Advertisers Got news? Contact ePilot . Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright � 2002 AOPA. | Protecting GA | KEY CONGRESSMAN ENDORSES AOPA PILOT ID PROPOSAL A highly influential congressman who controls the FAA's purse strings has urged the agency to implement AOPA's petition to require pilots to carry a government-issued photo ID along with their pilot certificates. House transportation appropriations subcommittee Chairman Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) called the petition "an inexpensive and simple security enhancement that can be implemented immediately" in a July 15 letter. Rogers joins Sens. Max Cleland (D-Ga.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) in endorsing the AOPA proposal. The FAA responded to Smith in June that the agency was drafting a rule to implement the security measure described in the AOPA petition. AOPA will continue to work with Congress and the Bush administration to ensure the pilot ID proposal doesn't get bogged down in executive review. See AOPA�Online. SPORTING EVENT NOTAM UNCLEAR, AOPA TELLS FEDS In letters to both the FAA and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), AOPA President Phil Boyer said that the current "blanket notam" for sporting events and open-air assemblies is difficult, if not impossible, for both pilots and the FAA to understand and follow. "While it is preferable that the notam be withdrawn, if the concept is to be retained for some period, it must be revised," Boyer said. See AOPA Online.
| GA�News | BLAKEY LIKELY CHOICE FOR FAA ADMINISTRATOR President Bush announced Wednesday his intention to nominate NTSB Chairwoman Marion C. Blakey to succeed outgoing FAA Administrator Jane Garvey. The official announcement is expected soon. AOPA has already established a working relationship with Blakey. "Although she is not a pilot, she does have a keen interest in aviation and extensive experience with transportation issues," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "I've found her to be extremely personable and very politically astute." She has served as the administrator of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and as a Department of Transportation official. That means she could take over the FAA fairly quickly. Garvey leaves August 4. See AOPA�Online. SMA CERTIFIES DIESEL ENGINE Imagine being able to put less expensive Jet-A in your fuel tanks. Soon you may be able to do just that. SMA, Societe de Motorisation Aeronautiques, has received FAA certification for its SR 305-230 diesel engine. The French company's 230-hp engine offers improved performance and a longer TBO. The engine was previously certified in Europe. Along with its partner companies, SMA is pursuing supplemental type certificates (STCs) for installation of the engine in the Cessna 182 and Socata TB20. Maule and Cirrus have also been testing the engine in their aircraft as a potential future option. See the Web site. ECLIPSE AVIATION ROLLS OUT FIRST JET Eclipse Aviation rolled out its first Eclipse 500 jet in Albuquerque on Saturday, to the cheers and applause of more than 1,600 customers, investors, suppliers, employees, and invited guests. "The world is full of people who said this airplane couldn't be built–and the people here at Eclipse will fly it later this summer," said Harold "Red" Poling, chairman of the Eclipse board. Vern Raburn, Eclipse president and CEO, said the rollout represents a transition from the airplane's design phase to the building phase. "We have a vision, and that's to change how this nation--and eventually the world–travels." The company's goal is to revolutionize air travel by designing, certifying, and building modern, affordable jet aircraft that employ revolutionary electronics, manufacturing, and propulsion technology. The aluminum aircraft is assembled in large part using friction stir welding and is powered by lightweight, fuel-efficient turbofan engines. See the Web site. CESSNA PAYS $1.6 MILLION IN CARNAHAN CRASH Cessna Aircraft Company has agreed to pay $1.6 million to settle wrongful death lawsuits in the October 16, 2000, crash of a Cessna 335 in Hillsboro, Missouri, that took the lives of Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son Randy, and campaign aide Chris Sifford, The Wichita Eagle reported. Cessna paid $800,000 to the Carnahan family, an additional $400,000 in the death of Randy Carnahan, and $400,000 to the Sifford family. Cessna had no comment on the settlement, but an official said that the company is pleased that the NTSB report on the accident is "favorable to Cessna." The report said the pilot, Randy Carnahan, was disoriented after the airplane's primary attitude indicator failed in poor weather about 30 miles south of St. Louis. The report, AAB-02-02, can be seen on the NTSB Web site. Three other companies, two of them manufacturers of the primary attitude indicator and vacuum system, remain defendants in the lawsuits. ADAM A500 MAKES FIRST FLIGHT Adam A500 serial No. 1, a piston twin-engine composite aircraft built by Adam Aircraft Industries of Englewood, Colorado, is now undergoing flight testing at Centennial Airport south of Denver. But in a minor incident, the nose gear folded back on landing, leaving scratches on the nose. The damage was repaired and the aircraft is back flying. Two 350-hp Continental 550 engines--one mounted on the front and one on the rear to provide centerline thrust--power the six-place airplane. The company says the aircraft will have a maximum speed of 250 kt. Two additional test aircraft now under construction will be completed this year, and certification testing will take place during the first half of 2003. The company claims a 1,150-nm range for the aircraft, which features sidestick controls. The base price of the aircraft is $895,000. The FAA has given Adam permission to fly the aircraft to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh for next week's show. See the Web site. GARMIN ANNOUNCES NEW HANDHELD MOVING MAP If you liked the Garmin GPSMAP 195, then fasten your seatbelt. The Kansas company has announced an improved version of the handheld GPS moving map, the GPSMAP 196. It has four times the redraw speed and twice the screen resolution of its predecessor. It offers an automatic logbook that records location and duration of flight data, and "runway extensions," cone-like depictions that help pilots line up with runways. Besides VFR flying, the unit can be used for auto and marine navigation. The retail price is $1,049. It goes on sale at Oshkosh next week and from dealers after the show. See the Web site. GYROPLANE TAKES AIM AT HOMELAND SECURITY With the low operating costs of an airplane, and very-short-field takeoff and landing characteristics approaching those of a helicopter, the Hawk 4 gyroplane offers a compelling option for public agencies interested in surveillance as well as other applications. Last week, at a homeland security exposition in Washington, D.C., Groen Brothers Aviation, manufacturer of the Hawk 4, demonstrated its utility and flight characteristics to an enthusiastic spectrum of legislators and federal, state, and local agencies for public-use implementation. The Hawk 4 is a turbine-powered gyroplane that can take off in as little as 25 feet, maneuver with precision around a target at speeds as low as 40 knots, and costs only $159 an hour to operate. The Hawk is priced at $749,000; certification plans are currently on hold. AOPA SEEKS RELIEF FOR LAKE AMPHIB OWNERS AOPA has filed a request for reexamination of a patented, AD-required wing spar doubler kit for Lake amphibious airplanes, noting that the Lake spar doubler kit is no different than spar doubler kits installed on several other existing airframes. Revo Inc., the Lake type certificate holder, obtained a patent for the company's AD-required fix after manufacturer Airtech Canada offered an alternative wing spar doubler kit at a substantially lower price. Florida-based patent infringement firm Enpat, which obtained the patent rights from Revo, is pursuing civil action against Lake owners who used the AD-compliant Airtech kits and refused to pay a licensing fee to Enpat. "Not only is this important for owners of Lake aircraft, this issue has implications for all aircraft owners," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "Pilots should not be precluded from using any FAA-approved AD fix." For daily news updates, see AOPA Online.
| Inside AOPA | AOPA PETITIONS FOR DRIVER'S LICENSE IN PLACE OF MEDICAL AOPA has petitioned the FAA to allow pilots to use a driver's license as a medical certificate, provided those pilots limit themselves to recreational pilot privileges. Recreational pilots can fly Normal-category, fixed-gear aircraft of up to 180 hp with no more than four seats in VFR day conditions, and may carry only one passenger. "The FAA itself argues in its Sport Pilot proposal that a driver's license, which allows men and women to drive an automobile at high speeds just inches from other automobiles, provides an equivalent level of safety for recreational purposes," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "And AOPA's own analysis of GA accidents over the past 20 years supports that contention." See AOPA�Online. Changing your mailing or e-mail addresses? Click here to update.
| On Capitol Hill | VOTES FALL SHORT FOR CHICAGO AIRPORTS BILL The House version of the federal legislation that would preserve Meigs Field (H.R. 3479) suffered a setback Monday night when only 247 members voted for it, falling short of the required two-thirds vote needed to ensure passage under a suspension of the rules. Although unrelated to Meigs, concerns over strengthened environmental language for Chicago O'Hare Airport expansion and objections by representatives Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) and Jessie Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) played a major role in the defeat. "While the backers of the measure brought it up using a process for noncontroversial legislation, they will now have to proceed under normal rules for votes that occur in the House of Representatives," said Julia Krauss, AOPA vice president of legislative affairs. "Our job is to make this happen as soon as possible." See the vote. CONGRESSMAN SPEAKS OUT ON ATC PRIVATIZATION One congressman voiced his concerns this week about privatizing air traffic control. AOPA member and pilot Robin Hayes (R-N.C.) noted that ATC privatization has been mentioned during discussions of FAA reorganization. "Privatization would be a 180-degree turn in the wrong direction," Hayes remarked, asking to be put on the record. The comments were made during a hearing in which FAA Administrator Jane Garvey made her final appearance before the House aviation subcommittee and testified on measures to improve the FAA's organizational structure. Last month the Bush administration issued a new executive order striking language put in place by the prior administration. The previous language stated that air traffic control is an inherently governmental function. AOPA regards this as a first step toward privatization and user fees.
| Airport Support Network | AIRPORT SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED AOPA started the Airport Support Network (ASN) to provide a coordinated effort to reduce anti-airport sentiment. ASN volunteers keep AOPA headquarters informed of political and public opinion developments that may affect their airports. They attend public meetings dealing with airport matters and report to AOPA on the proceedings. ASN volunteers help promote local airport activities to enhance the airport's public image. They also act as the AOPA liaison with local pilot associations, user groups, airport advisory commissions, and airport management. Does this sound like something your airport has? If not, your airport needs an ASN volunteer. Below are just a few airports in your area where an ASN volunteer could make a difference. To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit AOPA�Online.
| AOPA�Air Safety Foundation News | ASF POSTS WAKE TURBULENCE SAFETY ALERT Don't let wake turbulence get you down. Read about this phenomenon, common to airplanes and helicopters, in an AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Alert. The report includes strategies to keep you well clear of these potentially deadly encounters. See AOPA�Online.
| Quiz Me! | Here's a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge. Question: I'm planning a flight from Manassas, Virginia, to Detroit City Airport in Michigan. The most direct route seems to be via the Windsor VOR and would include overflying Canadian airspace. Are there any special permissions required to do so? Does U.S. air traffic control do "handoffs" to Canadian controllers? Answer: When overflying Canadian airspace, you need to be on a VFR or IFR flight plan. In the "remarks" section, place "Canada overflight, no stop or no landing." The controllers will hand you off from U.S. airspace to Canadian airspace and back again. Notam 2/5319 Part 2 of 8, which discusses provisions for operations to and from locations outside the United States, is available from AOPA�Online. If you ever decide to plan a flight with a stop in Canada, visit AOPA's international section. Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
| AOPA�Sweepstakes Waco Update | AOPA MEMBER TAKES FIRST SWEEPS BIPLANE RIDE Shannon Elliott, an ATP from Lafayette, Louisiana, took to the skies over Long Beach, California, on July 13 to become the first AOPA ride winner to fly in a Waco F5C open-cockpit biplane, similar to the Waco UPF-7 that is being restored for AOPA by Rare Aircraft in Owatonna, Minnesota. Elliott won the ride in a monthly drawing and was chosen at random from among all AOPA members. Elliott smiled at the end of the flight that featured some aileron rolls, a few hammerheads, and a loop. "That was some good flying," Elliott said. The ride was provided by Waco operators Mike and Kendle Hanson of Long Beach. To contact them, call 562/427-9433 or visit their Web site. For more on the sweepstakes, see AOPA�Online.
| Picture Perfect | Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. See AOPA Online.
| What's New At AOPA�Online | Everybody talks about the weather–and AOPA Online is doing something about it. See our latest update to frequently asked weather questions, answered by Meteorlogix senior meteorologists.
| Weekend Weather | See the current weather on AOPA�Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
| ePilot Calendar | WEEKEND FLYING DESTINATIONS Oshkosh, Wisconsin. EAA AirVenture 2002 takes place July 23 through 29 at Wittman Regional Airport (OSH). For complete information, visit the Web site. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Lock Haven Airfest takes place July 27 at William T. Piper Memorial Airport (LHV). Pancake breakfast, aircraft displays, hot air balloon display, craft show, antique cars, children's area. Contact Dave Rodgers, 570/893-8889. Backus, Minnesota. A Backus Lions Fly-in Breakfast takes place July 28 at Backus Municipal Airport (7Y3). Contact Denny Williams, 800/920-2473. Cumberland, Maryland. An EAA Chapter 426 Breakfast Fly-in takes place July 28 at Greater Cumberland Regional Airport (CBE). Contact Harry Dolly, 814/356-3773. For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events ASF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in San Diego, Jacksonville, Florida, and Baltimore, July 27 and 28. Clinics are also scheduled in Champaign, Illinois, and Allentown, Pennsylvania, August 3 and 4. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online. ASF PINCH-HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground Schools will take place in Jacksonville, Florida, and San Diego on July 28. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online. ASF SAFETY SEMINARS AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, July 24 through 27. The topics vary. For the complete schedule, see AOPA�Online. To make submissions to the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For comments on calendar items, e-mail [email protected].
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