Departments Inside AOPA On Capitol Hill Airport Support Network ASF News Quiz Me! 2001 Bonanza Sweepstakes Coming up in AOPA Pilot ePilot Calendar Weekend Weather | GA News | ADDS WEATHER SITE IS RESTORED The innovative online Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) weather system is now back in service. The National Weather Service abruptly shut it down Tuesday, citing pressure from private weather vendors. AOPA intervened with the FAA and NWS, and the service was restored within two days. The experimental ADDS Web site, which is funded by the FAA, provides weather products not available elsewhere, including graphical pireps, a flight planner that helps pilots visualize the location and altitudes of potential icing, and a graphical convective weather forecast. See the Web. AIR FORCE DELAYS TRAINER PURCHASE The Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado, has put "on hold" a contract that would result in the purchase of between 30 and 35 new trainer aircraft. The contract would require a bidder to provide the aircraft, instructors, and 50 hours of training per cadet for the private pilot certificate at the academy. An Air Force Academy spokesman hinted that noise concerns might be to blame for the hold. Other sources said area residents have enlisted the aid of their representatives in Congress to oppose the start of the Introductory Flight Training program because of the noise issues. Air Force Academy spokesmen could give no date as to when the program might proceed. AMD UNVEILS TWO NEW AIRPLANES Aircraft Manufacturing and Development Company Inc. (AMD) introduced on Tuesday the OMF-160 Symphony and the Zodiac CH640 aircraft models. The Symphony, a new production design, stems from the recent acquisition of the former Stoddard-Hamilton's GlaStar design by a German company, OMF Aircraft. Under a licensing agreement between AMD and OMF, AMD will manufacture and market the Symphony in the United States. The Symphony features the GlaStar's fiberglass shell and redesigned aluminum flying surfaces, a 160-horsepower Lycoming engine, and a 639-pound useful load. FAA certification flight tests on the Symphony were completed on March 9. The price for a standard Symphony starts at $120,000. The Zodiac CH640 is a four-place kit version of the CH2000 production airplane, powered by a 180-hp Lycoming engine. Data from the CH640's first flight confirm a cruise speed of more than 120 knots. For more information, see the Web site. BUSINESS GOES BALLISTIC FOR BRS Business is exploding for Ballistic Recovery Systems Inc. (BRS). The company noted a sales increase of 72.9 percent over the first quarter of last year. Sales for first quarter 2001 were $794,470. BRS attributed the majority of the increase to Cirrus Design Corporation, which installs the emergency parachute systems in its SR20 and SR22 aircraft. The system has also been used on Cessna 150s and noncertified recreational aircraft. BRS further expects to bolster its sales after signing an agreement with an investor who will help develop a parachute system for Cessna 172s. BRS officials said their system has been credited with saving at least 134 lives. For more, see the Web site. AIR FORCE RELEASES MIDAIR COLLISION REPORT The Air Force determined that a "critical combination of avionics anomalies, procedural errors, and individual mistakes–on the ground and in the air" led to the November 16 midair collision between an F-16 and Cessna 172 near Bradenton, Florida. The Cessna pilot died in the incident while the military pilot ejected and sustained minor injuries. The Air Force's version is available on the Web while the NTSB has issued a preliminary report on its Web site. To learn about how to avoid midair collisions, see the ASF story below. LONDON TO SYNDEY RACE GETS UNDER WAY The historic London to Sydney Air Race 2001 is on. The event is part of Australia's Centenary of Federation celebrations and marks only the fourth time such a race has taken place. In 1919, Ross Smith and his crew completed the 11,000-mile London-to-Darwin, Australia, journey in a Vickers Vimy bomber in 28 days. Five U.S. teams remain in the race after last week's fatal crash of a team that was on its way to the event. For daily updates on the race, see the Web site. For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. | Inside AOPA | TEXAS LEGISLATURE HONORS BOYER The Texas House of Representatives presented AOPA President Phil Boyer on Thursday with a resolution recognizing AOPA's achievements on behalf of general aviation in Texas. Sponsored by Texas State Rep. Rick Hardcastle, the resolution noted that, "Mr. Boyer is a highly effective spokesman for AOPA positions in the nation's capital and across the country," and that he has "been instrumental in the passage of such important federal legislation as the General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 and the Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the Twenty-First Century (AIR-21)." It also praised AOPA for "continuing to play a significant role in the promotion of general aviation and to energetically represent the interests of many Texas pilots and aircraft owners." Following the presentation, Boyer met with Speaker of the House James E. "Pete" Laney and other members of the legislature to discuss legislation affecting general aviation. AOPA CONVINCES COUNTY TO END GA DISCRIMINATION AOPA has convinced Gunnison County, Colorado, to end discrimination against general aviation aircraft. For years, the county has required GA aircraft (but not air carriers) to obtain waivers and pay fees to use the airport runway lights. The county also didn't allow pilots to use the runway lights after 10:30 p.m., except for emergencies. AOPA argued that it was discrimination and filed an informal complaint with the FAA. After local officials met Wednesday with Bill Dunn, AOPA vice president of regional affairs, and the FAA, the county finally agreed to remove the waiver and fee requirements for GA. However, the county still insists on prohibiting the use of the runway lights after 10:30 p.m., in effect creating a nighttime curfew. AOPA believes that is against federal law, but has offered a compromise that could satisfy the county's noise concerns. BOYER SPEAKS AT INTERNATIONAL SAFETY SEMINAR Phil Boyer, AOPA president and president of the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) spoke today at the FAA-sponsored Amigos de la Aviacion International Safety Seminar in San Antonio, Texas. The "trans-border aviation safety seminar" was expected to attract more than 150 pilots and aviation officials representing 17 aviation organizations in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Boyer discussed the recent increase in runway incursions, telling attendees that since technological systems that monitor ground traffic more closely are years in the future, AOPA is pushing for increased emphasis on pilot training to avoid ground traffic conflicts. Contributing importantly to this goal is the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's new interactive online runway safety training course. More than 8,000 pilots took the course in the first week. Changing your mailing or e-mail addresses? Click here to update. | On Capitol Hill | LAW FORUM DISCUSSES PRIVATIZATION The need for more runways and the modernization of the air traffic control system were among the topics discussed at the American Bar Association's annual Air and Space Law Forum last Thursday. Key members of Congress, the Bush administration, and professional staff members of the congressional aviation committees were among the panelists. Echoing AOPA's view, there was consensus among the congressional panelists that before any radical steps are taken to restructure the ATC system they want to wait and see the results of the AIR-21 agreement. Nancy McFadden, general counsel for the Department of Transportation, stated that there is no "political centrifugal force" to change the structure of the FAA. But the issue of privatization was not dismissed. Jack Schenendorf, former chief of staff to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, noted that if we have another bad summer this year as far as air travel is concerned, the issue of privatizing the ATC might be revisited.
| Airport Support Network | VOLUNTEER OF THE WEEK–JIM COMBS ASN volunteer Jim Combs of Boeing Field/King County International (BFI) was in contact with AOPA headquarters within hours of the March 4 earthquake in Seattle. Combs' airport updates and close collaboration with the airport manager provided real-time airport conditions and photos on AOPA Online. When prompted for information about what local pilots could do to help, Combs encouraged users to keep the pressure on local governments to get the airport operating at full capacity as soon as possible. In an effort to avoid antiairport sentiment during the vulnerable rebuilding phase of the airport, he reminded people that BFI provides $1 billion in economic benefit annually to the community. To view Combs' work, see AOPA Online. To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit AOPA Online. | AOPA Air Safety Foundation News | ASF RELEASES MIDAIR COLLISION SAFETY ADVISOR The AOPA Air Safety Foundation has published Collision Avoidance: Strategies and Tactics, a new safety advisor that includes tips on avoiding midair and ground collisions. You can download the publication from AOPA Online or call 800/USA-AOPA to request a copy. DEADLINE LOOMS FOR ASF SCHOLARSHIPS The application deadline is nearing for two ASF scholarships. The McAllister Memorial Scholarship and the Burnside Memorial Scholarship deadline is March 31. ExxonMobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialties is also offering scholarships. The application deadline for those and the Koch Corporation Scholarship is July 31. ASF currently offers five scholarships to seven students pursuing careers in aviation. For complete information and applications, see AOPA Online.
| Quiz Me! | Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge. Question: I heard that the FAA removed the Special FAR that allowed nonelectrical equipped aircraft to fly into the Mode C veil around Class B airspace. Is that correct? Answer: The retraction of Special FAR 62, referred to as the Mode C veil exemption, does not affect operations of aircraft without engine-driven electrical systems. The SFAR was written for aircraft with electrical systems but without altitude encoding transponders. The provision for aircraft without engine-driven electrical systems is covered in FAR 91.215, which remains unchanged. It allows aircraft, not originally certified with engine-driven electrical systems, or not subsequently certified with such systems, to conduct operations in the airspace within 30 nautical miles of an airport listed in Appendix D of FAR Part 91 (Appendix D lists the 33 Class B airports). These operations are permitted provided they are conducted: (1) Outside of any Class A, B, or C airspace area; and (2) Below the altitude of the ceiling of a Class B or C airspace area designated for the airport. Visit the Web for more on the retraction or the FAR text. Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
| AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza Update | SWEEPS BONANZA GETS NEW RADIOS Remember when Reagan was president? Read about how technicians are replacing ancient radios with a whole new avionics suite in the latest installment of the quest to breathe new life into this year's AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza. See AOPA Online.
| Coming Up In AOPA Pilot | CIRRUS SR22 MOVES UP AND OUT Cirrus Design Corporation has delivered the second SR22 to a customer. During demo flights in Denver this week, AOPA Pilot found this upgraded version of the SR20 to be a real performer. The SR22 bests the SR20's 200 horsepower by 110, carries a greater wingspan, more fuel, and a higher max gross weight of 3,400 pounds. AOPA Pilot editors saw the prototype SR22 climb at more than 1,200 fpm from Jefferson County Airport northwest of Denver–from an elevation of 5,500 feet msl. Through 9,500 feet the airplane was still climbing at 1,000 fpm. In cruise at 9,500 feet, the prototype SR22 turned in 170 KTAS on 16 gph; production models move out at about 180 knots. Look for a full report on the sporty SR22 in an upcoming issue of AOPA Pilot. In the meantime, Cirrus hopes to have a 100-pound max gross weight increase for SR20s in May, giving it a 3,000-pound max weight.
| What's New At AOPA Online | Looking for a headset? Take a look at our new headset guide on AOPA Online.
| ePilot Calendar | WEEKEND FLYING DESTINATIONS Granbury, Texas. Granbury Municipal Airport (F55), 817/579-8533, hosts a Fly-In and Open House March 24. Call 817/821-1039 for event information. Riverside, California. Air Show 2001 takes place at Riverside Municipal Airport (RAL), 909/351-6113, March 24. Call 909/683-7263 for event information. Columbus, Georgia. Thunder in the Valley Air Show takes place at Columbus Metropolitan Airport (CSG), 706/324-2449, March 24 and 25. Call 706/221-3773 for event information. Punta Gorda, Florida. The Florida International Air Show takes place March 24 and 25 at Shell Creek Airpark (F13), 941/639-3165. Call 941/637-0300 for event information. For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events ASF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Ontario, California; Orlando, Florida; and Lubbock, Texas, March 17 and 18. Clinics are scheduled in Fort Myers, Florida, and Baltimore, March 24 and 25. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online. ASF SAFETY SEMINARS The next AOPA ASF Safety Seminars are scheduled in Daytona Beach, Florida, March 19; Orlando, Florida, March 20; Ocala, Florida, March 21; and Sarasota, Florida, March 22. For more information see AOPA Online. ASF PINCH-HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place March 18 in Ontario, California, and April 8 in Denver. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online. AOPA PILOT TOWN MEETINGS–Featuring AOPA President Phil Boyer (7:30 p.m.; admission is free) The next Pilot Town Meetings are in Teterboro, New Jersey, April 24; Long Island, New York, April 25; Rochester, New York, April 26. Boyer will be the keynote speaker at the second annual New England Aviation Expo in Nashua, New Hampshire, April 28. For more information on Pilot Town Meetings, see AOPA Online. For comments on calendar items or to make submissions, contact Julie S. Walker at [email protected].
| Contacting ePilot Got news tips? Contact ePilot editor Nathan A. Ferguson at [email protected]. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Changing your mailing or e-mail addresses? Click here to update. To SUBSCRIBE: visit AOPA, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701 • Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright � 2001. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. | Sponsors |