AOPA staff is working through the weekend to resolve questions and problems arising from the latest notams (notices to airmen) on flight training and VFR flight. Some flight service stations, for example, had been telling pilots that student solos were not permitted. That's not correct. AOPA contacted top FAA officials in flight standards and air traffic to get clarification to the FSSs. The official word that student solo outside of enhanced Class B airspace and TFRs (temporary flight restrictions) is going out to FSSs now.
Another problem has been determining which notams or portions of notams actually apply. The FAA had not officially canceled some earlier, more restrictive notams as new, more lenient notams took effect. Some local FAA employees were understandably confused by the conflicting and rapidly changing information. Again thanks to AOPA's direct intervention, FAA headquarters will inform the field offices that the most recent notam may supersede previous notams.
Finally, pilots are reminded that they are responsible for obtaining the most current notams themselves from FSS or through DUAT. The FAA is issuing many TFRs (temporary flight restrictions) prohibiting flight near sporting events across the country. As these notams are changing frequently, only a current briefing will ensure the pilot has all of the necessary information. All current notams are available through AOPA's Real-Time Flight Planner. Be sure to request—and read—all FDC notams.