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'AOPA Pilot' on the move with U.S. forces in Iraq

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SCPO Scott Greathouse, USN and AOPA member, takes a break in Um Qasr, Iraq, with AOPA Pilot.

AOPA members are not just the folks you bump into every weekend at your local airport. They're also among the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, answering the call to duty in Iraq.

U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Scott Greathouse contacted AOPA recently, after reading an article in the March issue of AOPA Pilot during some downtime in the port city of Um Qasr.

"As an aspiring Commercial Pilot, it was a shot in the arm reading 'Airline Aspirations,'" Greathouse said. "I am an Instrument rated pilot who has put his Commercial training on hold due to the war but hope to be busily building Commercial hours once I retire from service in another year."

He said articles like "Airline Aspirations" give hope to military personnel that it is possible to find a job "doing something you love" after retiring from the armed services.


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