Government relations and association management leader Andrew Cebula is the new senior vice president of government and technical affairs for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
"It would be hard to imagine a combination of ability, energy, and experience more suited to this job than Andy's," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "As lead advocate for general aviation, AOPA must be constantly on top of regulatory affairs as they develop. With Andy's background, I'm sure he'll be right there—on top of things."
As senior vice president for government and technical affairs, Cebula is charged with management of a complex division in which specialists develop and execute AOPA technical policy on virtually all issues that can affect general aviation flying. The issues can range from airspace design to air traffic control, from aviation weather reporting to aeronautical charting, and the defense of beleaguered airports. AOPA's Airport Support Network, as well as state and local legislative issues, are also managed by the Government and Technical Affairs Division.
Cebula has more than 20 years of experience on the Washington scene, including service as vice president and, earlier, director of government and industry affairs at the National Air Transportation Association. He also served for two years as a senior policy analyst in the FAA's Office of Civil Aviation Security.
Cebula has broad experience in dealing with legislative and regulatory issues affecting civil aviation. He's served on a number of FAA advisory committees and working groups. Among other calls on his expertise, former Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater appointed him as aviation industry chair for the National Parks Overflights Working Group, and under current FAA Administrator Jane Garvey, he was designated a member of the Fractional Ownership Aviation Rulemaking Committee.
Andy Cebula holds a degree in aviation management from Auburn University. He is a member of several aviation organizations, including AOPA, the American Association of Airport Executives, the National Aeronautics Association, and the Washington Aero Club. He lives in northern Virginia with his wife and their three children.