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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot--Vol. 4, Issue 35

Volume 4, Issue 35 • August 30, 2002
In this issue:
FAA to provide better TFR information
Eclipse jet makes maiden flight
AOPA to block attempts to close Ohio airport

BMW Motorcycles

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Protecting GA
Government officials Thursday afternoon were hotly debating the scope of temporary flight restriction (TFR) areas around Washington, D.C., New York City, and Somerset, Pennsylvania–scenes of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Early in the week, there were indications that the restrictions would extend for a 30-nm radius of each site; extend from the surface to 18,000 feet for several hours; and prohibit general aviation (Part 91) flights, charter (Part 135) flights, and foreign air carrier operations on the one-year anniversary of the attacks. Another TFR would prohibit general aviation aircraft weighing less than 12,500 pounds from flying within 30 nm of New York City for three days–September 11 through 13. AOPA immediately took its concerns to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) about fair treatment for smaller GA aircraft. "We don't want a repeat of the post-September 11 situation last year when smaller aircraft were unfairly singled out for restrictions," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "We have supplied information to TSA supporting our request." Because the situation is dynamic, please check AOPA Online for the latest information.

The FAA has told AOPA that it is implementing a "TFR action plan" aimed at improving the flow of TFR information to general aviation pilots. The FAA plan is in response to AOPA's pleas for action in the wake of highly publicized TFR incursions and evidence that pilots are not being given accurate and up-to-date TFR information when calling for flight service briefings. The FAA has also committed to providing graphical TFRs as soon as possible and is currently testing a Jeppesen product. While AOPA continues to work on fixing this notam problem, members are reminded that the AOPA Legal Services Plan provides legal advice and representation in defending against an FAA enforcement action for a potential TFR violation.
It flew. The Eclipse 500 jet made its maiden flight at 9:18 a.m. Mountain time Monday. Piloted by Bill Bubb, Eclipse Aviation's chief test pilot, the 60-minute flight occurred as planned in a designated test zone south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bubb flew the aircraft up to around 9,000 feet, testing maneuverability and checking systems. The first flight marks the start of a 16-month testing program that will involve eight airframes. Eclipse is hoping for FAA certification in December 2003. "What we accomplished today is now part of aviation history. Today we stand together, more certain than ever that the Eclipse 500 will forever change the landscape of transportation," said Vern Raburn, Eclipse president and CEO. Raburn added that now the really hard work begins. The second flight is expected to take place today where the test pilot will make configuration changes such as gear and flap extensions and retractions. Videos, photos, and more information are available on Eclipse's Web site.

A small team from Oregon intends to find out if Howard Hughes' H-1 Racer really could go faster than the land airplane record of 352 mph that it set in 1935. After fours years and 35,000 man-hours of work, the team is ready to attempt to break the record in a replica aircraft. The FAA has designated the aircraft Serial No. 2. The original aircraft sits at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. The attempt is scheduled to take place on September 13, the sixty-seventh anniversary of the record, during the Reno Air Races. The original aircraft was constructed in secrecy, and Hughes used it to become the fastest man alive at the time.

A team of five engineers from Maryland who attempted to fly a "true" model airplane (one weighing less than 11 pounds) across the Atlantic Ocean and set an international record say they will try again. (A 30-pound drone has previously crossed the Atlantic.) Three of the four models that they took to Canada for the attempt lie at the bottom of the ocean, but one made it 479 sm before encountering a storm that it couldn't handle. Guided by GPS signals and a newly invented autopilot, it was making 61 mph, or 6 mph better than expected, and was on track to Ireland at the time of its demise. Team member Barrett Foster, who designs one-of-a-kind remote camera equipment for National Geographic photographers, said the team hopes to raise $15,000 for a return trip to try again next year. The team prepared four years for this year's effort, which was observed by the F�d�ration A�ronautique Internationale, keeper of aviation world records.

CLARIFICATION: Last week ePilot reported that many secured notes used by Mooney Aerospace Group to acquire Mooney Aircraft Company are coming due. Mooney Aerospace acquired the company from Congress Financial Corporation for $8 million in cash and notes. The first of three notes, for $500,000 plus interest, has been paid in full. Payments on the second note are on schedule, and the company has prepaid some principal on the third note, which does not require payments until 2004.

For daily news updates, see AOPA�Online.
Inside AOPA
AOPA has vowed to block any attempts to close Kent State University Airport (1G3) in northeast Ohio. Recent press reports say university officials are talking with the federal government about closing the 4,000-foot runway and redeveloping the 300-acre airport property. AOPA put university officials on notice with an August 23 letter. "AOPA is committed to defeat any attempts to close Kent State University Airport," said Anne Esposito, AOPA vice president of airports. She reminded university officials that they had accepted federal grant money to rehabilitate the apron, taxiway, and runway. "Accepting these funds also means accepting certain obligations to the federal government, including an obligation to operate the airport for the next 20 years," said Esposito. See AOPA�Online.

A recent decision by President Bush means that you probably won’t be able to talk to military aircraft if you are intercepted. Bush decided not to use $25 million provided by an emergency spending package to equip fighter aircraft with VHF radios. These radios would have closed the existing communications gap between military and civil aircraft. A significant number of military aircraft are equipped only with UHF radios.

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On Capitol Hill
As Congress returns from its Labor Day recess, it will face a heavy legislative agenda that features high-priority aviation and transportation issues. Senate business is expected to include the requisite annual spending bills that provide for FAA operations, airport development programs, airport and air traffic modernization, as well as flight service station funding. Also on the agenda is consideration of President Bush's nominee for the FAA administrator position, Marion Blakey, and a vote on the Senate version of the National Aviation Capacity Expansion Act that would keep Chicago's Meigs Field operational for the next 20 years. The House will be equally busy, as they gear up to finalize the new Department of Homeland Security which could include moving the Transportation Security Administration and appropriations bills in conference committees with their Senate counterparts.
Airport Support Network
What would you do if your airport closed tomorrow? Ask yourself these questions: Has my flying been affected by development near, restrictions on, or negative public relations about my local airport? Have local issues or political pressures affected my use and the efficiency of my local airport? If the answer is yes to either question, you may be just the sort of person we are looking for to help ensure the health and availability of your airport. Every day, more than 1,200 Airport Support Network volunteers are working with AOPA headquarters on a local level to help save their airports. That's a lot but not enough. Below are just a few airports in your area where an ASN volunteer could make a difference.

To nominate a volunteer–which can be yourself– visit AOPA�Online.
AOPA�Air Safety Foundation News
This is your last chance to bid for the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's hottest auction item ever: Spirit of Liberty, a very special and well-equipped EADS Socata TB20 Trinidad. Hurry up, bidding for this attractive item closes at 11 p.m. EST tomorrow (August 31). Don't miss your chance to own a unique aircraft. Have a closer look on AOPA Online, then place your bid.
Quiz Me!
Here's a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge.

Question: I am trying to find out what the width of a colored airway is. I assume it's the same as a Victor airway, but when you look at one, for example on the Alaska Low-Altitude En route Chart, they appear to have a wider angular width. Where would I find that information?

Answer: Colored airways are the same width as VOR (Victor) airways–that is, 4 nm each side of the centerline of the airway. The answer is found in 14 CFR Part 71.73 and Part 71.75. Part 71.73 gives the classification of federal airways and includes (a) colored federal airways and (b) VOR federal airways. The width is explained in 71.75(b)(1), "each federal airway includes the airspace within parallel boundary lines 4 miles each side of the centerline. Where an airway changes direction, it includes that airspace enclosed by extending the boundary lines of the airway segments until they meet." See AOPA�Online.

Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
Picture Perfect

The AOPA Online Gallery has been updated with photos from the September issue of AOPA�Pilot. See the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. See AOPA�Online.

What's New At AOPA�Online
New practical test standards for private and commercial pilot certificates require examiners to place greater emphasis on ground operations and avoiding runway incursions. To help you study, check out the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's downloadable flash cards.
Holiday Weekend Weather
See the current weather on AOPA�Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
ePilot Calendar
Toledo, Ohio. The 2002 FoodTown Toledo Air Show takes place September 7 and 8 at Toledo Express Airport (TOL). Headlining are the Navy Blue Angels, with performances by the Misty Blues, Bob Davis, Julie Clark, Gene Soucey and Theresa Stokes, and Manfred Radius. Contact Lee Luff, 419/243-8191 ext. 246, or visit the Web site.

Indianapolis, Indiana. The Indianapolis Air Show takes place September 6 through 8 at Mount Comfort Airport (MQJ). This year features the Gathering of Corsairs and Legends. Performers include the Red Baron Squadron, Jimmy Franklin, Greg Koontz, AV-8B Harriers and the VMA-214 Blacksheep, A-10 Demo Team, and Army Golden Knights. Contact Ginger Gordon, 317/501-2773, or visit the Web site.

For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events.

(All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.)
The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Sacramento, California; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Des Moines, Iowa, on September 7 and 8. Clinics are also scheduled in Phoenix, and Boston, on September 14 and 15. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online.

(Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.)
The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground Schools will take place in Frederick, Maryland, September 7; Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 8; and Phonix, September 15. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online.

AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Albuquerque, New Mexico and East Windsor, Connecticut, September 9; Warwick, Rhode Island, September 10; Tucson, Arizona and Billerica (Boston), September 11; and Mesa, Arizona, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, September 12. The topic is Single-Pilot IFR. For the complete schedule, see AOPA�Online.

To make submissions to the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For comments on calendar items, e-mail [email protected].

Got news or questions? Send your comments to [email protected].

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