stall speeds in cruise configuration of 45 knots or less and a maximum normal cruise speed of 115 kt. Sport aircraft could be manufactured and sold ready to fly without FAR Part 23 compliance, or could be licensed Experimental if kitbuilt. They would have FAA registration and could be maintained by the owner. Also proposed is a sport pilot certificate requiring about half as many flight hours as the present private pilot certificate. Any pilot with an FAA medical certificate or a state driver's license could fly a sport aircraft. The pilot could operate at controlled airports with advance permission obtained by radio or telephone. Both sport aircraft and sport pilots would have day VFR privileges. While reserving specific comment until the full notice of proposed rulemaking is released, AOPA generally supports moves by the FAA to reduce the regulatory burdens of certification, maintenance, pilot certification, and medical standards.

James E. Schuster, 48, has been named chairman and CEO of Raytheon Aircraft Company. Schuster has served as president of Raytheon’s Aircraft Integration Systems business since joining the company in September 1999. He replaces Hansel E. Tookes, 53, who has been named president of Raytheon International Inc. Tookes will be responsible for expanding Raytheon’s business outside the United States. The appointments were effective immediately.

If you've ever wanted an airplane owned by a famous actor, Steve McQueen's 1931 Pitcairn PA 8 biplane might be the one for you. It, along with other possessions from famous people, will be auctioned off at the Wings and Wheels sale June 9 at Aurora Municipal Airport near Chicago. The auction is being conducted by Bonhams and Brooks USA Inc. For more, see the Web site.

Aerobatic champion and airshow pilot Patty Wagstaff has teamed up with e-commerce experts to create a one-stop source on the Web for information on aerobatics. The Web site features a list of airshows, aerobatic competitions, and other events. It has an interactive forum and an "Ask the Expert" area where people can post questions and receive answers from experts in the field. The site also carries a variety of products. See the Web site.

For daily news updates, see AOPA Online.

Inside AOPA
As previously reported in ePilot, the FAA is proposing two new ADs affecting V-tail model 35 Beech Bonanzas (V35Bs). These proposed ADs are intended to clarify earlier V-tail ADs as well as provide inspection and modification procedures that would eliminate the need for the operating limitations on the earlier Beech models 35, 35R, A35, and B35. AOPA agrees with the FAA that the existing V-tail ADs are confusing and concurs with its intent to provide more clarity. However, AOPA has serious concerns regarding Raytheon inspection and modification procedures affecting the earlier models. AOPA has asked the FAA to address this matter by incorporating crucial changes to those procedures then republish the proposed AD for additional public comment. For more, see AOPA Online.

AOPA is continuing its fight to save Chicago's Meigs Field airport. Last week during the closing session of the Illinois state legislature, AOPA's representative for the Great Lakes region, Bill Blake, met with House and Senate leaders to educate them on the importance of Meigs Field to the Chicago region and the national air transportation system. Blake (who previously was the Illinois director of aeronautics and is well-respected by state legislators) emphasized that as a reliever airport, Meigs is part of the solution to congestion problems at Chicago's O'Hare and Midway airports. While Chicago Mayor Richard Daley plans to close Meigs next February, AOPA is committed to reaching a solution that will allow Meigs to continue operating as an airport and satisfy Daley's interests.

AOPA is questioning an "investigative report" which aired on a Nashville TV station. The Channel 5 report cited a memo circulating within the local controller's union which claims that numerous near midair collisions around the Nashville International Airport require the establishment of Class B airspace. But the report contained misleading information. AOPA discovered that, according to FAA records, there have been only five reported near midair collisions in the last 10 years. The FAA determined that two of those were "no hazard." AOPA noted that the few near midair collisions and the relatively small traffic count at Nashville does not justify the establishment of Class B airspace; the existing Class C adequately protects the flying public.

Pilots should expect even better DUATS (direct user access terminal service) for flight briefings in the future, thanks to a new FAA enhancement plan that incorporates numerous AOPA suggestions. A pilot will be able to plan a flight off-line, then connect to DUATS via a dial-up or Internet connection and download weather, flight information text, graphics, file flight plans, and then connect with a flight service station briefer for more information. That way, the pilot and briefer will have the same information in front of them. "We're pleased that FAA has committed to utilizing today's technology to improve pilot briefings," said Melissa K. Bailey, AOPA vice president of air traffic services. For more, see AOPA Online.

Pilots attending the eleventh annual AOPA Fly-In and Open House tomorrow, June 2, are eligible to win a handheld Garmin GPSMAP 295, among dozens of other great door prizes. Pilots simply need to register to win. The fly-in will feature more than 50 aircraft on static display and more than 100 aviation exhibitors. Some 25 hours of free safety and information seminars are scheduled, many providing credit for the FAA's "Wings" program. Also featured are two presentations by noted aviation humorist Rod Machado. See AOPA Online.

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Airport Support Network
AOPA Airport Support Network volunteer Thomas McGaw is on the forefront of efforts to protect the Petaluma Municipal Airport (O69) in California from encroachment. Citing safety concerns, he and others have drafted a resolution in opposition to a proposed sports complex under the traffic pattern for ultralights. In addition, McGaw and other airport users have created a business model to justify building new hangars. It shows that the airport could continue to operate within its budget by generating new revenue and keeping current airport users.

To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit AOPA Online.
AOPA Air Safety Foundation News
Preliminary statistics released by the NTSB last week showed a decline of more than 71 percent in general aviation midair collisions for the first four months of this year. Only two midair collisions were reported, versus seven for the same time period last year. "These statistics are encouraging, especially in view of ASF's work this year on pilot education in avoiding midair collisions. But we must remember these are only preliminary NTSB statistics, and that in the case of midair collision statistics, we're dealing with rather small total numbers," said AOPA Air Safety Foundation Executive Director Bruce Landsberg. ASF has presented its innovative "Collision Avoidance" seminar to more than 7,500 pilots since October. The seminar is expected to reach thousands more pilots in rural areas throughout the remainder of the year as an ASF "Seminar-in-a-Box." For more, see AOPA Online.
Quiz Me!
Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge.

Question: If I'm flying an approach and remain on the glidepath, about how far above runway elevation am I when I cross the middle marker?

Answer: According to the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 1-1-9 (d)(3), "the glidepath projection angle is normally adjusted to three degrees above horizontal so that it intersects the middle marker (MM) at about 200 feet and the outer marker (OM) at about 1,400 feet above the runway elevation." This section of the AIM, which addresses Instrument Landing Systems (ILSs), can be viewed on AOPA Online.

Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza Update
bonanza logo See what the long awaited glass-cockpit looks like in our latest project update for the 2001 AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza. See AOPA Online.
On The Road To Expo
Get answers to your medical certification questions before your next FAA physical at AOPA Expo 2001 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You can discuss your medical history with a member of the AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors or an AOPA medical assistance specialist. Expo takes place November 8 through 10. For more, see AOPA Online.
What's New At AOPA Online
A new 141-page guide for pilots who cross the American-Canadian border is now available. Titled AOPA/COPA Guide to Cross-Border Operations, the comprehensive publication was written jointly by AOPA and the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association. It includes advice and resources for pilots of either country on flight procedures, regulations, customs, and much more. "Flying between Canada and the U.S. is probably the easiest international flight a recreational pilot can make," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "The similar procedures, language, and love of general aviation make most crossings trouble-free, provided the pilot plans ahead." The publication will makes its debut at the AOPA Fly-In and Open House tomorrow. To download a copy, see AOPA Online.
ePilot Calendar
CORRECTION: The Dallas Air Show 2001 has been canceled.


Baraboo, Wisconsin. Wings Over Wisconsin 2001 takes place June 9 and 10 at Wisconsin Dells Airport (DLL). Call 608/356-0429 for event information.

Petersburg, Virginia. The fifth annual Virginia State EAA Fly-In takes place June 9 and 10 at Dinwiddie County-Petersburg Municipal Airport (PTB). Call 804/358-4333 for event information, or visit the Web site.

Winnipeg, Canada. The Winnipeg International Air Show takes place June 9 and 10 at Winnipeg International Airport (CYWG). Call 204/257-8400 for event information, or visit the Web site.

For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events

The next AOPA ASF Safety Seminars are scheduled in Honolulu June 9 and 10; Fort Worth, Texas, and Albany, New York, June 11; North Syracuse, New York, and Oklahoma City June 12; Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Rochester, New York, June 13; and Buffalo, New York, and Rogers, Arkansas, June 14. See AOPA Online for more information.

(All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.)
The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Phoenix, Arizona, June 9 and 10. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online.

(Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.)
The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place June 10 in San Jose, California. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online.

For comments on calendar items or to make submissions, contact Julie S. Walker at [email protected].

Contacting ePilot
Got news tips? Contact ePilot editor Nathan A. Ferguson at [email protected]. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected].

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