Advertisers Do not reply to this e-mail. Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright � 2002 AOPA. | Training Tips | COORDINATED FLIGHT What is "coordinated flight"? Could you explain it to the examiner on your private pilot practical test? You know that coordinated flight is an important technical concept applicable to all your flying. (See "25 Ways to Be a Better Pilot" in the September 2001 AOPA Flight Training.) The pilot "coordinates" rudder pressure with aileron inputs to eliminate the effects of aileron drag (adverse yaw) during turns. And coordination during slow flight ensures that an inadvertent stall will not become a spin. Review "Out for a spin" in the February 22, 2002, edition of this newsletter. "Coordinated" is an element of acceptable practical test performance. The steep turn is performed by rolling into "a coordinated 360-degree turn." Ground reference maneuvers are performed "while maintaining coordinated flight." Click here to download the Private Pilot Practical Test Standards. A hint about the real meaning of "coordinated" may be found in an old ditty many students have heard their instructors recite. It goes, "Stick and rudder, stick and rudder, don't use one without the other." Whenever control pressure is applied by the pilot, motions around the aircraft's axes are generated. Some are desired; others, such as the adverse yaw mentioned above, are not. In a single-engine trainer, it is necessary to hold right-rudder pressure during a full-power climb to maintain a heading because of left-turning forces generated by the propeller. Review turning tendency in Chapter Three of the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge ( download a copy from AOPA�Online). This effect is essentially neutralized by design characteristics during straight-and-level cruise. An opposite adverse force is created during a power-off glide by those same design features, resulting in a right-turning tendency that must be offset with coordinated left rudder pressure. Pitching tendencies, as well as yaw, must be managed to fly maneuvers correctly. Entering a steep turn, the nose must be raised to hold altitude. If the nose is not lowered during the rollout, the added vertical component of lift may result in an unacceptable altitude gain. So, pitch pressures are "coordinated" with rudder and aileron inputs. AOPA Flight Training contributor Rod Machado renders a clear, hands-on explanation of coordinating a turn in response to a student pilot's question in "Rudder for Turn Entries" in the June 2000 issue of the magazine. Explain coordination to your examiner, and then demonstrate coordination on your checkride, and success will be a sure thing!
| Your Partner in Training | No person will be more influential in nurturing your desire to fly than your first flight instructor. A good flight instructor will make the flight training process fun while challenging you to learn. Begin your research with an AOPA Flight Training magazine article on finding the right instructor. To find an instructor in your area, visit our searchable database of flight instructors. As an AOPA Flight Training Member, you have access to all of the features within AOPA Online. For login information click here.
| Flight Training News | ICAS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT CHOOSES AEROBATIC TRAINING The International Council of Air Shows Foundation has awarded its first annual French Connection Memorial Scholarship to Dave Kaiser, owner-operator of Patriot Aviation in Danville, Kentucky. The scholarship, established to commemorate the lives of air show team and aerobatic instructors Daniel Heligoin and Montaine Mallet, provides financial aid to one male and one female flight instructor per year specifically for aerobatic training. Kaiser, a naval aviator who logged 200 traps aboard the USS Ranger while piloting a Lockheed S-3 during the Gulf War, opened Patriot Aviation in June 2001. In his scholarship application, Kaiser noted that he wanted to fill a void in flight training by becoming an aerobatic instructor. He will use the scholarship to bring Master Aerobatic Instructor Rich Stowell to Stuart Powell Field in Danville to provide one-on-one instruction in emergency maneuver and aerobatic training techniques. For more information on the French Connection Scholarship, visit the ICAS Foundation Web site. OHIO SCHOOL BUYS FIRST NEW SCHWEIZER TRAINER Schweizer Aircraft recently delivered a new 300CBi helicopter to Johnston Aviation Company Inc. of Elyria, Ohio. The new, fuel-injected 300CBi is the first to be purchased by a U.S. flight training school. Rob Johnston, president of Johnston Aviation, accepted the keys to the helicopter from Paul H. Schweizer in a ceremony at the Schweizer factory. The helicopter is equipped with a procedural training IFR panel complete with a Garmin GNS 430 GPS/nav/comm. "Our chief pilot, Tony Hurst, has always spoken highly of Schweizer helicopters," Johnston said. "I am personally very impressed with the 300CBi and know that everyone who has flown it at Johnston Aviation feels it is an excellent entry-level helicopter that is enjoyable to fly." The school also operates 14 fixed-wing aircraft. ERAU PROF NAMED TO NTSB POST The National Transportation Safety Board has named Dr. Frank Richey to the new position of president and academic dean of the NTSB Academy. The academy, which is currently under construction, is expected to open late next summer. Richey, a professor of applied aviation sciences at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's campus in Daytona Beach, Florida, will have overall responsibility for academic administration, curriculum planning, course development, communications, strategic planning, and financial operations. The NTSB Academy is under construction in Ashburn, Virginia, on the campus of George Washington University. | Inside AOPA | AOPA, TSA TEAM UP ON AIRPORT WATCH PROGRAM The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has partnered with AOPA to develop a nationwide aviation watch system. Key to the program will be a toll-free hotline and a centralized system for reporting and acting on information supplied by general aviation pilots. AOPA's Airport Watch will enlist the support of some 550,000 general aviation pilots to watch for and report suspicious activities that might have security implications. The hotline will be formally launched in December 2002. "We appreciate AOPA's proactive approach to enhance security for the general aviation community," said Acting Under Secretary of Transportation for Security Adm. James M. Loy. "It makes sense that the world's largest civil aviation organization would offer their expertise for the collective effort in the war on terrorism. Airport Watch is a mutually beneficial program that allows America's dedicated general aviation pilots to remain vigilant and focused as they serve our country and the security challenges we face." Changing your mailing or e-mail addresses? Click here to update. | Training Products | CUSTOMIZED AIRCRAFT CHECKLISTS Sporty's Pilot Shop is offering a series of customized aircraft checklists, developed by an airline captain and printed on heavy paper stock that is laminated for durability. Sporty's Checklists are available for a variety of aircraft regularly used in training, including the Cessna 152, 172P, 172R, 172S, and 182S, as well as the Piper Aztec B. The checklists are $14.95 each and may be ordered online or by calling Sporty's Pilot Shop at 800/SPORTYS.
| Final Exam | Question: When I give a pilot report (pirep), is there a particular order in which I should give the information? Answer: Pireps are voluntary and are provided to air traffic facilities about weather encountered by an aircraft in flight. While there is a preferred order in which you provide the information, it is more important to give the report rather than worry about including every item. If more information is needed, the weather briefer will request it. The information is: aircraft ID and type; your location, usually in reference to the closest VOR or airport; your altitude; time; and finally, the weather that you see. Pireps are discussed in Section 7-1-19 of the Aeronautical Information Manual. In addition, AOPA's Air Safety Foundation, in coordination with the FAA, has developed an interactive tutorial on pireps called SkySpotter that is designed to increase the number of pilots providing pireps. Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? E-mail to [email protected] or call 800/872-2672.
| Picture Perfect | Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. See AOPA Online.
| What's New At AOPA Online | AVIATION SCHOLARSHIP LISTING UPDATED AOPA has updated its online listing of available aviation scholarships, as well as its overview of aviation loans and scholarships. If you're a college student or will be one next year, you might want to check out this potentially valuable resource on AOPA Online.
| Weekend Weather | See the current weather on AOPA�Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
| ePilot Calendar | WEEKEND FLYING DESTINATIONS West Chester, Pennsylvania. Rotorfest takes place October 19 and 20 at the American Helicopter Museum and Education Center. Featuring Army Black Daggers, Otto the helicopter clown, helicopter rides, simulators and exhibits like the V-22 Osprey. Contact Kathy Bratton, 610/436-9600, or visit the Web site. Jackson, Tennessee. Skyfest Tennessee takes place October 18 through 20 at Mckellar Sipes Regional Airport (MKL). Airshow on the 19th only. Balloons evening of the 18th and morning of the 20th. Contact Doreen Warren, 731/660-1088, or visit the Web site. For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events. ASF FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS (All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.) The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Ontario, California, and Nashville, Tennessee, on October 19 and 20. Clinics are also scheduled in Windsor Locks, Connecticut; Columbia, South Carolina; and Reston, Virginia on October 26 and 27. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online. ASF PINCH-HITTER GROUND-SCHOOL COURSES (Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.) The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground School will take place in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, October 27. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online. ASF SAFETY SEMINARS AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Palm Springs, California, October 24 through 26. Topics vary, check AOPA�Online for the complete schedule and topic listing. To make submissions to the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For comments on calendar items, e-mail [email protected].
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