The FAA has issued a proposed rule aimed at broadening its ability to take enforcement action against anyone who makes false or misleading statements regarding the airworthiness of aircraft products, parts, and materials. Existing laws and regulations already cover repair stations, mechanics, and aircraft owners and operators, but this rule would expand the FAA's authority to persons who are not currently directly regulated, such as distributors and brokers. "Most suppliers are law-abiding citizens who take certification and safety very seriously to meet the needs of the diverse general aviation fleet," said AOPA Vice President Melissa Bailey. "AOPA is reviewing this proposal to make sure it doesn't have the unintended effect of driving out those in the business of supplying these parts to the industry or any adverse effects on individual aircraft owners." It's important that pilots have access to parts to maintain the diverse and aging general aviation fleet of aircraft. Comments on the proposal are due to the FAA no later than August 4, 2003.