Advertisers Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright � 2001 AOPA. | Restoring GA | AOPA PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We are now in the eighth week since the September 11 tragedies. Rather than seeing restrictions on general aviation flying being eased, as they were throughout this period, this week they were made more stringent. The call I received on Tuesday morning, with both the FAA administrator and the deputy administrator on the phone, indicated to me the severity of the national security alert announcement made the prior evening. Throughout these eight weeks, AOPA has taken up two important missions: To be your advocate before government in easing restrictions, and to provide members and pilots as much "plain language" information as fast as possible relating to flight operations. Since the notam was issued Tuesday establishing temporary flight restrictions (TFR) around some 86 nuclear sites—and encompassing the nearby airports—we have been working around the clock to clearly define the areas, which the FAA did not do. In addition, the FAA has allowed operations within some of these areas, in violation of the notam, which has created more confusion. Working with Jeppesen, leader in charting, AOPA has provided links to clear and concise VFR maps of the affected areas. Throughout this process members have pointed out the inconsistencies between what is happening, in practice, versus what the published FAA information states. This feedback is routed directly to our AOPA air traffic staff, and Jeppesen for checking and, if necessary, re-charting. Please "don’t kill the messenger." We are doing our utmost to keep our pledge to provide you with the latest and most accurate information, but we will not invent rules or try to second-guess something as important as a published TFR—that could result in an enforcement action against a pilot. —Phil Boyer FAA REVISES NUCLEAR SITE NOTAM Late Thursday evening the FAA released an expected revision to the notam issued Tuesday that established temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) near nuclear facilities. The Tuesday notam caused confusion and stranded aircraft when federal officials told pilots to remain 10 nm away from the sites--but would not provide their exact locations. In addition, some of the data provided by the FAA proved to be inaccurate or incomplete. The new notam does not become effective until 2200 UTC (5 p.m. Eastern time) today. It establishes 14 additional TFRs around nuclear facilities in 10 states. Pilots are advised that they have until 2200 UTC (5 p.m. EST) today to relocate their aircraft from airports within these new TFR areas. The new notam also eliminates seven existing TFRs in five states. Many AOPA members have expressed frustration with the inaccuracies affecting areas and airports covered by the TFRs. AOPA staff members continue their efforts to resolve the remaining discrepancies. For the latest on this developing situation, see AOPA Online. ...AND AIRCRAFT CAN LEAVE 15 TFR AIRPORTS TODAY Pilots with aircraft stranded at 15 airports by nuclear-site TFRs have a four-hour window today in which to relocate their aircraft. The airports are Pryor Regional Airport, Alabama; Livermore Municipal, California; Boulder Municipal, Jeffco, and Tri-County, Colorado; Groton-New London, Connecticut; Plymouth Municipal, Massachusetts; Brunswick County, North Carolina; Beaver County, Capital City, and Harrisburg International, Pennsylvania; Oconee County Regional and Rock Hill/York County, South Carolina; and Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field and Newport News/Williamsburg International, Virginia. Flights can be made from 1600 to 2000 UTC (11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern time) November 2; pilots must file a VFR or IFR flight plan with Flight Service (do not use DUATs or other vendors) that takes the aircraft directly away from the nuclear facility and TFR area. The FAA has stressed to AOPA that VFR pilots should fly away from the nuclear facility and exit the TFR by the most direct route possible. For additional details and possible updates, check AOPA Online. GA RESTORATION FUND AIMS TO BETTER INFORM PUBLIC The General Aviation Restoration Fund was announced to an enthusiastic audience of 500 people during an FAA Wings Weekend banquet speech given by AOPA President Phil Boyer last Saturday at the Greenville Downtown Airport in South Carolina. AOPA is launching this sweeping education program to inform the public and government officials about general aviation's positive contributions and significant economic impact that stretch across America. Following the tragic events of September 11, the dissemination of misinformation caused many Americans and high-level government officials to needlessly fear and restrict GA. As a result, GA faces a major backlash that not only threatens the freedom of flight, but also is harmful to our national economy. AOPA is sending out information packets to all members along with window stickers featuring the AOPA logo and an American flag. See AOPA Online. FAA BANS FLIGHT OVER DOWNTOWN CHICAGO The FAA has issued a notam banning VFR flight over downtown Chicago. The small temporary flight restriction (TFR) area extends from the surface to 3,000 feet and includes the Sears Tower. "This TFR is not a significant inconvenience to VFR operations," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "Meigs Field remains open, as does the important VFR flyway along the Lake Michigan shoreline. We can all understand the desire to protect the Sears Tower." To read the notam, see AOPA Online.
| GA News | AIRPORT SENDS PILOTS BACK TO WORK In one of many examples of individuals working together to get GA back in the air, officials at Hampton Roads Executive Airport in Norfolk, Virginia, are taking the general aviation relief effort into their own hands. Realizing the importance of keeping their own tenants viable, the principals of the privately owned, public-use airport organized the Hampton Roads Executive Airport Disaster Relief Fund. It provides corporate tenants with loans at 4 percent interest with payments deferred for 90 days. The first recipient was a large flight school that was able to bring all outstanding debts current and put flight instructors back to work without having to wait for government assistance or bank loans. CESSNA LAYS OFF WORKERS AT PISTON PLANT Workers at the single-engine Cessna Aircraft Company in Independence, Kansas, learned Thursday the names of the additional 175 workers who will be laid off. The layoffs were announced October 25. The plant previously laid off 230 workers in May. In addition, Cessna officials have decided to expand the normal Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to a full week, further reducing production of single-engine aircraft. The move drops the plant’s work force to 500 by the end of the year, or about half of its peak last year, according to The Wichita Eagle. Cessna had hoped to sell more than 1,000 single-engine aircraft this year, but current numbers show that sales will total less than 800. ...BUT CESSNA WILL BUILD WICHITA JET SERVICE CENTER Wichita-area aerospace workers have heard a lot of bad news lately concerning layoffs from most of the town's aircraft and aerospace companies, so next week's announcement by Cessna should boost morale. Cessna officials will announce on November 7 a huge new service center at Wichita Mid-Continent Airport for the company's Citation jet aircraft, according to airport officials. When taxiways, roads, and other expenses are totaled, it is estimated to be an $80 million project. Local, federal, and state officials are expected to attend ceremonies accompanying the announcement. Cessna declined to comment. NASA PUTS FORMATION FLIGHT ON AUTOPILOT Geese use formations to fly farther on less energy as the leader's flow field reduces the induced drag experienced by the birds flying on its wing. Scientists at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center hope to emulate geese and reap the same benefits using GPS-based software and hardware that holds precise formations without pilot inputs. Fuel savings of 10 to 15 percent are possible. Current flight testing of Autonomous Formation Flight (AFF) involves two F-18 Hornets and has verified the system's initial ability to maintain position within 5 feet. Eventually, the program calls for joining dissimilar aircraft—and someday using the system, a collaboration between NASA, Boeing, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), to increase the national airspace system capacity, reduce carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions, and reduce fuel costs. LANCAIR PRODUCTION REMAINS STRONG Business is right on track at The Lancair Company despite all the negative economic news in the general aviation industry. Although the company said it saw a drop in sales after September's terrorist attacks, business remains strong. "What is particularly reassuring to us is that we've also heard very little talk of canceling orders from our current depositors," said Mike Schrader, North American sales manager. The company, maker of the Columbia 300 and 400, sold 18 new aircraft in August and September. See the Web site. For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. | Inside AOPA | AOPA TRUSTEE IS REMEMBERED FOR BUSINESS INSIGHTS Longtime AOPA Trustee John J. "Jack" Serrell of Newton, Massachusetts, died at a nursing home on October 28. He was 85. Serrell became an AOPA member in 1957 and was elected to the Board of Trustees in 1967. He became treasurer of the board in 1974, a position he held until retirement from the office in 1998. Trustees Chairman R. Anderson Pew said Serrell's years of service were "characterized in part by carrying on certain traditions of the founding trustees, and in part by establishing his own traditions to be carried on by those who would follow him... Above all, he himself built into the management fabric of AOPA the all-important discipline of financial responsibility." A memorial service is planned for 11 a.m. tomorrow at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Newton Highlands, Massachusetts. See AOPA Online. ePILOT GETS NEW LOOK AOPA ePilot has been refreshed. Since it was launched in 1999, the newsletter has been a tremendous success. The circulation has grown to about 200,000. On its two-year anniversary, we felt it was time to give the graphical version a new look. We moved a few things around and changed the color scheme to make it more user-friendly and visually appealing. Let us know what you think. Changing your mailing or e-mail addresses? Click here to update. | On Capitol Hill | REPS MAY INTRODUCE SECOND GA RELIEF BILL The leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is expected to introduce a second, streamlined version of an economic relief package for aviation businesses. At ePilot deadline the details of the bill were not finalized, but it appears that the legislation will authorize $2 billion in economic grants. This proposal would be similar to the Harkin/Inhofe legislation (S.1552) introduced in the Senate on October 16. LEGISLATION COULD REQUIRE GA SECURITY SCREENING The House late Thursday approved the Republican version of aviation security legislation, which did not contain a harmful GA security screening provision. But the version approved by the Senate contains a provision sponsored by Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.) that would require the FAA to implement a security program for aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less. AOPA Legislative Affairs expressed concerns to Kohl's office about the wide-ranging nature of the amendment and the possibility of huge unfunded federal mandates to be borne by the FBOs, airports, and aircraft owners. While Kohl and his staff were sympathetic to AOPA's concerns, they felt that any discrepancies could be addressed during a House/Senate conference to reconcile the different bills.
| Airport Support Network | ASN WORKS TO SAVE NATION'S AIRPORTS AOPA started the Airport Support Network (ASN) to provide a coordinated effort to reduce antiairport sentiment. ASN volunteers keep AOPA headquarters abreast of political and public opinion developments that may affect their airports. They attend public meetings dealing with airport matters and report to AOPA on the proceedings. ASN volunteers help promote local airport activities to enhance the airport's public image. They also act as the AOPA liaison with local pilot associations, user groups, airport advisory commissions, and airport management. Does this sound like something your airport has? If not, your airport needs an ASN volunteer. Below are just a few airports in your area where an ASN volunteer could make a difference. To nominate a volunteer—which can be yourself—see AOPA Online.
| AOPA Air Safety Foundation News | ASF UPDATES SEMINARS TO ADDRESS CHANGING RULES The AOPA Air Safety Foundation has added a new component to its free pilot safety seminars. A discussion of current airspace regulations and restrictions precedes the scheduled programs. These presentations and a similar unit in the popular ASF Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are updated (sometimes daily) and the information is transmitted to ASF instructors in the field for that evening's presentations. The presentations include: VFR and IFR operations inside and outside enhanced Class B airspace, temporary flight restriction (TFR) areas, interception procedures, and suggestions for operating during national emergencies.
| Quiz Me! | Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge. Question: Why does 14 CFR 91.159 give VFR cruising altitudes for flights above 18,000 feet msl? It was my understanding that any flight above 18,000 feet msl had to be IFR. Answer: Actually, this question relates to the question in last week's Quiz me! dealing with radio communications failure. 14 CFR 91.185 (b) states that "If the failure occurs in VFR conditions, or if VFR conditions are encountered after the failure, each pilot shall continue the flight under VFR and land as soon as practicable." Thus, if an IFR flight at a flight level over 18,000 feet msl experiences radio communications failure while in VFR conditions, or subsequently encounters VFR conditions, it shall continue the flight under VFR. Therefore, the altitudes given in 91.159 would apply. Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
| AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza Update | The 2001 AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza is heading south to AOPA Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. See our latest project update on AOPA Online.
| What's New At AOPA Online | UPDATED eDIRECTORY DATA IS AVAILABLE Members who have installed AOPA's Airport eDirectory on their personal computer or PDA can update their data files with the latest database files, which are now available for download. The database files will be updated on a regular basis. If you have not obtained the AOPA's Airport eDirectory program, it is available for download from AOPA Online.
| Picture Perfect | Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area.
| On The Road To Expo | Don't forget, AOPA Expo is just around the corner. Don't miss the seminars, exhibits, and static displays, November 8 through 10, in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And don't forget about the Parade of Planes next Wednesday, the day before the convention begins. For complete information on this spectacular aviation event, see AOPA Online. If you can't attend in person, be sure and check out Virtual Expo on AOPA Online. Virtual Expo is being sponsored by Avidyne.
| ePilot Calendar | Check your weekend weather on AOPA Online. WEEKEND FLYING DESTINATIONS Daytona Beach, Florida. Wings and Waves: Celebrating Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's seventy-fifth anniversary takes place November 9 through 11. Call 800/727-3728 for event information. Rosemont, Illinois. The FAA's Great Lakes Airports Division Conference takes place November 14 and 15 at the Holiday Inn O'Hare International. Call 847/294-8314 for event information. Denver, Colorado. A Mexico Flying Seminar, presented by the Rocky Mountain Bonanza Society, takes place November 17 at Jeffco Airport (BJC). Anderson, South Carolina. A fly-in takes place November 10 at Anderson Regional Airport (AND). Call 864/260-4163 for event information. For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events ASF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Cincinnati, Baltimore, Albuquerque, and Houston, November 17 and 18. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online. ASF PINCH-HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place November 18 in Cincinnati and Albuquerque. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online. ASF SAFETY SEMINARS AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Abington, Virginia, November 13; Blacksburg, Virginia, November 14; and Charlottesville, Virginia, November 15. The topic is "Collision Avoidance." See ( ). For comments on calendar items or to make submissions, contact Julie S. Walker at [email protected].
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