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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot--Vol. 3, Issue 41


Inside AOPA

On Capitol Hill

Airport Support Network

Quiz Me!

2001 Bonanza

ePilot Calendar

Weekend Weather

Senator's action saves warbirds
Rutan develops aircraft for Toyota
Cessna offers free fuel deal
AOPA-supported GA relief bill is introduced
Volume 3, Issue 41
October 5, 2001

For the latest information about the country's air traffic situation, see AOPA Online.

GA News
In a notam issued late Thursday night that became effective immediately, the FAA has allowed some Part 91 operations in portions of the 25-nm temporary flight restriction (TFR) areas surrounding Washington, D.C., and New York City. Part 91 operations remain prohibited within 18 nm of the DCA or JFK VORs, from the surface to infinity, but certain Part 91 operations are allowed between the 18-nm radius and 25-nm radius of those VORs. Those operations must be IFR except for flight training; IFR flight plans must be filed at least one hour before proposed departure time; and an ATC clearance and a release time are required prior to departure from a nontowered airport. VFR flight training is approved for single-engine, nonturbojet-powered and rotor-driven, piston-powered aircraft with a certificated maximum gross takeoff weight of 4,000 pounds or less. The notam allows Part 91 operations in the Teterboro and Republic Class D airspace areas, under the same requirements listed above. The same notam increased restrictions to Part 91 IFR operations in the Boston area, while allowing a resumption of certain flight training operations. No Part 91 operations are allowed within 15 nm of the BOS vortac from the surface to infinity, except for the purpose of IFR arrival/departure at Logan International Airport (BOS). However, restricted operations are permitted from the extreme lateral limits of the Enhanced Class B airspace to the 15-nm radius of the BOS vortac, which includes the Beverly, Bedford, and Norwood Memorial Class D airspace. For more information and updates on any changes to the airspace, check AOPA Online.

Late Thursday night, the FAA postponed the scheduled relocation of aircraft from the New York City and Washington, D.C., "no fly" zones. The relocation, originally scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. this morning, has been delayed until Saturday. AOPA has obtained the latest version of the procedures for relocating aircraft from the TFRs, extending for a 25-nm radius from the DCA and JFK VORs. However, pilots are cautioned that the FAA may make last-minute modifications to these procedures. In the latest version available to AOPA, the FAA added airport security information and clarified other parts of the procedures. In summary, pilots must contact flight service; file a flight plan (IFR or VFR); and comply with ATC procedures as normally established for IFR operations, to include obtaining a discrete transponder code, an ATC release (not a takeoff clearance), and appropriate ATC frequencies. AOPA has posted a list of frequently asked questions to help pilots understand the procedures. In addition, AOPA staff will be on site at both FAA headquarters and at the FAA's Air Traffic Control System Command Center to monitor progress and address issues as they develop. AOPA's Pilot Information Center (800/USA-AOPA) will be staffed on Saturday to answer member questions about the relocation procedures.

AOPA President Phil Boyer and AOPA's Washington-based legislative affairs staff began a series of meetings Wednesday with members of Congress to enlist their support to "free the GA 41,000." The meetings targeted members sitting on intelligence and armed services committees, rather than the more familiar aviation-related committees. That's because the National Security Council (NSC) and the White House are the ones making the final decisions on what flight operations will be allowed. AOPA's efforts are now geared toward obtaining a meeting with the White House or NSC. Thanks to the overwhelming flood of calls from AOPA members to Congress the preceding day, the members of Congress knew exactly why AOPA was there. See AOPA Online.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) was reopened yesterday by President Bush, but it won't be the same. The airport will be operating under new, stricter procedures. There will also be fewer flights and new takeoff and landing corridors. The plan is to slowly increase airline flights to and from the airport, but no provisions have been made to accommodate general aviation.

When it was introduced on the Senate floor Tuesday, the National Defense Authorization Act for 2002 carried a section that hung like the shadow of a bomber over warbird pilots and other owners of declassified military equipment. The provision, section 1062 of Senate bill 1438, would have made it unlawful for individuals to possess "significant military equipment" and allowed for seizure of the equipment by the attorney general. Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) proposed the removal of the section, saying "it would create tens of thousands of lawbreakers overnight." Warbird displays in museums and airshows would have become illegal, and a large portion of the United States' aviation history would have been removed from the public. The bill, which included important anti-terrorism programs, passed without the warbird section, according to Craig's office.

Scaled Composites, the Mojave, California, aerospace development company founded in 1982 by Burt Rutan, is building parts and components for a single-engine, four-passenger, proof-of-concept aircraft for Toyota Motor Sales. The work is under the direction of Toyota’s Aviation Business Development Office. A spokesman said it will be a low-wing design and emphasized that the aircraft is not intended for certification. The work has gone more slowly than Toyota officials had expected. The aircraft will not fly until “well into next year,” a spokesman said. Flight test results will be used to further refine the aircraft.

Looking for new challenges in life, Sequoia Aircraft Corporation President Alfred Scott is selling the Falco kitplane operation. "I love the world of the Falco and the people in it. Most of all, I want to find someone burning with the passions that I once had so that the Falco will live on long after I'm gone," he said. The F.8L Falco was designed by Stelio Frati and first flew in 1955. Dubbed the "Ferrari of the air," it later received FAA type certification. More than 100 were produced by three Italian companies until 1965. Sequoia introduced the Falco as a kit aircraft in 1979. For more, see the Web site.

A new radar that can "see" freezing rain and hail, identify birds, and improve rainfall estimates will be studied under a $72,000 grant awarded to a University of North Dakota professor. Paul Kucera, an assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, will use a research radar now operated by NASA at Key West, Florida, for his work. It is known as a polarimetric radar and is part of a Key Area Microphysics Project now in progress at Key West. Kucera will initially study tropical storms. It is expected that all existing weather radars will have the new capability in the coming decade.

The pilot's decision to continue visual flight into instrument conditions in a mountainous area was given by the NTSB as the probable cause of the 1999 crash of a Piper Chieftain that killed 10 people on the northeast slope of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. A contributing factor was the sightseeing pilot’s failure to get a preflight weather briefing, according to the NTSB. The report is available online.

Cessna Aircraft Company is offering an incentive for potential buyers of its single-engine piston aircraft: free fuel. Cessna is offering a $3,500 fuel allowance for the purchase of 172S Skyhawk SPs, $5,000 for 182/T182T Skylanes, and $7,500 for 206/T206T Stationairs. The offer expires November 24. The money is paid directly to the fuel provider. See the Web site.

For daily news updates, see AOPA Online.
Inside AOPA
AOPA has mounted an extensive national media effort to illuminate the issues that general aviation has been facing following the terrorist attacks. A story appeared in The Wall Street Journal about AOPA's efforts to free the 41,000 aircraft stranded in enhanced Class B airspace. AOPA played a part in two articles in USA Today, where AOPA President Phil Boyer answered an editorial about security at GA airports, saying that small airplanes pose little risk. An article also appeared in the newspaper's "Money" section about the economic impact on GA. Other stories appeared in The Washington Post and The New York Times. Boyer was interviewed on CNN yesterday morning.

Several pilots charged with violations of flight restrictions resulting from last month’s terrorist attacks have contacted AOPA for advice. Some of them had relied on media reports that the restrictions had been modified or lifted, while others received incorrect information from flight service. More than one pilot who operated VFR when only IFR was permitted had flown because "other GA aircraft were flying at the airport." The FAA's response to these cases has been mixed; one pilot received counseling while several have received letters of investigation--the first step toward certificate suspension or revocation. AOPA will provide any member with information and initial guidance on the FAA's enforcement process. However, only members who have subscribed to AOPA's Legal Services Plan are eligible to receive legal advice from the Legal Services Plan counselors or be referred to an aviation attorney for legal assistance in defending against the FAA's enforcement action.

The FAA issued a final rule on September 28 revising the boundaries of the Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) surrounding the contiguous United States and Alaska. While unrelated to the terrorist events of September 11, this is largely an administrative action that will extend our national airspace boundaries to conform with those of the 12-nautical-mile territorial sea limits of the United States. The current three-mile airspace boundary leaves a nine-mile "gap" that is addressed to ensure conformity with international practices. Of interest to pilots is that this rule clarifies the need not only to file a flight plan, but also to activate that plan when operating into or within the ADIZ. Pilots must also listen continuously on the appropriate frequency.

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On Capitol Hill
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) introduced legislation Wednesday in the House of Representatives that would provide relief to those small general aviation businesses damaged by the grounding that occurred in the wake of the tragic events of September 11. The legislation would require the Small Business Administration to provide grants and loans to small GA businesses that qualify and would defer repayment of loans and interest for one year. The legislation has eight other original sponsors: representatives Robin Hayes (R-N.C.), Vern Ehlers (R-Mich.), Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa), Nick Lampson (D-Texas), Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), Butch Otter (R-Idaho), Sue Kelly (R-N.Y.), and John Duncan (R-Tenn.). AOPA has been working with staff on Capitol Hill to develop and sponsor this legislation. For more, see AOPA Online.

The Senate began debate Wednesday on aviation security legislation. AOPA has learned that Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida will offer a floor amendment requiring a background check for all current and future students enrolled in flight training. AOPA has offered to work with Nelson on proposals to enhance the procedures of the agencies that allowed terrorists to enter the country and enroll in flight training. AOPA reiterated that the overwhelming majority of flight students are law-abiding U.S. citizens who have done nothing to deserve this treatment.
Airport Support Network
Every day more than 1,000 AOPA Airport Support Network volunteers work with AOPA headquarters on a local level to help save their airports. That's a lot, but not enough. Ask yourself these questions: Has my flying been affected by development, new restrictions, or negative public relations about my local airport? Have local issues or political pressures affected my use and the efficiency of my local airport? If the answer is "yes" to either question, you may be just the kind of person we're looking for to help ensure the health and availability of your airport.

To nominate a volunteer (which can be yourself), see AOPA Online.
Quiz Me!
Here’s a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge.

Question: On a sectional chart, why are airports with hard-surfaced runways longer than 8,069 feet depicted differently than airports with runways shorter than that length? What's so special about 8,069 feet?

Answer: Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with national defense or special use, but with the scale of the sectional chart. The sectional chart has a scale of 1:500,000, which means that every inch represents 500,000 inches on the Earth. The blue or magenta circles used to depict airports are a fixed size while runways are shown at proper scale. The longest runway that will fit (to scale) within those circles is 8,069 feet. Longer runways are indicated by a different symbol.

Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza Update
bonanza logoThe paperwork challenge is on to certify the Meggitt electronic flight information system (EFIS) in the 2001 AOPA Sweepstakes Bonanza. See our latest project update on AOPA Online.
Picture Perfect
Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. See AOPA Online Gallery.
On The Road To Expo
AOPA Expo 2001 will continue as planned from November 8 through 10 in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The static display has grown to 68 aircraft and the exhibit hall is a sell-out. The Parade of Planes down city streets will take place on Wednesday, November 7. It will begin at 10 a.m. followed by a barbecue for AOPA members. Registration will open at 1 p.m. on Wednesday for both those who have preregistered and those who will register on site. For complete information on this spectacular aviation event, see AOPA Online.
What's New At AOPA Online
Do you know what to do if you're intercepted by a military aircraft? Try the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's new safety quiz on AOPA Online.
ePilot Calendar
Some events have been rescheduled or cancelled in the wake of last month's terrorist attacks. We strongly suggest that you confirm plans with event organizers before departing, as changes may have been made after ePilot verified this information.

Mesa, Arizona. This year's Copperstate Regional EAA Fly-In has been cancelled. The event will next be held October 10-13, 2002, at the new Phoenix Regional Airport.

Tampa, Florida. An Aviation Expo takes place October 19 at Vandenberg Airport (VDF). Call 813/877-6109 for event information.

New Orleans, Louisiana. The N'Awlins Airshow takes place October 19 through 21 at New Orleans International Airport (MSY). Call 504/678-3710 for event information.

Raleigh, North Carolina. An international symposium They Taught the World to Fly: The Wright Brothers and the Age of Flight, takes place October 22 through 25 at McKimmon Conference Center at North Carolina State University. Call 919/733-2003 for event information.

For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events

(All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.)
The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Ontario, California; Indianapolis; and Columbia, South Carolina, October 20 and 21. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online.

(Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.)
The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School takes place October 21 in Indianapolis, Indiana. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online.

For comments on calendar items or to make submissions, contact Julie S. Walker at [email protected].

Got news? Contact ePilot at [email protected]. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions at AOPA Online or write to [email protected].

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AOPA, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701
Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000
Copyright � 2001. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.


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