B. 22.
C. 24.
A. Three nautical miles.
B. One statute mile.
C. Three statute miles.
A. Checklists.
B. Situational awareness.
C. Flying outside the envelope.
A. weather advisories still in effect at the time of issue.
B. forecast sky cover, cloud tops, visibility, and obstructions to vision along specific routes.
C. cloudiness and weather significant to flight operations broken down by states or other geographical areas.
A. The other aircraft is flying away from you.
B. The other aircraft is crossing your course to the left.
C. The other aircraft is crossing your course to the right.
A. flight visibility at that airport is at least one mile.
B. ground visibility at that airport is at least three miles.
C. ground visibility at that airport is at least one mile.
A. Lighter-than-air, airship, hot air balloon, gas balloon.
B. Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air.
C. Single-engine land and sea, multiengine land and sea.
A. October 21, two years later.
B. October 21, next year.
C. October 31, three years later.
A. Altimeter.
B. Vertical speed indicator.
C. Airspeed indicator.
A. hot spots in the combustion chamber ignite the fuel/air mixture in advance of the normal ignition.
B. the spark plugs are fouled or shorted out or the wiring is defective.
C. the unburned charge in the cylinders explodes instead of burning normally.
A. Five.
B. Six.
C. Four.
1. C. AIM 1-1-21
2. C. AIM 4-3-11
3. A. AC 60-22
4. C. AC 00-45D
5. A. AC 61-21A
6. B. FAR 91.155
7. C. FAR 1.1
8. C. FAR 61.23
9. C. AC 61-23C
10. C. AC 61-23C
11. C. AIM 1-1-21