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Rain can't keep them away from AOPA Fly-In

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IFR conditions and a constant rain just couldn't keep pilots and other aviation enthusiasts away from AOPA's thirteenth annual Fly-In and Open House.

By midday, an estimated 1,600 people had driven in to see the aircraft on static display, visit the more than 100 vendors, and take part in the 14 seminars being offered. Forty-five aircraft flew in through instrument meteorological conditions this morning, joining another 45 that had arrived during Friday's better weather.

AOPA President Phil Boyer packed the Speakers Tent for his first-ever Fly-In seminar. Because the Fly-In draws primarily from the Mid-Atlantic region, Boyer spent a good deal of time discussing the special airspace challenges that restrictions around Washington, D.C., pose. He also dedicated nearly half of his seminar to answering members' questions.

Rain also kept the AOPA Centennial of Flight Sweepstakes aircraft in the hangar, but with the door wide open, members still had an opportunity to get a close look at "their" 1940 Waco UPF-7 biplane.

The Fly-In continues until 5 p.m. this evening.


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