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Pilot Products

Stenbock & Everson ChartCase

A new entrant has joined the fray of companies building electronic flight bags (EFBs). EFBs are scaled-down laptop computers designed to provide everything a pilot needs in the form of weather and navigation information to complete a flight. ChartCase from Stenbock & Everson includes complete FAA data for flight planning, electronic approach charts, and a basic off-line flight planner. When connected to the Internet, ChartCase provides access to FlightPrep, the company's multifunction graphical flight-planning engine with approach charts and on-course overlays of TFRs, SUAs, and Nexrad weather shown in a single-pass high-speed Web image. The company says ChartCase brings new functionality and complete paperless cockpit data to general aviation pilots at a fraction of the cost of the various products that would be needed to match ChartCase. Off-line, ChartCase has complete FAA instrument approach charts in PDF (printable) format for the entire United States. They are accessed using ChartCase's graphical search engine. The charts are updated every 56 days via CD-ROM.

Price: $199.95 for a one-time purchase with no updates; $299.95 for an annual subscription with 56-day updates

Pegasus Interactive VFlite

When you seek the right instruction for learning to use a GPS receiver, there are two things that you should look for: model specificity and hands-on learning. The ultimate is to find an experienced instructor and learn about the GPS installed in your panel one-on-one. But many of us don't have access to that kind of expert training, or we'd like a portable way to learn while we're on the road or weathered in.

Pegasus Interactive has developed VFlite, its trainer for the panel-mount Garmin GNS 430/530 GPS receivers. The Windows- and Mac-compatible software on a single CD offers truly interactive, thorough training on these units. Being an occasional Garmin user (a 530 is installed in a colleague's airplane that I rarely fly), I often found myself tripped up by the differences between the 530 and the UPS Aviation Technologies Apollo GX-60 that I use more often. So I went through the entire VFlite module to fill in the gaps.

The software is divided into logical sections: start-up, pretakeoff, departure, en route, arrival, and quick tips. Each section is further broken down into segments detailing various functions. Within each segment the software has three modes: demo, training, and solo. The demo mode plays a demonstration of a particular function on the receiver, complete with narration and text. The training mode prompts you through the same actions using a simulated receiver. The solo mode gives you actions to make but you must select the appropriate buttons and twists without prompting. Also, the software includes simulators for both units for you to play with on your own. A pilot's manual is included.

I found the demos to be fast-paced — painless for someone with some working knowledge of GPS units but a little quick for a novice. Use the pause button to slow things down, and you can replay a section any time you like. The examples are carefully chosen to illustrate "gotchas" inherent to the Garmins and to GPS units on the whole (not that there are many, but you need to know what they are), such as remembering to switch from VLOC (VOR/localizer navigation) to GPS after flying an ILS approach and returning to GPS navigation.

VFlite comes in a standard version and a plus version that includes the standalone 430 and 530 simulators, simulator exercises, progress tracking, and an intro flight overview.

Price: $159.95 intro price for the standard version; $199.95 intro price for the plus version
Contact: 610/738-6901;

CleenShield microfiber cloths

Plexiglass windshields are light and impact-resistant, but they scratch easily — which means when cleaning them you need something a lot less harsh than window cleaner and paper towels. CleenShield cloths are made from microfiber, which is more absorbent and less abrasive than cotton.

"I tried the CleenShield cloths as directed on several aircraft. After wetting the plexiglass surface with water and applying aviation-specific nonubrasive polish to the cloth, we were able to clean the windshield easily, leaving a slight haze to be polished off during a second pass with a dry section of the cloth. The cloths come in a plastic tube for storage and should be washed — without bleach or fabric softener — after they are soiled. The edges aren't sewn, so they will fray some after time, but the company that produces them, Oakridge Air, expects each cloth to last more than a year. In fact, Oakridge Air showed us a cloth it had been using for several months, and it was softer than before and still intact with good heft. Two 18-by-18-inch cloths come in each tube, so that you can keep one in the airplane while the other is in the laundry. Order CleenShield cloths through King Schools catalog (, Wings & Things (, or Banyan Air (

Price: $14.95
Contact: 415/479-0279;


ProScan Avionics produces the FSM2000, an annunciator panel STCed for several Beechcraft Bonanza models. The system features stall speed, gear position, fuel level, and carbon monoxide warning lights. Installation time is 22 to 30 hours.

Price: $2,795
Contact: 763/780-9190;

Airea Rugs creates custom-made rugs featuring a pilot's or aircraft owner's favorite bird, right down to the paint scheme and N number. The one-of-a-kind rugs are typically delivered within 30 days.

Price: $25 to $50 each square foot
Contact: 520/212-7847;

AvShop released version 2.0 of its Aviation's Best Software, a comprehensive review and compilation of demos from popular software titles issued by ASA, Jeppesen, and others.

Price: free
Contact: 574/267-3525;

Soros Incorporated's Airflow Enhancement Kit works with Ventubes improved air vents in various Cessna piston singles to improve ventilation in the cabin and replace existing and deteriorating ventilation tubes in those aircraft.

Price: $75 each pair of Ventubes; $50 for Airflow Enhancement Kit
Contact: 940/668-8470;

David Clark Company received a patent for its new Comfort-Gel aviation headset ear seals. The shape allows for 30 percent more room for the pilot's ears within the headset ear cup, is lighter, and is oversized to better dissipate pressure exerted by the headband.

Price: standard on all new David Clark headsets
Contact: 508/751-5800;

3M Aerospace has developed the Scotch-Brite Aircraft Cleaning Pad 33, a pad that is coated with a nonabrasive polymer to improve wet friction. It does not alter or harm high-gloss coatings, and can be used in conjunction with pressure-wash systems. It comes in three sizes and is effective with aircraft cleaning agents and several commercially available cleaners.

Price: approximately $2 each pad
Contact: 800/362-3550;

The new RS Beeper Box from Judith Mountain Technologies allows pilots to remotely control engine preheating systems. The RS Beeper Box features 18 settings and an adjustable "preheater on" mode; the pilot uses a standard pager to activate the timer.

Price: $369
Contact: 888/449-3759;

Unless otherwise stated, products listed herein have not been evaluated by AOPA Pilot editors. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors. However, members unable to get satisfaction regarding products listed should advise AOPA. To submit products for evaluation, contact: New Products Editor, AOPA Pilot , 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, Maryland 21701; telephone 301/695-2350. Links to all Web sites referenced in this issue can be found on AOPA Online (

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