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Member Services

International flights: There's a lot to know

Bone-chilling weather can make us yearn for sunny skies. For certificated private pilots, a hop across the water to warmer climes isn't difficult, particularly if you head out from Florida to the Caribbean. (Student pilots, you'll have to wait until you pass your checkride to fly solo outside of the United States.) But, as with any aspect of flying, it's imperative that you "know before you go." Know the forms you'll need, the rules pertaining to your flight, and the fees you can expect to pay upon entry and/or departure.

AOPA offers its members a vast amount of information on international operations. Kitty Pultorak, an aviation technical specialist, suggests that you first choose a tentative destination. A good place to start is the International Operations link at AOPA Online Then download or order an International Operations Portfolio for your destination. Each portfolio contains a flight planning guide, a U.S. Customs guide for private pilots, and pertinent Customs forms and decal applications, among other items. All forms and guides can be downloaded free, but the volume of paperwork is such that many members prefer to purchase a preassembled package.

If you have further questions, call AOPA's Aviation Services Department and talk to a specialist. It will be easier if you familiarize yourself with the forms and information for your destination before you call so that you both will be talking the same language, Pultorak stresses.

After you've taken your trip, logged the hours, and put away the sunscreen, remember to report your experiences. You'll find a link at Your comments can help your fellow pilots to experience a safe and enjoyable trip.

To order an International Operations Portfolio, call 800/USA-AOPA. The $8 charge is to cover the cost of printing and shipping. AOPA Aviation Services specialists are available at that number from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday.

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