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Minnesota Pilot Alert

Minnesota Pilot Alert

Attention, Minnesota pilots: Your help is needed in opposing Minnesota House Bill 74 and Senate Bill 79 that would remove $15 million from the state's airport fund and deposit that money into the general fund. The funds in the state airport fund are derived from state sales tax on aircraft fuel purchases, aircraft registration tax, and airline property tax. Every time you fuel up your aircraft, you are paying money into this account. Shouldn't that money be used to support aviation and airports?

AOPA has written to the leaders of the Minnesota House of Representatives opposing H.B.74. Any transfer of money from this fund now or in the future could jeopardize important state programs such as the airport construction program, airport maintenance and operation program, and other state grant aid programs for airports. AOPA encourages all Minnesota members to contact their state representatives. Let them know that the proposed budget cut would negatively impact the airports in your community. You can find your elected officials' contact information online.

January 23, 2003

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