Edison Field |
Pacific Bell Park |
The FAA has decided to implement a slightly larger than standard stadium TFR for the World Series in California. The FAA issued a notam establishing flight restrictions around both Edison Field in Anaheim and Pacific Bell Park in San Francisco, California, during any World Series game (15:30-21:00 Pacific time). Each TFR will have a 5-mile radius and will extend from the surface to 5,000 feet agl. World Series games will be played on October 19, 20, 22, and 23 (and Oct. 24, 26, and 27 as necessary).
For banner towers who have already received waivers to Notam 2/0199, the FAA and TSA have stressed that it is not necessary to reapply for a waiver to this larger restriction. Waivers issued under Notam 2/0199 are still valid. However, all waivered operators must file a notice of intent online at https://waiver.tfr.faa.gov no later than 07:30 (Pacific time) on the date of the intended operation. TSA will have regulatory inspectors at each departure airfield to verify the identity of waiver holders. Pilots planning to operate within TFR airspace are encouraged to call 202/267-9425 if they have any questions concerning the waiver process.