AOPA was successful in getting the Missouri Legislature to grant a five-year extension for depositing revenues from the tax on jet fuel sales into the Missouri Aviation Trust Fund. This provision was set to terminate (sunset) the end of 2003. Additionally, the legislature approved raising the cap of the aviation trust fund from $5 million to $6 million.
"This is great news," said AOPA Midwest Regional Representative Bob Dickens. "This money is used directly to fund aviation programs and airport improvements throughout the state."
Revenue from the jet fuel taxes makes up over 90 percent of the money in the trust fund. When AOPA learned that trust fund money was in jeopardy, members and ASN volunteers were asked to get in contact with their state representatives, urging them to protect this important funding stream.
The actions of Dickens, along with the more than 6,600 members in Missouri, were responsible for persuading legislators to preserve this valuable state aviation fund.